In fact, this whole business was such an embarrassing mess that the Phoenix Project issued a ‘correction’ document to try to straighten it out. But, ironically, the correction is also wrong — just less obviously so. We could go on, but I think you get the point. The “Ultimate Secret” report is, at best, a rehash of other people’s garbage. At worst, it is a deliberate effort to confuse and disinform.

We actively encourage other serious investigators to use the information we have provided as a basis for conducting their own inquiry and to carry-on our effort. Can you, Mr. Corbin, or ParaNet, or Mufon, make the same claim. Or, is it true that the results of critical investigations are held sacred by the elite leadership of these organizations, and are not shared with the members of their organizations or the public?

We can’t speak for other organizations, but in the case of ParaNet, we have always made our results public as soon as our investigations are complete.

In your message, you insinuate that because of our past military and intelligence backgrounds, our area of expertise so-to-speak, that the motives of the Phoenix Project are suspect. You further insinuate that we are possibly government operatives attempting to send serious researchers off on a variety of wild goose chases.

Given the prior history of government disinformation in ufology, most of it purveyed by active or former intelligence agents and their victims, anyone who

(1) purports to have a military intelligence background,

(2) refuses to divulge their identity, and

(3) propagates known disinformation as reliable intelligence [whether deliberately or not] should expect his motives to be considered suspect until proven otherwise. It is extremely naive of you to think it would happen any other way.

If anyone needed assurance that the truth regarding UFOs will remain a deep, dark, secret — they can rest secure in the knowledge that you are on the job. There is any number of government agencies that would welcome you with open arms. Expect some offers.

Sorry, none so far. We’ll let you know if we get any.

We are sure that the honest and sincere members of ParaNet and other UFO investigative organizations [and there are many] must be seriously considering whether your qualifications, fitness and investigative ability warrant your continuance in a position of leadership within what used to be a respected research organization.

(Note: In my own experience with misiformation, disinformation and dubunker ‘agents‘, very little effort is made to address the information at hand or rationally explain-away information, claims or data that is being released by an individual. Most of the efforts on the part of such agents are directed against the individuals themselves, as in character assassinations and attacks.

In many cases they KNOW that they cannot refute the information, so they attempt to discredit the information through character assassination. Do police officers immediately “discredit” what a drug dealer tells them when he is exposing his superiors so that he himself can aquire a lesser sentence, or what a convicted child molester might tell them about a ritual child abuse ring that he has been involved with? No, especially if there is sufficient evidence to back up their claims.

Someone who has been involved personally with some illicit activity can be more of a reliable source than someone who just hears about it second-hand. So the character assassination strategy by certain agents does not hold water especially in a case such as this, wherein ParaNet officials have had their character and integrity UNJUSTLY attacked in order to DIVERT ATTENTION from the subject at hand, OR TO DIVERT ATTENTION FROM THE LACK OF INTEGRITY OR OUTRIGHT DECIETFULNESS OF THESE ‘AGENTS’ THEMSELVES.

I personally do not claim to be the infallible specimen of a perfect human being. I have a jail record, and suffer from emotional and psychological disabilities resulting from years of suppressed interactions with what I believe to be malevolent alien agendas and certain human agencies which are or were involved with them. Although the psychological-emotional turmoil or instability may not be entirely my fault, the jail term was a result of my own irresponsibility.

What I am trying to say is that I do not CLAIM to have it all together any more than the average human being does, so why engage in ‘character assassination‘ against someone who lives in a world whose overall inhabitants are generally lacking in perfect character? Show me someone with full awareness of “good and evil” who has never broken a law or one of the ten commandments. Aside from the Messiah Himself, there is no human being on earth that can make such a claim. And most often then not, when someone targets an individual for character assassination, as they say, “It takes one to know one.”

So in the search for the truth about what is really happening in this world, I would suggest that you do not get caught-up in emotional exchanges and character attacks which only serve to cloud the real issue — which is WHETHER THE INFORMATION ITSELF IS OR IS NOT CORRECT!

This is not to say that ‘character‘ has no bearing whatsoever on information. For instance someone who has been known in the past to be a con artist might not be taken as seriously as an ORIGINAL SOURCE of information as, you might say, someone who has won a Pulitzer prize for investigative journalism. However we do need to keep a ‘balance‘. – Branton)

Exactly the opposite, actually. Most of our people are grateful for the warning and are coming to the same conclusions as we did.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 16e - 1992: DULCE NEW MEXICO & THE ASHTAR CONNECTION

Instead of making an honest attempt to validate or disprove our findings regarding the subjects mentioned — missing the point completely, you chose to become obsessed with determining the identity of Phoenix Project personnel. For what reason? Do you intend to judge the validity of the information based on the credentials of those providing it? Some people would interpret that as putting the cart before the horse.

And some people would interpret it as a determination not to fall prey to the same fate as far too many others in this field, who trusted strangers too easily and ended up wasting years chasing wild geese — or worse…

You suggest a possible link between our organization and America West. Sorry about that, but you’re dead wrong. It has come to us from several sources that we’re not on their list of favorite people. We will take this opportunity to categorically deny that we have any affiliation with America West, their publication the “Phoenix Liberator,” or any other publication they provide. Do not expect us to respond to the other coincidences, suppositions, insinuations or innuendoes contained in your message.

Why? Perhaps because there are other ‘insinuations‘ that cannot be truthfully denied? As a matter of fact, we now have solid confirmation of another one of our ‘insinuations‘ — i.e., the fact that the Richard Miller who owns Advent Publishing is indeed the same Richard Miller who used to channel ‘Hatonn‘. That confirmation came from none other than Mr. Miller himself. So I guess we’re not doing too badly.

In consideration of your explicit denials of any ties to America West, and in view of the additional information provided privately by Mr. Miller, we withdraw our previous suggestion of possible connections between the Phoenix Project and the America West/Phoenix Liberator operation. As we stated before, those suggestions were tentative pending further investigation, and further investigation has not uncovered any additional evidence to support them. Unfortunately, this is the kind of burden that the Phoenix Project inevitably took on when it chose to publicly portray itself as a clandestine organization.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 16d - 1992: DULCE NEW MEXICO & THE ASHTAR CONNECTION

Since you brought up America West and The “Phoenix Liberator,” why not turn your investigative abilities loose on their organization. Just suppose that Milton Cooper is, quietly, linked to their organization. That should intrigue you… Equally intriguing, is where their funding comes from – not the obvious subscription income – the covert funding. Or, how about the busy and numerous, off-premise, writers that prepare the volumes of ‘Hatonn‘ material, and their use of high-speed modems to provide the copy for each weekly issue of the “Phoenix Liberator” and the dozens of books they produce.

In our supposition, we’re talking about a big-time operation. You might also check out their printing facilities, distribution centers, and worldwide circulation. Equally fascinating is their sudden rise, in a few short years, to the top of the New Age Movement. You might even think to ask yourself, why the New Age Movement? What possible connection is there with covert government UFO activities, or a New World Order, with the New Age Movement?

The answer to that might be revealed, if you dig deep enough, and discover high-speed modem links between their headquarters and certain organizations located at Langley and Ft. Meade. Yes, if you really dig, you might uncover all kinds of interesting things about America West.

Thanks for the tip.

(I may be wrong, but this sounds very similar to the ramblings of cultists who have broken off from the ‘mother‘ sect to establish their own branch cults… essentially agreeing with the basic ‘belief system‘ — which in this case might be the channeling of ‘Ashtar‘ intelligence’s — while at the same time claiming that ‘they‘ and not their former ‘apostate leaders‘ are the sole spokesmen for the ‘higher powers‘ on earth. As for the religious ‘denomination‘ in which I was raised, one which dominates a major western state and stretches the Constitutional restrictions on separation of church and state to their uttermost limits, I have come to find out that over 500 ‘branch‘ religions ranging from a few followers to tens of thousands of followers have separated from the ‘main’ denomination.

This is one of the main reasons why I became a non-denominationalist Judeo-Christian. One of these 500-or-so branches incidentally was the ‘Freeman Order’ which was involved in a drawn-out FBI stand-off in 1996. The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights allows for the right to worship as one wishes SO LONG AS one does not infringe on the constitutional rights of others and the laws of the land.

Of course ‘inquisitional‘ or ‘terrorist‘ religious practices, or the ‘religious‘ practice of ritual child abuse, or religious institutions that attempt to force their will upon an elected government, or one whose members in government use taxpayer funds or personal influence to show political favoritism towards their ‘churches‘, have no place in a Constitutional Democratic-Republic. Nor does a our Constitutional system have to put up with cults like the ‘Freemen‘ who have blatantly resisted the PUBLICLY-instituted legal restrictions against money fraud or child sexual abuse, even if the ‘Freeman’ or similar cults hypocritically use ‘Ruby Ridge‘, ‘Waco‘ or other legitimate yet incendiary catch-phrases to justify their own illegal activities. – Branton)

As to your effort in trying to identify staff personnel of the Phoenix Project — good luck. However, we do have to admit that you may get lucky and hit on a couple of them. However, since there are many, it is doubtful you will ever get beyond that point.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 16f - 1992: DULCE NEW MEXICO & THE ASHTAR CONNECTION

Our only interest in the personnel of the Phoenix Project is to determine whether the Project has a hidden agenda and whether it is covertly linked to other organizations whose agendas are known. That interest was made necessary by the Project’s clandestine nature and consequent lack of public accountability. You brought it on yourselves, and your continuing hostility and evasiveness suggest that we were not entirely mistaken in our suspicions.

Our investigation continues. We’ll let you know what we find out.

Michael Corbin


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