I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the movie “THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN”, I saw it the other day, just haven’t seen it in a long time. The underground facility that they went to [in the movie] was stationed on kind of a muck-up farm, where they went into the farmhouse and went into something like a tool shed, and then all of a sudden this elevator starts going down and down and down. And what they found once they went down was a massive underground biological testing facility. I have to believe that these types of facilities are all over in every state. So then, back to the question. If there was a military takeover it already happened, and the base was closed…

Again there’s no proof there. Some of the Indians who live on Jicarilla Apache land, these people are very very closed off, they don’t talk to outsiders. The information that I got was only from an inside source, and I can only tell you what one Jicarilla Apache Indian told his dear friend of many years there. He said that he was going up through the mountainous areas there, up through the Archuleta mesa and back into the hills, and was walking along-side of a ledge.

All of a sudden he felt some dirt falling on his head. And so of course, if you were walking around in this deserted area and you felt something fall on your head, you’re immediate response would be to look up. And he did, he looked up and he said what he saw horrified him.

This is a man, he’s a man in his 60’s. This man looked up and saw… this is what he told his friend, “I saw a grey being with large black inky eyes staring down at me over a ledge, and it looked like a large rock had been swiveled out, was sticking out of the side of the mountain.”

And he did a double-take, he looked away like someone who would rub their eyes and say, “Oh, I’m just seeing things,” but then he looked back up and he saw it again. Well this time he said he took off and he ran, he was running for his life. He was very, very frightened, scared, and what’s strange is that this man is friends of the men high-up in the Jicarilla Apache tribal council, but he has kept this secret from everyone except my research partner.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 25b - DANGER DOWN UNDER: THE CHRISTA TILTON STORY

And he told him that when he got back he was shaking, he was very, very frightened. So THIS tells me — and this just happened during the past couple years (this interview took place in the winter of 1996 – Branton), so this tells me that THERE ARE STILL GREY ALIENS inhabiting some part of that base. Interesting question there that you had because if indeed there is still part of the base that’s still inhabited (why would the Greys only use ‘part’ of the base after it had become even more secure, with the ‘sealing’ of many of the outer entrances? – Branton) by the Grey beings, then certainly if there is a problem there might NEED to be a Congressional-backed military take-over of that base, or they may have just left it alone, just said: “let the people of Dulce worry about the aliens, we don’t want to deal with them anymore.”

I don’t really know what happened during the military events that they had there, I don’t really know what happened, I just know that… I’m almost POSITIVE that there was some type of confrontation! So anyway, who knows, who can say for sure? All I know is that a lot of these individuals that come up with different stories, these are individuals who are not the type of people to just come across with a tale, in fact [many of them] are not interested in UFO’s, they’re not interested in any of this.

In fact when the subject is brought up they really just don’t want to talk about it to you. It’s very hard to get access to that community. I have had a lot of problems getting answers, but thank God one of my research partners, his father lives there, he’s lived there all his life. And this young man was brought up there [Dulce]. He knows what happens there, he knows what all the rumors and tales are, and he knows what all the Indians have seen.

Q: Have you been taken to any other planets or spheres during your abductions?

A: Not that I know of, however, I [remember] that I was taken to some type of large massive ship, it had to have been a mother ship. This thing was massive, it was miles and miles and miles long. I’m not sure exactly where I was. I received some instructions while I was there. There were “light beings” there. They looked like angelic beings, only without the wings. They were wearing long robes, and I was taken into an area where they had a podium and a teacher that came out and was teaching the people who were there. These people were human, I did not see any aliens [greys] at THAT time, so I’m not sure exactly where I was.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 25a - DANGER DOWN UNDER: THE CHRISTA TILTON STORY

Q: Did you ever get to see what was inside the ‘tanks‘?

A: No, not during the Dulce experience. I started to walk up to the tank. It smelled very foul. It was an odor that only I can identify as being close to a sulfuric type of odor. I remember when I first went into the medical field we were invited downtown to view an autopsy, and the formaldehyde they use there has a sickening sweet smell, it’s a smell that is very difficult to try and explain to somebody who has not smelled it before, but I can say that it smelled a lot like that. The officer, the military man that was with me, guiding me, would NOT allow me up to the tank to look inside. I can only speculate that there was something in there that may have been frightening to me because he reacted very quickly to stop me. You asked if there were both breeding and feeding tanks.

I believe so because from what I’ve been told by some of the other women who saw these tanks, some of them saw body parts inside. The type of tanks that I saw was used for breeding and cultivation of small alien beings. The only thing that I can describe it as is of being [like] a fake womb. A woman carries her child in her uterus, well these types of breeding tanks that you’re talking about were used to cultivate the fetus’ that they extract from the individuals that they abduct and take there. They extract the fetus like they have done with me MANY times, and I believe they place it in this type of a tank, a glass [looking] breeding tank.

Q: What do you think most of the hybrids feel about the position they are in?

(Note: I intended the question to mean the humanoid fetus’ who have been infused with non-human, cattle, cetacean or Grey, etc. DNA and who are kept in the underground bases or on ships. However Christa took the question to mean the TERRAN-NORDIC alien hybrids like herself and her daughter who were living in OUR surface-world society. – Branton)

A: That’s such a very good question and not many people ask that… I myself being a hybrid have felt that I do not fit anywhere. I still feel like I don’t “fit in” to this day. I know I don’t, I know I’m different, and I don’t try to tell everybody that either. I just have accepted it and go on with my life, but I can assure you that every hybrid I’ve spoken to has told me, has tried to explain to me the emptiness and the feelings that they feel. They feel almost like they don’t belong here on earth. I certainly feel [that] I don’t belong here.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 25c - DANGER DOWN UNDER: THE CHRISTA TILTON STORY

Q: If the outer world gets a hold of the Dulce technology and begins using it to colonize other worlds, could this alleviate the population, economic, environmental and other problems that this planet faces?

In other words take away the IMPOSED barriers that have kept us earth-bound and in essence finally let us “out of the cradle“, so to speak? The Greys for one do not wish Terrans to gain interstellar advantages and so become a threat to their own empirical agendas, and operating through various power-cults on earth they have succeeded in keeping interplanetary technology out of our hands and robbing us of our resources to finance the joint subterranean and exterranean projects, many of which projects and bases have been taken-over entirely by their own kind and at our expense.

Once robbed of our resources the Greys use their psychological slaves on Earth to set us against each other and then turn around and say: “Ha, you people are too violent to be allowed to have interstellar technology!” Although there have been technology exchanges, it would seem that they are either being used as a ruse by the Greys to gain access to our society so that they can impose a global electronic dictatorship and/or it is technology that is being provided by the Federation ‘Nordics‘ so that they can help defend planet earth for the mutual benefit of themselves and their human ‘cousins‘ on earth. What do you think about all of this?

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 25e

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