Mount Shasta, in the northernmost part of California, has been a center of mystery for many students of ‘metaphysics’. The mountain is an extinct volcano and is the source of several Indian legends in the area. The following account can be found on pages 257-258 of “A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS” by Phylos (the Tibetan).  A similar account can be found in “AN EARTH DWELLERS RETURN”, by the same:    “Beside a roaring, dashing mountain torrent, falling in myriad cascades […] Read More

A Guide to the Inner Earth: M

**** M ****   Macculloch, John A. – CELTIC MYTHOLOGY., pp. 125-126: The cave of “Cruachan” – also known as “Ireland’s gate to Hell”; a legendary and ancient cave from which – according to legend – strange creatures would emerge in ancient times, causing havoc on the surface.   Macklin, John – STRANGE DESTINIES., Ace Books., NY.: The story of the “green-skinned children” who emerged from a cavern, speaking an unknown language. (Also see: Drake, W.B.)   McClellan, Alec […] Read More

The Modocs & Paihutes: Legends of California

The Modoc tribe tell that ‘ thousands of snows ago, there was a great storm over Mt. Shasta. The Great Spirit, who lived within the mountain, sent his youngest daughter out to speak to the storm and tell it to stop blowing so hard, or else the mountain might blow over. He also told her not to stick her head out the top of the mountain, or the wind could catch her long, red hair, and blow her away. […] Read More

Secrets of the Subterranean Cities 1

by Sharula Dux from SoulWise Website Sharula Dux is a princess of the underground city of Telos. Telos is situated beneath Mt. Shasta in northern California. The ancient continent of Lemuria (Mu) relocated 25,000 of its inhabitants to Telos just prior to the destruction and sinking of the continent of Mu which transpired as a direct result of the Atlantean-Lemurian conflict nearly 12,000 years ago. Sharula has emerged from her subterranean home to bring to the surface the higher truths that have […] Read More