An Underground Base in the Antarctica

Parallelly, while the Germanic scientists improved VRIL, the HAUNEBU, and the RFZ, other ” strangers ” events had,  they were happened quickly, starting from 1938. But we begin for this part of the history of the XX Century, partially ignored, and that involved Portugal directly. One of the great problems that they came across in the XX Century, after the I World War  (1914-1918), it was the mail transport between Europe and America. Already then, in the twenties, two […] Read More

Theory into Fact: Gravity, Magnetic Poles & Ringing Bells

The father of The Hollow Earth Theory Marshall B. Gardner says:“In gravitational pull it is not the geometrical position that counts. Center, in the geometrical sense of the word, does not apply. It is the mass that attracts. And if the great mass of the earth is in its thick shell, it is the mass of that shell that will attract, and not a mere geometrical point, which is not in the shell, but 2900 miles away from it, […] Read More