1963: The Cave of the Ancients 7

We moved to the panel which the Lama Mingyar Dondup had told me about previously, and at our approach it opened with a grating creak, so loud in the silence of the place that I think we all jumped with alarm. Inside was the darkness, profound, almost as if we had clouds of blackness swirling about us. Our feet were guided by shallow channels in the floor. We shuffled (subbet) along, and when the channels ended we sat. As […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 6

“Slowly, almost imperceptibly, a misty glow formed in the darkness before us. At first it was just a suspicion of blue-pink light, almost as if a ghost were materialising before our gaze. The mistlight spread, becoming brighter so that we could see the outlines of incredible machines filling this large hall, all except the centre of the floor upon which we sat. The light drew in upon itself, swirling, fading, and becoming brighter and then it formed and remained […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 5

CHAPTER FIVE I hurried along the corridors, rushing round corners to the peril of those who got in’ my way. An old monk grabbed me in passing, shook me, and said, “It is not good to have this unseemly haste, boy, it is not the way of the true Buddhist!” Then he peered into my face, recognised me as the ward (–under oppsyn av) of the Lama Mingyar Dondup. With a muttered sound that appeared to be “ulp!” he dropped me […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 4

“When I was a boy,” he said, “I travelled far and went to India. There I saw the hermits encloistered within their caves, and some of them appeared to have attained to enlightenment.” He shook his head; “The ordinary people were very lazy, spending their days beneath the trees. Ah! It was a sad sight!” “Holy Sir!” I interrupted, “I should much prefer to hear of the hermitages of Tibet.” “Eh? What’s that?” he asked feebly. “Oh yes, the […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 2

Monks were coming into the Sanctuary; chelas darted around lighting more butter lamps, more incense. We rose to our feet and walked out into the cool of the evening where a slight breeze played with the leaves of the willows. The great trumpets sounded from the Potala so far away, and dimly the echoes rolled around the walls of the State Oracle Lamasery. Further some from page 46 where the wisdom and “the hidden knowledge” is the theme. …. […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 3

“Sir!” I said to my Guide the Lama Mingyar Dondup some hours later, “Sir! is there a God? Or Gods?” He looked down at me and said, “Let us go and sit on the roof, Lobsang, we can hardly talk here in this crowded place.” He turned and led the way along the corridor, out through the Lamas’ quarters, up the notched pole and so on to the roof. For a moment we stood looking at the well-loved scene, the towering […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients – Summary

From the fantastic book from T. LOBSANG RAMPA – (some words are translated to norwegian and there may be some wordmistakes here because this is scanned from the book) In this extract Lobsangs guide first tell him about the roots of Christianity and the western peoples opinion on sex – and how the early Christian priests decided that sex was unclean. Again remember that this happened almost 100 years ago – but the wisdom here is timeless. We read […] Read More

1963: The Cave of the Ancients 9

Hypnosis and telepathy On page 107 the young Lobsang Rampas teacher is describing the nature of hypnosis. ….”Come in!” said my Guide as I approached his door. “I thought you had gone back to sleep.” “Sir!” I said, “I have come to you for instruction. I am anxious to know the nature of hypnotism.” “Lobsang,” said my Guide, “you have to learn much more than that. You have to learn the basis for hypnotism first. otherwise you do not […] Read More