A. They are probably inner earth drones [workers]. The deeper you get, the stranger the life forms. The tall men are from the subterranean levels, lower yet are the dwarfed deformed forms. I don’t trust either of them. There are other forms, that both the tall men and the dwarfed men fear and loathe, they are similar to Bigfoot in appearance, but extremely violent and enjoy eating whatever they find while it is still alive! They are subhuman and demented, with an IQ around 15

(Note: Apparently, according to another source, these lower ‘Bigfoot‘ type creatures — having more of a resemblance to apes than to the more “human-like” faces and features of the much friendlier Sasquatch people who frequent the surface — dwell in wild cavern systems some 6 or more miles deep, along with other very large and dangerous insectoid and quadruped or serpentine reptilian life forms reminiscent to something from out of a hadean nightmare.

This is according to a report I investigated some years ago of a group of speleonauts who reportedly broke into a vast underground labyrinth west and northwest of Cushman, Arkansas, where they encountered these types of creatures as well as friendly blue-skinned humans who claimed to be descended from a family that had survived an ancient global deluge by taking refuge within a large ship. These ancient people claimed that their ancestors had come to the Americas and discovered the cavern ‘world‘, wherein they commenced to establish their hidden civilization. – Branton).

The reptiloid [hominoid as opposed to quadruped or serpentine] life forms stay in caves or caverns that aren’t very deep. They prefer the desert mountains. They use camouflage rather than fighting, but they do carry vril rods for protection [flash]. They do have a symbol, not the hokey “snake-with-wings” that I keep seeing in the public (which is used mostly by the GREYS and also as a medical symbol for the Delta Force – Branton).

The REPTOIDS uses a dragon with its tail in its mouth [a circle] with seven-pointed stars in the middle.

Q — There have been reports of the Delta Force having black vans with no tires that hover over the ground. How much are we already inter-working with alien cultures?

A — I haven’t seen the black vans you mentioned. We are totally submerged with alien cultures. Very little of the original human cultures have survived.

Q — How can WE [the public] go after, or expose an alien culture which is covert and hidden?

A — Go for the best shot. That means go after the REPTOID. They stay near the surface, they choose to try to hide and avoid contact. They are soldiers, doing a job and usually, there are two or three at each job site. They are ‘manning‘ a remote post. They are not to bother the humans unless they are endangering the post. Most of them are not hostile and won’t kidnap you, they may blast you with a flashgun that may paralyze you [you won’t remember the flash] for an hour or two and cause confusion and mild fear.

It could cause you to blackout [pass out] for a while. It is their way to escape and buy time to hide any visible equipment. If you know any areas with repeated reptilian sightings, then that is the place for you to look. They are fearsome to meet face to face, and their voices are harsh and whispery with heavy ss’s, but most of them understand English [and several other languages]. Wear something with a reptile [, not something violent, like St. George killing the Dragon!] in sight.

If you see one, keep your hands OPEN, palm forward, arms DOWN. That is the non-aggression approach. DON’T raise your arms unless told to. DON’T carry anything in your hands or arms. If he doesn’t run, walk SLOWLY towards him. Let him speak first. They consider humans repulsive and hostile and threatening [with good reason!]. DON’T try to offer him anything, DON’T touch him or anything of his.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 11g - A DULCE BASE SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT

If he hisses at you, back up a couple of feet, but DON’T LOOK AWAY! It simply means he finds you smelly. DON’T try to overpower him, he is stronger than ten or twelve men! Usually, if he hasn’t run so far, he is curious and wants to talk to you. FIGHT YOUR FEAR and your thoughts of panic.

Q — How do we get closer to some kind of data to prove to others that there really is a danger from non-human beings?

A — Good question. I’m afraid we will find proof the hard way when we are invaded. Try to keep a small camera with you at all times. When you search for reptoids, keep it in your pocket.

Q — Is there a specific location where the public can set up their cameras and equipment to DOCUMENT an alien-government base, and/or their activities?

A — The problem is, most of the meetings are held on military bases or underground. The Groom Lake Facility does fly several alien craft that regularly flies over unpopulated land that goes back and forth from several bases, Southern California has several notable areas. Twenty Nine Palms — Lancaster or the Chocolate Mountains are well known for such activities.

Q — Could you provide us with a copy of your badge or card you used at Dulce?

A — Badges or cards never leave the bases. All exits have bars or walls of metal… to open, to go out requires using the card. When you use it for an exit slot, the card won’t come out. Each time you leave the base, you are issued a new card, with all the usual data about you, plus your weight added, corrected daily. There are several mines in the Chocolate Mts. that open into a base highway, but be aware that they are patrolled regularly and there are cameras there.

Q — There are so many types of really far out ‘Aliens‘ seen in TV, movies, magazines, and popular fiction, is there one type of a fictional unknown race, in your opinion, that fits the term ‘Alien‘?

A — Yes! There are two, an alien that is totally indescribable, and another would be a pseudo-alien.

Q — What are the dimensions of the Dulce Facility?

A — There are 1,700 paved miles of roads under Dulce and Northern New Mexico., towards Los Alamos is another 800 miles of tunnels. The base is STILL GROWING [due west].

Q — What is the top depth?

A — The First Level starts 200 feet from the surface. Each level has a ceiling of seven feet, except levels six and seven, the ceiling there is 45 and 60 feet. There are approximately 45 feet or more between each level. The average highway ceiling is twenty-five feet. The HUB at the base is 3,000 feet wide. Use a 7.5-minute scale map to try to comprehend the size of the place.

Q — Are there “regular vehicle” exits that can be observed from the ground?

A — Yes, but they are inside Los Alamos.

Q — Are their aerial exits that can be observed?

A — Twenty miles due north of Dulce (across the border into southern Colorado? – Branton) is a large hanger, it is hidden by a facade of cliffs. Look for an isolated short road on the top of a mesa, with no road to or from the top.

Q — Are the ventilation shafts visible?

A — The ventilation shafts are hidden by bushes or vents inside caves. There are five on the top of the mesa, be aware there are cameras inside most of the vents.

Q — Is there external security, and could we recognize them in or around the town itself?

A — There is minimal security on the surface, most of the men [and women] are Air Force or “highway crew” men. There used to be a Best Western motel that hosts or hires a lot of Base workers from Level One. I don’t know if that motel is still operational. Most of the security forces live in Santa Fe. Others live at White Pine [Los Alamos].

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 11c - A DULCE BASE SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT

Q — Are there security sensors? What type? If so, what is their power source?

A — Yes there are many types of sensors, radar, infrared, heat sensors, microwave, EMGW, and satellite. Most of the sensors are powered by magnetic power. The only thing you may notice on the surface would be an occasional satellite dish.

Q — If you can, give us some information on the upcoming war with the aliens. When does it start? Do you recommend going underground?

A — The war has already begun. To start, they use “weather control” devices that can cripple a city in hours. Storms, flood and drought — with those few things they can bring any country to their knees in a hurry. Yes, I do recommend going underground. Choose a location that has a higher elevation than the surrounding terrain. Pick out a cave or even an abandoned mining shaft or two, bury a cache of supplies [including food and water!] near these locations. Place the supplies in heavy plastic boxes that have tight lids [to prevent the destruction by earth burrowing rodents and insects]. Then plan to live like a squatter when it becomes necessary. If you own land, create a system of tunnels and tell no one. Use your tunnels to secrete your supplies, and plan to live in those corridors when you must.

Q — What about the reptilian ships that are in orbit around the equator (presumably including the original two ‘planetoids’ that arrived in geosynchronous orbits around earth at 400 and 600 miles up in 1953. This reportedly led to an NSA project which successfully communicated with the Grey aliens and resulted in a contact-landing-treaty scenario involving president Eisenhower and other Executive-Military-Industrial officials at Muroc/Edwards/Holloman Air Force Bases in 1954 – Branton), are they cloaked?

A — They are not cloaked the way you may think. It’s more like nobody is learning to SEE, even though it is in plain sight. Like the mailman becomes invisible because you are so used to seeing him you never noticed he is alive. One of the favorite methods of covert activities is to ‘hide‘ their operation in such an OBVIOUS way [or place] that no one would suspect it is covert (for instance, hiding entrances to underground bases beneath religious shrines, federal buildings, mining works, malls, libraries, lodges, hotels or basically areas that one would consider the least likely places to hide or accommodate an entrance to an underground facility. The underground New World Order ‘FEMA’ facilities throughout the United States apparently utilize this type of concealment with many of their bases. – Branton)!

Q — What are the Greys susceptible to?

A — The grays are photosensitive, any bright light hurts their eyes. They avoid sunlight and travel at night. Camera flashes cause them to back up. It could be used as a weapon against them, but they recover quickly. It could buy enough time to escape. Use commands or nonsensical words in the form of commands and they will back up. Their brain is more logical than ours and they do not create ‘fun‘. They do not understand poetry either. What really confuses them is saying things in “pig-Latin“. We learned that in a hurry and used it against them [the GREYS] in the Dulce Wars.

Q — Can greys read your intentions if you came up behind one?

A — Yes. They read your INTENT because they use your body’s frequency. The human race broadcasts a frequency, that they recognize as an electromagnetic impulse. Each person has a slightly different frequency, that difference is what we call ‘personality‘. When a human thinks, they broadcast strong impulses, in the case of ‘fear‘ the frequency is ‘loud‘ and easy to recognize (by the same right, a calm and composed mind-set should be far more difficult to ‘recognize’ – Branton).

Q — Can we shield ourselves against their mental control?

A — We CAN shield ourselves against them, however, 95% of the human race never tries to control their thoughts, and controlling our own thoughts is the best weapon. The average person rarely thinks in a clear pattern. That allows the brain to think in a chaotic way. Control your thoughts, AND YOU CAN STOP THE ALIENS ATTEMPTING TO ABDUCT AND CONTROL YOU. Controlling my own thoughts have kept me alive for years.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 11d - A DULCE BASE SECURITY OFFICER SPEAKS OUT

Q — Could you shed some light on the type of human the aliens are looking for when they abduct?

A — I can tell you that the most common are petite women in their early twenties or early thirties, dark-haired boys between five to nine, small to medium size men in their mid-twenties to mid-forties. But, let me stress that there are ALL TYPES of people being held against their will in the Dulce Base! There are tall heavy men and women, teenagers, elderly folks and very young girls in the cages AND the vats. I only mention the most common age-size are the small young men and petite women. The boys are favored because at that age their bodies are rapidly growing, and their atomic material is adaptable in the transfer chamber. The young small women are frequently very fertile. The men are used for sperm. I have no idea why they prefer small to average size men.

Q — Did you ever see twins or triplets, etc.?

A — Since you mentioned it, no. It never crossed my mind to search for them. But then that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. There is no way I could have seen everybody at that huge complex.

Q — What is the prevalent human race at the Dulce Base? I am curious about both the human workers, and the inmates.

A — The human workforce is made of people from every nation on the surface world. The one thing they share is that they all speak English. If you are asking if there are white, black, red, yellow and brown skin color, again I’ll have to say that there is no ‘prevalent‘ race there. As for inmates, I could see ALL races there. From what I could see, it looked like there were more ‘white‘ people, but again, I saw a constant flow of different people, many I think, were only there for a few hours.

Q — Please explain the method they use to identify each inmate.

A — No one has a name. When first brought to this facility, they were issued one large ‘number‘. Usually, that code has a mixture of numbers and letters. They show the place, how, and by who, followed by the time, age, sex and finally the personal number [their S.S. number]. For example, it might look like this: NVLV-00A-00700-P00:00:00-00-M-000-00-000

Q — With that huge facility, trash and garbage must be a real problem, how do they dispose of it?

A — It was never a problem. Some of it is ‘reformed‘ or melted down then remade. Some of the wet garbage is ‘eaten‘ by bacterial forms, and what’s left is vaporized in a vat like a chamber. The residue of that action [it takes them months to get enough to measure] is used in a complex lye and used to fertilize crops.

Q — Where is your family? Not just your wife and son, but parents and siblings?

A — Cathy and Eric are still missing. My parents died in a car crash when I was in my teens. I have one brother, if he is alive I suspect he is inside an underground base somewhere. I haven’t heard from him for several years. Please pray for them, please!

Q — What is your birth date, and where were you born?

A — 23 April 1941, Glen Ellyn, IL [actually in a farm at home, in the place now called Glen Ellyn, my birth certificate list is at Wheaton, IL]

Q — You have been through so much, and yet keep fighting, what is your biggest fear?

A — That the general public will forget THE TRAPPED INNOCENT PEOPLE in the despicable place, and will ignore THE HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN, WOMEN AND MEN ADDED TO THAT PLACE EVERY MONTH.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 12

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