by Jan Lamprecht
The Polar Regions have long featured as a core part of the Hollow Earth theory. Probably the most detailed study of this aspect was done by two prominent Hollow Earthers in the early 1900’s: Gardner & Reed.
When I wrote my book, HOLLOW PLANETS, it was obvious that there errors with the old ideas of gigantic polar holes. For a long time I concerned myself with seismology, geology, astronomy and meteorology.
But I always felt that at some point I would have to address the polar problem. It was not easy to do. Eventually I tackled the problem. I started by following up on things which Gardner and Reed had said but I made little progress. For example, both of them claimed warm air emanated from inside the Hollow Earth.
I wondered if this could be true. If the Earth has a thick crust then there is a great distance for air to travel from the Inner Earth to the Outer Earth. If this tunnel were largely in darkness then surely the air would cool down while travelling hundreds and perhaps thousands of miles to the surface? I also realized that a Polar hole could never be as large as Gardner and Reed believed. So I proposed the idea that the Polar Hole was much smaller.
It seemed a better idea. Later I made important discoveries which supported this idea. I was curious about the accusations which flew about regarding the Peary and Cook controversy. Cook had claimed to have reached the North Pole one year before Peary. Cook was discredited.
But many years later, in the 1980’s, the National Geographic magazine published an article which discredited Peary as well. I was curious about Peary’s sledging speeds which increased in speed as he approached the Pole. I was curious as to whether this increase in speed was real or only apparent. I wondered whether he had been fooled by a shortened horizon as he was actually heading over the rim of a gigantic hole!!! My investigations however took many unexpected twists and turns.
English: Frederick Cook's photograph of Bradle...
English: Frederick Cook’s photograph of Bradley Land, north of Crocker Land. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I concluded that Peary’s sleding speeds did not represent anything abnormal. The ice in the vicinity of the North Pole becomes flatter and it is easier to travel across. This could explain his increase in speed. But what could not be explained was Peary’s sightings of a strange land off the coast of Ellesmere Island in the north of Canada. Peary twice reported seeing enormous mountains off the coast. He called this place Crocker Land. Later MacMillan and Green went looking for it. But Peary was not the only one who saw land in this region.

Dr Cook had not only seen it but had PHOTOGRAPHED IT! Cook had called it Bradley Land. He had walked along its coastline for 40 miles while on his way to the North Pole. The coastline he saw lay somewhat eastward of Peary’s Crocker Land. Cook’s photograph has since become an object of great debate.
It was said that Cook faked it – but no one can prove where exactly it was faked. Many lies have been told about Cook which have subsequently been found out. I noted with great fascination that some members of the Cook Society have even been threatened and harrassed when trying to get the truth about Dr Cook out. I think that there are powerful forces who want to keep a lid on this entire business.
But what could be so important to warrant this kind of attention? I made contact with the Frederick A. Cook Society while writing my book. I asked them for information. To my amazement they told me that Amundsen, the discoverer of the South Pole, had flown in the vicinity of Bradley Land in the late 1920’s and had seen land birds flying in its direction. Since Canada was too far away for the birds to have come from it, Amundsen believed that Bradley Land was real. Another explorer, Wilkins, also believed he had flown over snow and ice-covered land in the vicinity. I was to discover that in 1914, MacMillan and Green (both Naval Officers), set off to find Crocker Land. They saw some amazing mirages of a large piece of land ringed with enormous mountains. They ran low on food and eventually turned back from the Arctic sea. I was to learn, after my Art Bell interview in September 1999, that Green fervently believed this land to be real. In 1923 he wrote an amazing article in Popular Science, wherein he spoke of an island the size of Pennsylvania (50,000 Sq Miles) existing there. Green said the US Navy should send its largest airship to this island to find out what was on it. Green had discovered that the Eskimos in Greenland knew of this place. Several hundred years ago Vikings from Iceland had settled in Greenland. After living there for some time, these Vikings lost contact with Europe.
The Europeans however never forgot about them, and some centuries later the Europeans went to look for them. All they found were the ruins of their villages. But where had the 9,000 Vikings gone? Lt. Cmdr. Green was to discover that the Eskimos in Greenland knew. The Eskimos said that the “white people” had all packed their bags and set off for a land which is eternally warm. This land can be reached by walking for one “moon” (month) across the ice by heading slightly west of the North Pole! Green knew where this place was. This is exactly how one reaches Crocker Land from Greenland! So Lt Cmdr Green believed the US Navy would find the Vikings alive and well on this large island. Furthermore, he believed he knew why this place was warm. It was warm because of geysers such asone finds in Iceland. MacMillan himself did not give up completely either. In 1925 he and Lt Cmdr Byrd took three amphibious planes up to Ellesmere island. They tried setting up a base there from whence they could fly out over the Arctic sea in the direction of Crocker Land. Even then, MacMillan seemed to believe something existed there. In the November 1925 issue of National Geographic he wrote:- “One great area in the Polar Sea remains a mystery – roughly, that between Alaska and the Pole and northwest of Axel Heiberg Island. Here at least twice land has been reported and here tidal experts have predicted that it would be…” In that same issue of National Geographic magazine, on page 225, it mentions that Lt Cmdr Richard Byrd would be in command of the three amphibious aircraft which would be flying in this area. It goes on to say: “If these air caravels of 1925 FIND A NEW CONTINENT, THEIR PILOTS WILL WIN A PLACE IN THE HALL OF FAME OF GREAT EXPLORERS.” (The emphasis is mine).
Clearly, even then, these Arctic experts were still expecting to find a Polar Continent! But this land cannot be found on any map today. Nevertheless, there is evidence for it. And it is this evidence which I am amassing for articles in two Arctic journals, one of them being POLAR PRIORITIES, which is the Cook Society’s journal. The Cook Society was very helpful but they really did not think much of my idea that there is an undiscovered land in the Arctic. They did not know what my book was about. I really did not want to tell them because I thought the whole Hollow Earth idea would not go down well with them. Someone from my List Service e-mailed them one day to tell them that my book told the story of Dr Cook and how he had been discredited and attacked for no reason. The Cook Society was curious and bought four copies of my book. The Arctic experts and historians of the Cook Society were fascinated by my arguments. The next thing I knew I was getting congratulatory e-mails from the President and Vice-President of the Society.
Their committee had held its quarterly meeting and had discussed my book at length. The whole committee wished me well and they volunteered more information. Even the Vice-President, who had previously not been keen on my Polar Continent idea, admitted to me that my research raised many questions. I had pointed out holes in their own arguments. Both the President, Russell Gibbons, and the Vice-President, Prof (Dr) Ralph Myerson, have openly stated that Academics should take a serious look at my book. To see this, go to my website at: and click on my guestbook where you can read their postings. They helped me in my efforts to get someone up to Ellesmere Island to look for Crocker Land. They suggested I speak to the Sverdrup2000 organization who have a team of people up there on Ellesmere Island right now. During the past few weeks we have indeed been trying to do that. I have been e-mailing the people concerned to ask them to go to the hill from whence Peary saw Crocker Land so that they could look out there again and perhaps try to get photo and video footage of this place. Any such evidence now would re-open something which has been dormant for more than 75 years. The team-leader was not too keen to go looking for a mirage. I had somewhat more luck with another gentleman in the organization. Russell Gibbons of the Cook Society was kind enough to e-mail these people directly, asking them to follow up on my suggestions. Having support such as this is truly wonderful. After all, I am merely posing some questions and asking for answers. As expeditions o, what I am asking for is actually quite simple and cheap. My analysis of the Crocker Land expedition and what came afterwards, shows clearly that something is afoot up there. Did Vikings really move to this island? I managed to find some very old National Geographic magazines which have stories in them which are truly eye-opening. The one stated that Eskimos from Alaska had at one time been blown northwards to this land and had lived there among other Eskimos. Eskimos in both Greenland and Alaska know of this place. Perhaps the strangest possible confirmation that those Vikings are still around comes from some eskimo villagers on the northern coastline of Alaska. In the late 19th century they saw two or three strange men, dressed differently to Eskimos, and carrying spears. These men were walking along the Alaskan coast. But when they saw the Eskimos they headed out over the Arctic sea, northwards, as if going to Crocker Land. Could this be a sighting of some of those Vikings? Why isn’t this island on a map? My analysis in Chapter 16 of my book shows that this land may well lie on the edge of a Polar Hole or partially inside of it. This would explain the bizarre behaviour of the mirage. So I believe the existence of this island is classified because it is related to a Polar Hole and the inner earth. The only way to know for sure is of course to investigate the problem. I remain committed to trying to get someone up there to look into the problem of the Missing Polar Continent. I am certain that when it is found we will finally know why Dr Cook HAD TO BE DISCREDITED. It was because of his photographs. One can laugh off Peary’s visual sightings since we cannot know exactly what he saw. We can only go by what he told us. However, Dr Cook’s very clear photographs of Bradley Land are a different matter. Dr Cook also took another strange photograph, 120 miles from the North Pole it shows a piece of glacial ice. The implication of such a piece of glacial ice at that latitude is that it might originate from LAND NEARBY – in other words – Crocker Land. Dr Cook might have discovered far too much that he should not have known about. It could be that the true story of the North Pole dispute is much stranger than anyone could ever have conceived of. The solution to the problem is really simple. We need to get someone up to either Cape Colgate or Cape Thomas Hubbard (as they were called back then) on Ellesmere island, to see if we can once again spot the mirage of Crocker Land. That done, we must try to get someone to fly out there. What will we find there? Will we find a strange, warm land, surrounded by high mountains and enclosed by a thick fog produced by geysers? Will we find Eskimos living side-by-side with a thriving colony of Vikings who have lost contact with Europe for several hundred years? Do these people live on the edge of a Polar Hole? The Cook Society has been extremely accomodating and helpful. They agreed to my request for a mainstream forum. I proposed to them that I write an article for their Journal, POLAR PRIORITIES, which is read by many arctic experts. In this article I will make a case for the existence of a Polar Continent.
Currently I am busy doing new R&D especially for this article. They also proposed that I try to get an article published in another Journal which deals with the history of geographic discoveries. It is my aim therefore to try to get this idea out into the mainstream, among Arctic experts and interested parties, to see what results. Is it possible that there is a large island, larger than Iceland, sitting in the sea directly north of Alaska, and that its existence is classified? If so, this must represent the greatest mystery of our time. And indeed we must ask ourselves the chilling question as to WHY this is so?
The truth may well be stranger than any fiction we could dream up.
Regards, Jan…. * To weare the Nose with Spectacles or sett up torches bright Doe nought availe yf men be blinde or will not see the light.
Related:  1947: Admiral Richard B. Byrd's Secret Diary

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