Norway’s Underground

Norway’s Underground [google_map_easy id=”41″] Location: Finnmark Norway Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:   Source:   Location: Lilledal Norway Functions: Unknown Levels: Unknown Tunnels to: Unknown Notes:  A hundred miles SW of Trondheim, Lilledal is a small valley running into Sundalen fjord from the south, close to the bottom of Sundalsora. A subterranean passage is said to go through the Fjeld Kalken which rises over Yulevolden, reaching from Hovedalen to Lilledalen. An iron gate is supposed to be in the passage […] Read More

Is Earth’s Inner Sun the missing Twelfth Planet?

Earth’s inner red sun rising through one of the polar openings. If you thought the hollow earth was a shocker, you’re in for an even greater shock; Earth’s reddish inner central sun is also hollow and inhabited within and without! Does this make it a planet? Perhaps our twelfth planet? If so, where does this put Nibiru or Planet X? There is every indication that the once great planet Nibiru, Maldek, or Planet X, was blown up causing the […] Read More

Inner Earth Schematic

Heaven is an inner, central, and solar location, whereas Paradise and Hell are outer, earthly, or planetary locations. A good example of this is the common wheel; the hub or center represents Heaven whereas the rim represents Earth, of which Paradise and Hell are part. The spokes of the wheel represent the interconnecting roads or gateways between the two. The horoscope chart is another example with its center, spokes and rim, as is Plato’s landscape description of the legendary […] Read More