A Guide to the Inner Earth: J

**** J ****   James, Harry C. – PAGES FROM HOPI HISTORY., Chapt. 6 includes a photograph of a strange mound believed by some Hopi elders to be the Sipapu entrance to the Hopi underworld. (Also see: Courlander, Harold)   Jamison, Prof. William – HOLLOW WORLDS., Prof. Jamison was a former geology professor at the University of California. (Also see: Borino, Bob)   Jennings, Hargrave – THE ROSICRUCIANS; THEIR RITES AND MYSTERIES., John C. Nimmo Co., London., 1887. Chapt. […] Read More

Project Redbook: C

PROJECT REDBOOK: C CALIFORNIA, 29 PALMS MARINE BASE – Underground facilities involved with recovered alien technology and research. Also a geological anomaly in the area created by seawater rushing into underlying caverns when the area was underwater, creating a tunnel-like structure from which UFOs have been seen to emerge. Attempts of Army personnel to send cameras down resulted in the camera cables being “cut“, and attempts to send military speleologists down on ropes resulted in the explorers being exposed […] Read More