Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE — it’s perceived NEED to be worshiped — that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence [strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being] and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown received a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!!

Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble itself before its ‘enemy‘, and the same might be said for most of the upper echelon of the hierarchy who depended on the praise of their fellow collaborators to maintain their illusion of self-importance.

These beings, one might say, had long ago and of their own free-agency ‘imploded‘ in upon themselves — becoming ‘spiritual black holes‘ with all-consuming appetites, absolute astral vampirical-like parasites, having extinguished all ‘light‘ within themselves and therefore being unable to be brought back “into the light“.

Incapable of giving out ‘light‘, they have become totally reprobate, devouring any and all life and innocence around them that they can possibly consume. The leader of this subspace ‘collective‘ had long ago drawn these other dark beings into itself, like a large black star devouring other smaller ones around it. This irreversible state MIGHT not apply entirely to ALL of these “subspace” beings, as we will see later on.

Now if we go to the book of Revelation, chapter 12, we find that the ultimate leader of the serpent race’s collective or ‘hive mind‘ is Lucifer, also known as the “great red dragon“, the “old serpent“, “the Devil” or “Satan” in the same chapter. Lucifer was one of the three original archangels [aside from Michael and Gabriel] who each apparently had charge over one-third of the light beings whom the Almighty had created… possibly numbering in the billions or trillions.

Now if you’re a hard-core evolutionist you may not want to suffer through the rest of this chapter, as physical evolution cannot account for spirit entities, nor for the human soul for that matter. As for myself, I have a “creationist-evolutionist” concept of reality, or that life in this universe was ‘created‘ by an Infinite Intelligence and then allowed to ‘evolve‘ from there in various directions guided by the Creator. A better term might be ‘change‘ rather than to ‘evolve‘, in that the term ‘evolution‘ is equated with ‘Darwinism‘ in many minds. Remember it has ALWAYS been the THEORY of evolution, not the LAW of evolution.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19e - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

If one is honest with themselves, they must accept the fact that evolution flies in the face of the Second Law of Thermo-Dynamics. Now that is a LAW, not a theory — so which one are we to believe? In addition to this, a vast number of protein molecules would have had to exist for even the simplest life-form to appear. Just how these molecules could have come together by chance and resulted in an organized life-form with complex DNA programming and all is beyond me.

According to the laws of probability, the life-span of an entire galaxy would not be enough time for just ONE protein molecule to come together BY CHANCE out of the dark chaos of lifeless matter, if at all. Then again there is the question of where the original matter came from which supposedly resulted from the ‘Big Bang‘ [THEORY] if ever there was such an event.

Lucifer, as most may know from theological and eschatological traditions, reflecting the infinite ‘light‘ of the Creator with great brilliance, and therefore was given the name Lucifer, meaning “light-bearer” — ‘bearer‘ being the operative word here. Lucifer reflected the light of the Almighty like a diamond reflects the light of the Sun. However, Lucifer began taking his attention off of the SOURCE of all Life and began giving HIMSELF credit for the ‘light‘ that he bore, and the next step was inevitable — Lucifer became jealous of the position which the Almighty One held.

Now I realize that many of you have different concepts of ‘God‘, however, let us just indulge in a thought experiment for a moment. If one accepts the concept of a ‘Trinity‘, then one cannot accuse God of vainglory, for the Father is ever seeking to glorify the Son [the Logos or the Living Word] and the Spirit [which the Father and the only begotten ‘Son’ of God share].

The same holds true with the Son and the Spirit, both of them selflessly seeking to give ‘glory‘ to their other two counterparts of the Godhead. How can God be three distinct personalities yet one single ‘God‘? [the pleural ‘Eloheim’ God AND the singular ‘Jehovah’ God at the same time?]. One might just as well ask, how can the universe be ‘one‘ universe yet consist of space, time and matter… three distinct aspects, yet take one of them away and the singular universe ceases to be?

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19c - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

We can also use the ‘trinities‘ of ultraviolet-visible-infrared [LIGHT – and imitating the Father, Son and Spirit, ultraviolet light is invisible, mid-spectrum light is visible, and infrared light felt]; or length-width-height [SPACE]; past-present-future [time]; energy-motional-phenomena [MATTER], proton-neutron-electron [ATOMS], and other ‘triune‘ manifestations in nature such as in humans themselves: the physical-material body, the soul-mental body, and the astral-spiritual body and the sublevels of each of these three distinctions… we ourselves being three-in-one beings.

If I’m beginning to sound preachy, then please bear with me. I believe that many of you will agree that the Grey phenomena have BOTH a physical and supernatural nature and that we cannot fully understand one without accepting the other. One could equate this to the division within the UFO research community in the 1950s and 1960s over whether UFO‘s were nuts and bolts craft or ethereal supernatural manifestations. Well… why not BOTH?

So then, Lucifer, in his jealousy, rallies his followers [one-third of the angelic beings] together and convinces them that God is being unjust, that He’s holding out on them and that he [Lucifer] has as much a right to be Almighty God as does God Almighty Himself. In addition to this, Lucifer tells his followers that they too can be Almighty Gods, all they have to do is follow him in the rebellion.

Now, promising them godhood is very strange since the more ‘gods‘ there are the more the term ‘God‘ loses its singular distinction. It’s like a potential president promising every U.S. voter that if he is elected then he will simultaneously make all of those who voted for him Presidents of the United States! Do you see the insanity? Perhaps not, but it seems to be obvious to me.

You see, from my perspective, if we are all gods then there is NO God. Pantheism must ultimately lead to Atheism. If that’s the way you wish to believe then you certainly have the free agency to do so… But I’m only trying to make a point that according to traditional Judeo-Christian eschatological beliefs, this is the deception that Lucifer used to gain his recruits — the promise of ‘godhood‘ or self-deification being the original ‘venom‘ of the serpent [Genesis chapter 3].

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19a - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

And this is the deception that the serpent-inspired Bavarian Illuminati cults via the Scottish Rite have used to gain their recruits for a Luciferian World Order on earth, first by infiltrating Masonry and then in turn by infiltrating the major religious denominations of the world. Now you can accept this or leave it as you will, I’m not trying to force any beliefs upon anyone, just attempting to provoke some thought on the possible nature of the supernatural forces motivating the Greys’ collective.

Since ‘theological‘ manipulation is a major part of the Greys’ agenda, the eschatological component is one that must be dealt with in order to understand the rest. So the rebellion began, and the heavens were torn in two as the standing and fallen angels warred with each other, resulting in the fallen angels being cast from the realm of Eternity and into the physical inter-galactic universe. Could the ‘subspace‘ beings described by Courtney Brown be fallen light beings or rebel angels?

Brown stated that this ‘leader‘ in ancient times had his followers incarnate the reptilian Grey society, and had ordered them to sabotage their race. The fourth planet of Zeta II Reticuli was the Greys’ “homeworld” at the time, however, Zeta II Reticuli is a star lacking insufficient carbon content to allow for the ‘natural‘ development of carbon-based life [this is for those who may still cling to the ‘evolutionist’ philosophy], so the Greys must have colonized that world sometime in the distant past.

The subspace beings, according to Brown, animated themselves through the Greys and turned them toward a mindset of self-indulgence, which in turn led to the drive within the Greys for immediate gratification at the expense of their future and their world’s resources [sound familiar?].

Once their world had become a polluted, radioactive ruin which was threatening their very genetic survival, the subspace beings under the command of their ‘leader‘ offered a solution — all the Greys had to do to survive was to give up all individual rights and emotions, and submit to a collective-mind which would control every aspect of the Greys’ culture — for their own ‘good‘ of course, they were told. Using the excuse that individuality was the root of the problem, the subspace collectivists took things to the opposite extreme and insisted that assimilation into an absolute collective-mind was the answer.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 19c

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