There is a shape to these things which he indicated is like a baby bottle nipple upside-down [* This shape is not the implants which **ILLEGIBLE** the skull], not the cap part, but just the nipple itself. He acknowledged that and also that ours can certainly see it. He had a discussion with some photo analyst [* OSI photo analyst] who indicated that he had seen tracks up a hill and a launch location that was definitely not a rock but some kind of artificial construction. On the hazard of entering [the] area, I asked about that. He said that there is a risk if we went in on foot, but if a person tried to do that likely that the people would ‘wack them.’ [* I said ‘zap’. The odds are one might be accosted]

But he thinks that a helicopter would be safe. But what he wants to do is to do additional aerial surveillance. Then go in with a group, the larger number of people the better. A Highway Patrolman, a friend of his, is ready to go in at any time. He says one can’t act on impulse. You have to plan out a program. He said four times he had near encounters and one was with this Major Edwards. He had received a mental communication [* No – not received – I asked them mentally – they were apparently scanning me – I don’t ‘receive’ anything mentally.] while watching some UFOs…

“He is president of Thunder Scientific Corporation, a well-known operation there, with their specialty being temperature and humidity devices.


“His company is by Sandia on 1/2 acres and [he is] now building an additional 3500 sq. ft. building. There is another organization called Bennewitz Laboratory which is the research arm of Thunder Scientific Corporation owned 90% by the latter and operated by his three sons. They have invented a hearing device that has no moving parts that make totally deaf people able to hear and in addition, expanding the frequency range plus 100 HZ on the high side and down to less than 10 HZ on the low-frequency end.

“He said that he got involved in all this merely as a hobby and it became an obsession. He simply wanted to know what was going on and to develop instrumentation to measure data, etc. Since THE SIGNALS FROM THE UFOS ARE VERY LOW FREQUENCY, DOWN AROUND 200 [?] HZ and with an analyzer you just think you are looking at some noise. But I believe he said IT WAS A MEMORY SCOPE THAT WAS ABLE TO FILTER OUT THE SIGNALS INVOLVED THERE WHEREAS ORDINARY FILTERS DO NOT.


They trigger signals in an on and off fashion, instead of O and 1 volt representing that type of communication or signal, a distinction is made between a narrow pulse and wide pulse.

Each communication is preceded by four or five pulses. HE HAD PREVIOUSLY BEEN IN TOUCH WITH THE O.S.I. which has been verified by [the book] ‘CLEAR INTENT.’ But NOW HE SAYS THAT WHEN HE CALLS THEM, THEY WON’T SPEAK TO HIM SO HE IS IN A ‘SHUT OUT’ SITUATION. I pointed out that there were two O.S.I.’s [Office of Special Investigation] and the other is C.I.A. [Office of Scientific Investigation]. He assured me that is was not the C.I.A. group. He said the actual title of the group that he was dealing with was the ‘Office of Secret Investigation‘ [or ‘Intelligence’]. He says there is also a new pattern or [ILLEGIBLE] called Human Intelligence, that is they investigate the humans, that is, the government.

I mentioned to him that in ‘CLEAR INTENT’ that it said he was under surveillance. That happens to be in error. That information comes from SOMEWHERE ELSE. But he quickly said ‘I know that I am under surveillance.‘ They set up a site across the street from his house with computers and recorders. A girl rented the house. He had a detective look into this and found that she was operating under an assumed name and SHE HAD NO SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. HE HAS PHOTOGRAPHS OF PEOPLE COMING AND GOING WITH ‘NORAD’ LICENSE PLATES, AIR FORCE, A.F. WEAPONS LAB. HE THINKS N.S.A. IS ORCHESTRATING THIS.

For an entirely separate subject, he thinks [* I was told that it was by a Washington source] this whole operation, THE UFO BASE DETAIL IS CLASSIFIED HIGHER THAN THE PRESIDENT. THAT IS, HE THINKS THE PRESIDENT DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT THIS [Not in total depth] [* True].

“He is also concerned that there are two levels of security involved.

(1) Project AQUARIUS which is TOP SECRET and another

(2) higher than that; where people in charge of the higher-level information HAVING THESE NEW VEHICLES COULD SIMPLY TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMENT.

He called the Air Force intelligence headquarters in [Washington] [* Yes – true – AF Intel.] [He didn’t say Washington, but that was the idea] The Commanding Officer was not present but he talked to a Captain who was the adjutant or executive and started talking. He said ‘I know all of these facts, and this and that and what do you think about that?’


The Captain said ‘JUST WRITE US A REPORT AND TELL US WHAT WE SHOULD DO.‘ [* About it] So he prepared a 20-page report and Edwards saw it. He forwarded it by Federal Express and also a copy to the White House in a double envelope, indicating that sensitive material was in the inner envelope. Edwards got a call from Colonel Smith [* Not Smith – Col. Don ____? Have to check files.] who was the White House Liaison to inquire who this Bennewitz fellow was.

Edwards gave a positive report. The White House was extremely interested and issued orders ‘TO GET ON WITH IT; TO DO SOMETHING, ASSURING EDWARDS THAT BENNEWITZ WOULD RECEIVE A LETTER WITHIN TWO WEEKS.’

(Note: This tends to confirm that TWO groups, both elected and unelected, are working simultaneously within ‘government‘, and that each seems to have different agendas in regards to how ‘government‘ should be run, how the alien problem should be dealt with, and how other issues should be handled.

Only a small percentage of the White House executive branch and probably even a smaller percent of the Senate, House of Representatives and Congress know what is going on in regards to the ‘joint-interaction‘ projects. The Executive branch apparently knows more than the other governmental branches because of its close ties with the Military-Intelligence-Industrial complex and because of the large number of ‘appointed‘ rather than ‘elected‘ officials operating within… that is, within the ‘Executive‘ secret agencies that have been created to operate outside of presidential awareness for purposes of “plausible deniability” and which have come under the control of the Industrial elite rather than the elected Congress. 

One of the reasons why the Congress and the electorate government has lost so much control over the country to the Industrial elite is because they have capitulated this authority over to the President and executive branch of government, when the President according to the U.S. Constitution should serve merely as the spokesman for the Congress, Senate, and House of Representatives.

We have unconstitutionally allowed the President to have the power to appoint his own UNELECTED staff, establish Executive Orders without the consent of Congress, and create agencies that are free from Congressional oversight. For instance Congressional overseers and investigators have been allowed to hold only a TOP SECRET security clearance, whereas many of these secret agencies like MJ12 that were created by the executive branch are classified ABOVE TOP SECRET or higher, in other words they are unelected “secret governments” operating like tape-worms within the elected government, with the potential of corrupting it from within as exemplified by the numerous black projects taking place within the Dulce base, and elsewhere.

The activities being carried out within the Dulce base have gone “out of control“, and all manner of unregulated atrocities are being carried out there simply because THERE IS NO CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT OF THOSE ACTIVITIES. Now that the cloning of large animals such as lambs and monkeys is a PUBLICLY KNOWN FACT, we cannot ignore the many claims of sophisticated and unregulated cybernetic and biogenetic atrocities that have reportedly been taking place within these bases for decades. I should know, since I myself am the product of such cybernetic-biogenetic tampering — although you might say a ‘renegade‘ product of such black budget projects, and one who they “lost control of” along with whatever sensitive data/secrets my unconscious mind may have harbored at the time of my “defection“.

In regards to the problems threatening our Constitutional government, giving a U.S. President the power to create agencies which can operate with impunity far from the prying eyes of Congress and the citizens of the U.S.A. is dangerous in the extreme. This is especially true when we consider the risk that a potential President may be the hireling of powerful corporate interests with strong media ties, and therefore able to bend public opinion in favor of the candidate of their choice while discrediting the opposition. History has shown that powerful corporate entities are more interested in making a profit — even if it means selling out the rest of us — than in maintaining liberty and equality.

Many of the corporate ‘empires‘ involved with the secret government hold to the Constitution only to the degree that it serves their own self-interest. This has led America dangerously close to the edge that separates a Congressionally run DEMOCRACY from what we might refer to as a Corporate run MONARCHY, one that is ultimately controlled by unelected corporate interests rather than by elected members of Congress, the Senate, and House of Representatives. – Branton)

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 22e

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