A Guide to the Inner Earth: M

**** M ****   Macculloch, John A. – CELTIC MYTHOLOGY., pp. 125-126: The cave of “Cruachan” – also known as “Ireland’s gate to Hell”; a legendary and ancient cave from which – according to legend – strange creatures would emerge in ancient times, causing havoc on the surface.   Macklin, John – STRANGE DESTINIES., Ace Books., NY.: The story of the “green-skinned children” who emerged from a cavern, speaking an unknown language. (Also see: Drake, W.B.)   McClellan, Alec […] Read More

Inner Earth Schematic

Heaven is an inner, central, and solar location, whereas Paradise and Hell are outer, earthly, or planetary locations. A good example of this is the common wheel; the hub or center represents Heaven whereas the rim represents Earth, of which Paradise and Hell are part. The spokes of the wheel represent the interconnecting roads or gateways between the two. The horoscope chart is another example with its center, spokes and rim, as is Plato’s landscape description of the legendary […] Read More

Underground Civilizations

Image by Jon De Pew There are supposedly other races that exist beneath the surface of this planet. They live in the third dimension or higher.  AGARTHA – LINK WITH SHAMBALAThere is a civilization of people living in the center of the earth known as Agartha. Buddist and Indian theology affirms their existence. The Buddhist theory: It is believed to be a race of supermen and superwomen who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the […] Read More