Mount Shasta, in the northernmost part of California, has been a center of mystery for many students of ‘metaphysics’. The mountain is an extinct volcano and is the source of several Indian legends in the area. The following account can be found on pages 257-258 of “A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS” by Phylos (the Tibetan).  A similar account can be found in “AN EARTH DWELLERS RETURN”, by the same:    “Beside a roaring, dashing mountain torrent, falling in myriad cascades […] Read More

1970: THE UNEXPLAINED: Mount Rainier, Washington

F. L. Boschke’s book “THE UNEXPLAINED”, Pages 103-105, contains the following interesting story: “It is understandable that when volcanoes are inactive, they are covered with snow and ice. Many volcanoes rise out of “the eternal ice”. One of the tallest volcanoes in the world is Mount Rainier, in Washington, in the northwestern United states. This mountain, which lies south of the port of Seattle, is 14,000 feet high and naturally the top of it is covered with ice. However, there is […] Read More