1978: UNDER ANTARCTICA – Fact Or Fiction?

George Wilfehrt, 8-78 (*Note all names have been changed I hadn’t seen by nephew John in years. (His true identity has been changed to protect him from possible persecution by the authorities.) Through the family grapevine, I learned he had gotten a doctorate in geology and had joined the navy. I was surprised when he called the office not long ago to invite me out to lunch. He sounded nervous over the phone and refused to talk about his recent history until we were alone. I […] Read More


ConclusionIn concluding this history of my adventures, I wish to state that I firmly believe science is yet in its infancy concerning the cosmology of the earth. There is so much that is unaccounted for by the world’s accepted knowledge of to-day, and will ever remain so until the land of “The Smoky God” is known and recognized by our geographers. It is the land from whence came the great logs of cedar that have been found by explorers […] Read More

The Subterranean Origin of the Flying Saucers

Below is an excerpt from the seventh chapter of The Hollow Earth, first published in 1969, by Dr. Raymond Bernard, which is said to be a pen name. The conception of a hollow earth presented in this book offers the most reasonable theory of the origin of the flying saucers and is far more logical than the belief in their interplanetary origin. For this reason, leading flying saucer experts, as Ray Palmer, editor of “Flying Saucers” magazine, and Gray […] Read More

The Hollow Earth

by R. Bernard, showing the true nature of our world. For a long time I have been intrigued by the concept of the Hollow Earth. I remember reading Raymond Bernard’s book on the subject ( The Hollow Earth – 1979 ) in the mid 1980’s and felt a strong affinity for the whole idea. Next, I read a strange book called “Etidorhpa” by John Uri Llyod written in the late 1890’s about a person who traveled from the Outer […] Read More

Aurora Australis Marks The Southern Orifice

The following is a sped-up NASA film clip of the aurora australis. One thing that is unique about this clip is that it shows the aurora emanating from an orifice in the continent of Antarctica. This observation flies in the face of the accepted theory that the aurora is directly caused by the solar winds. We suggest that radiations from the Sun, including the solar winds, well up within the hollow portion of the Earth and are expelled at […] Read More

The Cook Society & Hollow Planets

by Jan Lamprecht http://www.hollowplanets.com/   The Polar Regions have long featured as a core part of the Hollow Earth theory. Probably the most detailed study of this aspect was done by two prominent Hollow Earthers in the early 1900’s: Gardner & Reed.   When I wrote my book, HOLLOW PLANETS, it was obvious that there errors with the old ideas of gigantic polar holes. For a long time I concerned myself with seismology, geology, astronomy and meteorology.   But […] Read More


Chapter 18 – Hitler Escaped!

I remember hearing, in the 1950s, rumors that Hitler had escaped to a secret Nazi base at the South Pole. In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower said: “We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler’s death. Many people believe that Hitler escaped from Berlin.“When President Truman asked Joseph Stalin at the Potsdam conference in 1945 whether or not Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, ‘No.‘ Stalin’s top army officer, Marshall Gregory Zhukov, whose troops were […] Read More