The most notorious of all military bases. But, it should be labelled as a Military Black Operations base.

This base is staffed by both military and alien beings. Hard to imagine, that aliens work hand in hand in this base with military human beings. Such are the reports that have come out by ex-military personal that worked in Dulce. The alleged reports are very numerous.

To numerous to deny the reality of this so called chamber of horrors. I do not claim to be an expert on the subject of the Dulce base. But the information I have heard comes directly from a source that I personally know, and is a close friend. My friend revealed to me that he had an interview with one of those ex-military people that did work at Dulce.

The account of the goings on there, were beyond extraordinary. What has and does go on at Dulce needs to be known to every person in our nation. What goes on there, defy’s description. The facts revealed about the Dulce base, is not for the squeamish and light of heart. So I caution those who read this report, that you will probably find it mind boggling as well as incredibly graphic and horrifying. It is also my intent to motivate all those who read this account, to taking action in the form of demanding answers from our government and military.

What if I were to tell you, that many people are being held captive in the Dulce base, and held captive in cages 20 to 30 levels deep in the earth in underground tunnels? And what if I told you that these innocent and poor humans were being experimented upon. And allow me to name a few of the experiments that are presently going on while I write this account and report, plus the conditions in which they are being held. **** DNA experiments.

Changing the physical appearance and structure of the human body.

**** Human beings with limbs removed, for some morbid experiment.

**** Caged humans made to live in their own fecal matter and urine in the cage.

**** Humans being tortured by alien beings.

**** Inadequate nourishment for these human guinea pigs.

What I briefly listed is only but a few horrible indignities and atrocities that captive humans are going through in Dulce. Sounds like Nazi Germany all over again. These human captives will never be let go alive. Few are aware of their captivity. Imagine the emotional pain and suffering these human captives must be going through, and that they are aware that no one outside of the Dulce base knows what’s going on, or much less, would ever believe that such terrible experiments and treatment of humans is actually taking place. And did you know, that the Dulce base is supported by your tax dollars?

The money to support such bases and work like what I just mentioned, is supplied through the “Black Budget“. The Black Budget is widely known by most Congressmen, but few if any really or actually know just where the money goes, and is being used for. The last I heard of the yearly Black Budget amount was in the billions of dollars. I have heard that the Black Budget yearly needs is anywhere from 3 billion to as high as 200 billion dollars. And to think that our tax dollars is going into this so called “Black Budget”, and not knowing where our money goes, is wrong, wrong, wrong!

The Dulce Base is located in the south west of our country. It is located on a Indian Reservation. I am told there is no real way to reach the complex, accept by air. I have heard there is a rough gravel road that leads to the base, but is rarely ever traveled. And for those who wish to take a drive to find out if there really is a base by the name of Dulce, will be quickly stopped by Indian officials or by military personal and detained for several days, and bombarded by questions of why are you there, and why did you come?

Related:  1998: Brad Smith on Paul Bennewitz and Dulce

There are some reports of people who have taken an over land excursion by a jeep type of vehicle, through the rugged land in that area. But to later turn back due to the fear of military personal finding them, stopping them, and detaining them. But I won’t get into that area of Indian, as I am only focusing in on what is going on inside Dulce. The ex-military person that my friend interviewed claimed that the informants wife and child were both murdered by special agents that wanted the reports of what is going on in Dulce to stop. The military at Dulce have received fantastic alien technology.

The deal is this. The aliens have and are giving the Dulce personal incredible knowledge of technology. And for this so called gift of knowledge, the aliens are allowed to abduct and experiment on humans. The aliens have been permitted to capture and imprison in cages, human beings as specimens and recipients of DNA and other unbelievable types of experiments. It is reported there are at least 100 to 300 humans being held in deep under ground tunnels and complex’s in cages. Their are several types of aliens under Dulce. It was reported that there are both the “extraterrestrial types”, and those beings that are from earth, but from under the earth, and have been there for thousands of years before man.

There are several accounts of the Dulce Base. Some of you have already read them, or some of them. But my report is strictly going by what was told to me from a direct in person interview of a person that had worked in Dulce and saw many extraordinary things. What I find so hard to comprehend, is how can the human military personal work in such a terrible place where such horrible accounts are taking place to those people that are being held captive there. It is also known that there are certain alien races that are at Dulce, that consume human flesh for nourishment. But that is discouraged, and fresh meat of animals is supplied to those that would rather prefer human flesh.

How can such a horrible account of this non-existent Dulce base (the existence of Dulce, from what I have heard is denied. In short, the base does not exist) be true? How can something like Dulce really exist? I don’t have all the answers to those questions and many more. But what I can say, the reports about Dulce, that are available to read, are almost 100% alike. And these accounts are written by different people. Did they copy each others story? Possible. Did they just make it all up? Possible. But think on this. Their is a small town near the alleged `Dulce base, where almost every person in that town is aware of the story’s. They are also aware of the coming and going of military personal and military vehicle’s.

Their are also many credible reports from very credible sources who have seen Ufo’s in the Dulce area, and often. There is one account where several men saw a large area on the side of the mountain where the base is, open up and a Ufo hover in front of the opening and slowly entered the large opening. They also saw bright lights coming from the opening in the side of the mountain. And as I said, there were several men who saw this and have held to their account of what they saw for years. The Dulce base holds many horrible and unthinkable and inhuman secrets. There should be an outcry over Dulce.

And that outcry should first be for the innocent humans that are being held captive, experimented on and tortured. If the account of Dulce is true, and the denials of it, from the government and military have gone on, and continue, then there should be and must be some kind of investigative agency (and citizen formed) that will demand from the government and or the military, whether this is true or not. If the government, and or military deny the existence of Dulce, as well as the horrible Ufo goings on in Dulce, then the people of this nation should be allowed to enter Dulce and see it with their own eyes just what is going on. But, I don’t think that will happen, until or unless there is a major change within the government and or military. In other words, it will or may take an act of God to allow the citizens of this nation to see Dulce for themselves’s.


But I do believe, that with a massive outcry and with motivation and demands of millions of our nations people, something has to give! But we are not going to make any head way, until we, as the citizens in this country, in large numbers, actually converge on the Dulce base and demand entrance and answers. The Dulce base, like many other ultra secret military bases that exist, but don’t exist as far as the government is concerned, must give account of what they are doing. To a degree that is. We are the tax payers that support these so called non existent bases. Remember, until recently, area 51 in Nevada did not exist, and wasn’t even on the maps. But just recently, the government did acknowledge for the first time that that base in the Nevada desert does exist. And why such a dramatic turn around by the military or government in finally acknowledging the existence of area 51? It all came about because of the thousands of people that have been visiting the area around that base. They demanded answers. They discovered some important claims they had heard about on tv. Many of the visitors saw UFO’s in the sky over area 51. My point is this.

As I said, when the citizens of this country stand up and demand answers, and start to converge in areas where the bases are, the truth slowly comes out. Although, most American citizens have not seen what is inside area 51, I strongly believe that if a planned march to area 51 with lets say over 25,000 people, the gates will open. It would be very hard to cover up the mass murders of over 25,000 people in this nation without expecting a civil uprising! Think about it? It sure makes sense to me. If only a hundred people would try to gain entrance to a ultra top secret base like Dulce, that is to small a number of people. And that small number can be easily taken into custody and detained. But 25,000 to 100,000 people detained and taken into custody, I think is just not going to happen without a civil uprising throughout this nation.

And that just may be what it will take to be finally be able to see for ourselves just what is going on in these chambers of horrors. I am hoping that soon, the many custody organizations that are demanding answers, will be heard and given answers to the 50 year old or older phenomenon cover-up. There are now Ufo organizations that are trying to get the government into the courtroom and force them legally to announce the long awaited for truth of the government of Ufo’s, alien’s and just what parts the military and government are involved in and with. But if these Ufo groups who have master minded some legal strategy to win their case, may still be confronted with a wall and no answers. In that case, then the people of this nation have a legal right to demand entrance to these bases to see if the reports and the horrible accounts of what has been going on in those bases is or has really been the truth. Meanwhile, we may have a very serious and genuinely urgent problem of people being held in Dulce or other bases for alien or military experimentation.

Related:  Romania's Underground

Even if this is all alleged, there still needs to be something done in view of all the many alleged story’s, interview’s and accounts of the atrocities that may be going on in these bases. I believe that this situation must be proven out 100% either way, true or false. There are many reported cases of missing children and or adults that have never been found. There is also a report that came out a year ago, that police chiefs of police departments and sheriff’s of sheriff’s departments were informed not to say anything anymore about all the missing children cases. I had heard about this alleged report from many credible sources. This report was issued from some agency or department in the U.S. government.

If this did happen and this report was sent out, the why? I spoke with a police chief in Reeds burg, Wisconsin back in 1988 or 89 about missing children. I asked him how many missing children that we have all seen at one time or another in post offices and on milk cartons had been found. From what I recall, his answer was that many of the missing children since the 70’s, as far as he knew, have never been found. He did state that many cases had been solved, but at least 25% of all the missing children since the early 70’s were never found. He also told me, that police departments are kept up to date (at least at that time) regularly on those that have been found, and to be taken off the missing children files. I ask you this?

How many of you have ever heard anything about all the missing children since the early 70’s, and how many have been found or been found dead, murdered, or reported murdered? I for one, have never heard the outcome of all those missing kids. But as most of you, we always hear of those kids that are missing. I think there is something going on here. And I think there very well may be a connection with a certain percentage of those kids missing since the early 70’s, and the beginning of the reports of alien abductions. According to several well known reports, a deal was struck between aliens and the military in the late mid or late 60’s.

The deal was this. The aliens would give us their advanced technology for allowing them to observe humans (not abduct them). But as the report went on, the aliens broke from their deal and promise and began to abduct humans, starting in the early 70’s. And from what I recall, the early 70’s is when the milk carton idea of trying to get the word out about missing kids started.

Tv became involved beginning in the early 70’s for the first time in announcing missing children. And as I said, it was then that alien abductions really came into the public eye through tv, radio and newspapers. I think there is a connection here. The Dulce base allegedly has 100’s of people being held captive. Surely the reports of these missing people must be in some police departments file. And of course, in many reports I have written, I often state this.

I hope to God this is all untrue!

Billy Dee Founder UFOSSI 1998

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