• “I would guess that these ‘very high‘ are quite old — 1000 years is not apparently unrealistic. I would guess that there are a few of them on the starship used by the ‘high‘ and that they are preserved and cared for by those on the ship…
  • “For over 300 years, a conflict has been going on between the Greys, who are basically warlike and aggressive, and the higher factions in the infrastructure.”

(Bennewitz does not explain the apparent dichotomy of how compassionate humanoids and malevolent reptiloids who are at war with each other could be part of the same ‘infrastructure‘. Perhaps both the Grays and the Humanoids utilize the same collective-mind-network and therefore are intricatally tied-in with the other whether they like it or not. This would make the “High” and “Very High” leaders in something equivalent to the Ashtar collective. – Branton)




Investigator — Physicist — Paul F. Bennewitz

The following are key mileposts established or discovered during the continuing scientific study concerning Alien intervention and the result. [Study limited solely to New Mexico]

1) Two years continuous recorded electronic surveillance and tracking with D.F. 24 hr/day data of alien ships within sixty [60] miles radius of Albuquerque plus 6000 feet motion picture of same — daylight and night.

2) Detection and disassembly of alien communication and video channels — both local, earth, and near space.

3) Constant reception of video from alien ship and underground base viewscreen; Typical alien, humanoid and at times apparent Homo Sapiens.

4) A case history of an Encounter Victim in New Mexico which lead to the communication link and discovery that apparently all encounter victims have deliberate alien implants along with obvious accompanying scars. The victim’s implants were verified by x-ray and Cat Scan. Five other scar cases were also verified.

5) Established constant direct communications with the Alien using a computer and a form of Hex Decimal Code with Graphics and print-out. This communication was instigated apparently after the US base was vacated (following U.S. intelligence’s apparent loss of the Dulce Wars? – Branton)

6) Through the alien communication loop, the true underground base location was divulged by the alien and precisely pinpointed.

7) Subsequent aerial and ground photographs revealed landing pylons, ships on the ground — entrances, beam weapons, and apparent launch ports — along with aliens on the ground in electrostatically supported vehicles; charging beam weapons also apparently electrostatic.

8) Cross-correlation and matching by triangulation, etc., to official NASA CIR [color] high-resolution films confirmed base locations and resulted in revealing US Military involvement yielding precise coordinates and the US base layout.


9) Prior alien communication had indicated military involvement and the fact [that] the USAF had a ship but due to studied alien psychology, this was ignored at the time.

10) Subsequently, the alien communicated following verification with the CIR, that there was indeed a ship; actually more than one — that two were wrecked and left behind and another built — this ship is atomic powered and flying. The alien indicated its basing location.

11) Is was learned as stated that two women and a boy near Austin, Texas were exposed to severe radiation at close range and the ship was last seen going West with helicopters. In addition, the US Government was quietly picking up the [medical] expenses.

12) Subsequent inspection of motion picture photographs taken during the study revealed the US ship or one like it flying with the aliens. These match the CIR where two can be seen on the ground and in the later photographs taken on the ground after the base was abandoned.

  • “So in very brief form the prologue to learning within reasonable accuracy what transpired prior to the end of 1979 or shortly thereafter.
  • “The computer communications and constant interaction with the alien in this manner WITHOUT direct encounter has given a reasonably clear picture of the alien psychology, their logic and logic methods, and their prime intent.
  • “It is important to note at the outset, the alien is DEVIOUS, employs DECEPTION, has NO INTENT of any apparent peacemaking process and obviously does NOT adhere to any prior arranged agreement.
  • “In truth, they tend to LIE, however, their memory for lying is not long and direct comparative computer printout analysis reveals this fact. Therefore much “drops through the crack” so to speak; and from this comes the apparent truth.
  • “It is not the intent of this report to criticize or point fingers. Obviously whoever made the initial agreement was operating upon our basis of logic and not that of the alien and in so doing apparently walked innocently, in time, into a trap.
  • “The alien indicated that the ‘Greys‘, apparently the group initially involved in the agreement, were still upset about the initial capture and subsequent death of the first eight of their co-fellows.
  • “Another group, calling themselves in the Computer language, the ‘Orange‘ — their base is on the west slope of Mt. Archuleta — directly west of the south end of the U.S. base and near NW of the apparent main landing area they call, in the Computer language, “The Diamond“. This, because from a distance, it looks diamond-shaped in the photographs when looking somewhat southwest past the observation tower toward the ridged peak SE of Mt. Archuleta. This ridged peak has no name, I call it South Peak.
  • “The base extends north of this peak to the edge of the cliff down which goes a road past a large alloy dome thirty-eight [38] foot across the bottom and with a twenty [20] foot hole in the top.
  • “Based upon some of the aerial photographs during which the alien was caught in the open and launching — some launches appear to be coming from the direction of the dome. I would guess it is an underground launch egress facility. In the NASA CIR, there is what appears to be a black limousine alongside the dome on a ramp. Surprisingly it is precisely the size of my 79 Lincoln Town Car. Wheeled vehicles and what appear to be Snow Cats or Catapillars can be seen throughout the CIR — car and truck tracks, trucks and jeeps. I don’t believe aliens have wheels — humans do.
  • “Numerous roadblocks extend northward through the U.S. base along with a well-maintained road thirty-some-odd feet wide — apparently gravel — near all-weather — numerous turn arounds and wheel tracks into launch preparation areas with the ships; pads marked with twenty-six [26] foot Xs and servicing facilities, tanks, etc. — two domed polygon high voltage buildings on north on the east side of the road, also an apparent foundation for another or a helo pad — test stands, human housing, water tank [thirty-two foot across] — and at one of the main roadblocks, two large vehicles parked across the road. Also at that point another apparent black limousine with tracks leading to it [and] to the west of the road. All tracks and vehicles have been dimensioned and match military vehicles. IF I were to make a guess, I would estimate the likelihood that the apparent black limousines are CIA.
  • “This is but a limited inventory of what was there on Sept. 8, 1978 — included only as an evidential matter for your perusal and confirmation. The road, which incidentally the natives, the tribal chief, reservation police and highway patrolman know nothing about, comes in off of a trail from the north. Starting at the trail, line of sight to the large plateau area and the alloy dome, the road, in the middle of nowhere on the Jicarilla Reservation, is precisely 12,888 ft. long airline distance. The total alien basing area, which apparently contains SEVERAL cultures [now all under the designation ‘UNITY’ in the Computer language] is approximately three (3) Km wide by eight (8) Km long [multi-leveled]. A conservative guess based upon the number of ships presently over this area and the number on the ground in the CIR photographs, the total alien population at this point is AT LEAST two thousand and most likely MORE. The alien indicates MORE is coming or on the way.
  • “I won’t attempt to speculate in this report as to how the initial U.S. contact was made — what transpired, nor how many were able to escape. The alien has communicated his account, and if totally true, it certainly is not palatable.
  • “Much detail has been omitted for future discussion if desired — however the import is this. Constant computer communication — full online in February of this year — manual prior to that — conditions of morale and total insight into “what makes the alien run”. This is VERY valuable data.

1) Most importantly, the alien will allow no one to go without an implant AND after knowledge of it is wiped out. They simply will not allow it. All indications are that communication or language cannot result without the implant [with the exception of the Binary and the Computer]. This would indicate a possible immediate threat or danger for anyone — military, Air Force, or otherwise, that has been at the base. They WILL NOT remember the implant in any case [the contactee here included].

  • “The reason for the implant is multiple for both language or communication by thought [there is no apparent language barrier with the thought] and also COMPLETE ABSOLUTE CONTROL by the alien through the program — by their beam or direct contact.
  • “I have tested this and found that during this programming the person then has no memory of the act/conversation afterward. IF THIS HAS HAPPENED TO THE MILITARY, I NEED NOT ELABORATE AS THE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES. The victim’s ‘switch‘ can be pulled at any time and at the same time they are “walking cameras and microphones” if the alien chooses to listen in with the use of their beams.
  • “No classified area of any endeavor in the U.S. is inviolate under these conditions. However — realize — the scars, barely visible — CAN be seen — ALL are exactly located and ALL are accessible by x-ray.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 12c

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