Chapter 31/32 – War of the Caverns

TESTIMONY OF CHARLES HAMEL BEFORE THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS: WAR OF THE CAVERNS, by Tom Lucas “If the importance of the caverns beneath Siloam Springs and Eureka Springs [CIA-Masonic-Mafia ‘underground‘ drug capital in Arkansas…] is a bane of contention between the picturesque little towns, Hot Springs, Arkansas, would be the next logical choice for investigation. During the 1930 Prohibition days, it was frequently reported in a […] Read More

Standard Oil Logo

Chapter 29 – Population Control, NAZIs & The U.N.

 — by Anton Chaitkin ROCKEFELLER AND MASS MURDER The ROCKEFELLER Foundation is the PRIME SPONSOR of public relations for the UNITED NATION‘S drastic depopulation program, which the world is invited to accept at the UN’s scheduled September conference in Cairo, Egypt. Evidence in the possession of a growing number of researchers in America, England, and Germany demonstrates that the Foundation and its CORPORATE, MEDICAL, and POLITICAL associates organized the racial MASS MURDER program of NAZI GERMANY. These globalists, who […] Read More

Chapter 26 – Sam Russell’s ‘Open Mind Forum’ program

More information on the Nazi Antarctic efforts and their attempts to impose a global dictatorship comes from Bulgarian physicist Vladimir Terziski. The following interview between Talk Show host Sam Russell and Terziski took place between 8-10 P.M., June 5th, 1993 on Sam Russell’s ‘OPEN MIND FORUM‘ program, KTKK [K-TALK] Radio in Salt Lake City, Utah. We will quote only those portions of the extensive conversation which tie-in directly with the subject at hand (Note: Some of the spellings of […] Read More

Chapter 25 – Germans Economic MIRACLE

For more information on how the “economic miracle” was accomplished after the war by the Germans, you can read such books as “Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile” by Paul Manning. [ “…Bormann became the guiding force in the ‘economic miracle’ that led to the rebirth of the German industry and finance in the thirty-five years following the political and military defeat. In the waning months of World War II, as the Third Reich was tottering and finally crumbling in […] Read More

Map of the Falkland Island

Chapter 24 – The Falkland Islands War

The Falkland Islands War had more to do with NAZI‘S [Antarctica] than with Argentina… The Germans, FROM THEIR ANTARCTIC BASE, began to INFILTRATE into Argentina, Chile, etc., and bought large tracts of land and swept up corporations. They also invested in corporations in Germany and elsewhere, with plans to make a comeback. They used the German treasury, captured treasure from other nations, and counterfeit American currency printed on real U.S. currency printing plates given to the Russians and captured […] Read More

Chapter 23 – German Flying Discs

Hitler’s advanced technology included intercontinental ballistic missiles, vertical takeoff aircraft, jet engines, cruise missiles, sound cannons, and many other advanced items. The Allies captured plans for what became the Boeing 747 Jumbo jet. Among the most secret items captured were planned for flying disks, that were at first called “Krautmeteors.” Based on the evidence, they were built as early as around 1933 and went into mass production in 1940. Scientists involved in these projects were Bellonzo, Schriever, Miethe and […] Read More

German U-Boat

Chapter 21 – German Submarines in the South Atlantic

The newspaper “France Soir” had the following account: “Almost 1-1/2 years AFTER cessation of hostilities in Europe, the Islandic [Icelandic?] Whaler, ‘Juliana‘ was stopped by a large German U-boat. The Juliana was in the ANTARCTIC region around Malvinas [now Falkland] Islands when a German submarine surfaced and raised the German official naval Flag of Mourning — red with a black edge. The submarine commander sent out a boarding party, which approached the Juliana in a rubber dinghy and having […] Read More

UN Trucks on US Soil

Chapter 16 – U.S. Military Officers Shackled by U.N. Forces

A report from SEVENTH WEEK MAGAZINE states that U.S. Military Officers were observed gagged, cuffed, and shackled to their seats aboard a white U.N. 747 en route to the Federal Transfer Center in OKLAHOMA! Part of this report follows: “At a survival/preparation seminar in S.E. Oklahoma, on 3/25/95, an attendee interrupted one speaker and stated that a neighbor, who apparently serves as a reserve crew member aboard one of the all-white, unmarked, United Nations B-747 aircraft [which are assigned […] Read More

Chapter 12 – The Group’s Funding: Congressional Payoffs

During W.W.II the Group arranged through the GERMAN war machine and von Ribbentrop‘s ‘diplomacy‘ to loot the treasuries of Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, The Netherlands, other states and the gold and jewels once owned by murdered Jews. Gehlen oversaw the ‘Odesa‘ operation in about 1942-45 in which most of the bullion, stolen art, and the Jews’ gold was shipped by various means to ARGENTINA. The missing gold alone, in PRE-1939 DOLLARS, was worth $600 million. [Go look up what pre-’39 […] Read More

Chapter 11 – The Group’s Operations since WW II

When their man, Hitler, went out of control they drugged him into oblivion and implemented the death camp ‘model‘ under Bormann. Early in W.W.II, there was a conference hosted by King George in the English countryside at which representatives from all walks of life from all over agreed on a plan to undermine and overthrow the US and Russian states. Representatives of all the monarchies mentioned above attended. At the end of W.W.II, GEN. GEHLEN ran two operations in […] Read More