1963: The Cave of the Ancients – Summary 5

“I want also to tell you, Lobsang, that every person has a basic frequency of vibration, that is, every person’s molecules vibrate at a certain rate and the wavelength generated by a person’s brain can fall into special groups. No two persons have the same wavelength – not the same wavelength identical in every respect, but when two people are near the same wavelength, or when their wavelength follows certain octaves of the other, then they are said to […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients – Summary 4

Yes, I had been complacent, I had thought that this time the Teacher would not be able to find the slightest fault with me. My own superior attitude had, of course, in no small measure contributed toward the exasperation (irritasjon) of that Teacher. I nodded in agreement, “Yes, Honourable Lama, I am as much to blame as anyone.” My Guide looked at me, smiled, and nodded in approval. “Later, Lobsang, you will be going to Chungking in China, as […] Read More

Underground Caverns

1963: The Cave of the Ancients – Summary 3

I sat there, with the evening shadows stealing across the room, bathing the Lama Mingyar Dondup in the growing dusk, and as the dusk increased I saw his aura flaring with the great gold of spirituality. To me, clairvoyantly, the light was bright indeed and interpenetrated the dusk itself. My clairvoyant perceptions told me – as if I did not know before – that there I was in the presence of one of the greatest men of Tibet. I felt […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients – Summary 2

He frowned slightly as he continued, “Many people find that the sexual impulse is a great drive. Some people for one reason or another use methods of sublimating that sexual drive, and they may turn to things spiritual. Once a man or a woman has turned away from a thing they become a deadly enemy to that thing. There is no greater reformer – no greater campaigner – against the evils of drink than the reformed drunkard! In the […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 14

He replaced the lid and turned away to another device standing on a table at a far corner. He was just leading the way to that table when the Medical Lama Chinrobnobo came into the room again and joined us. “Ah!” he said, coming over to us, “so you are going to test his thought power? Good! I must be in on this!” My Guide pointed to a queer cylinder of what appeared to be rough paper. “This, Lobsang, […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 13

I felt really gleeful (frydefull) about that, because I could see all the colours in that space and I hastened to say so. “Yes, yes, Lobsang! I know you can see in that space, for you are one of our most talented in this direction, but I was pretending that you could not see the aura at all, because I have to explain all this to you.” The Medical Lama looked at me reprovingly (bebreidende)- reprovingly, no doubt, for […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 12

“Ow! Honourable Lama! Where are you?” I cried, running across the road in search of my Guide. Into the little park I stumbled, almost tripping over my own eager feet. “So!” smiled my Guide, sitting peacefully on a fallen bole, “So! You are excited, you have just discovered that the ‘blind’ man sees as well as you.” I stood panting, panting from lack of breath and from indignation. “Yes!” I exclaimed, “the man is a fraud, a robber, for […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 11

My Guide read my thoughts, “Yes!” he said, “the old man is not mental. He gave himself mental indigestion by reading everything and anything and not absorbing any of it. He imagines that he is a great man, a man of surpassing spirituality. Instead he is a poor old blunderer who deceives no one so much as himself.” The Lama sighed sadly and said, “He is spiritually bankrupt, knowing all but knowing nothing. The insensate, indiscriminate (ukritiske) and ill-advised […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 10

In the morning I arose and had my breakfast and then was about to make my way to the Lamas’ Quarters. As I was leaving the room a hulking monk in a tattered robe grabbed me. “Hey, you!” he said, “you work in the kitchen this morning – cleaning millstones too!” “But Sir!” I replied, “my Guide the Lama Mingyar Dondup wants me.” I attempted to squeeze past. “No, you come with me. Doesn’t matter who wants you, I say you are going […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 8

here the addition – about the true identity of Rampa: In 1956, London publishers Secker and Warburg brought out what they thought was a very good occult book. Never did they, nor Doubleday and Company the New York publishers, forsee that the book would suddenly capture the imagination of two nations as the general public read the most fascinating book on Tibet ever published. The book was autobiographic and told the strange and inspiring story of a Tibetan monk […] Read More