The following information was released by Jefferson Souza, a contactee who has had repeated encounters with the Vega Lyrans, who according to Souza are similar in appearance to the “dark-skinned Orientals” of India. Souza also claims contacts with Scandinavian-appearing humans from Iumma or Wolf 424 [the ‘Ummo’ people].

Both cultures utilize a huge ‘Federation‘ base located within a vast system of caverns deep beneath the Death Valley – Panamint Mts. region of California. In fact, several federation groups utilize the base according to Souza, which contains whole areas specifically conditioned with the various gravitational, atmospheric and environmental conditions necessary to meet the needs of the various Federation visitors and dignitaries.

The Paiute Indians of the southwest USA claim that a Greek or Egyptian-like race first colonized the massive caverns within the Panamint Mts. thousands of years ago [one source claims the base was established around 2500 B.C., which is incidentally about 600 years following the beginnings of the rise of Egyptian intellectual culture] when Death Valley was part of an inland sea connected to the Pacific Ocean.

When the sea dried up these people — who were described as wearing flowing robes draped over one shoulder, head-bands holding back their long dark hair, and bronze-golden skin — out of necessity began to develop their collective knowledge and intellect and soon afterward began to construct “silvery flying canoes“. At first, these flying machines possessed wings, were relatively small and flew with a dipping movement and a loud ‘whirring‘ noise.

As time passed the ships became wingless, grew larger in size, and flew ever more smoothly and silently.

Eventually these people, the HAV-MUSUVS moved their civilization into still deeper caverns which they had discovered farther underground and commenced to explore the nearby planets and eventually other star systems as their own technological explosion began to refine every aspect of their society. These Hav-Musuvs have apparently had interplanetary or interstellar travel for 3000-4000 years since they first developed their flying machines. Could they have been one of the many native-terranean “ancient astronaut” civilizations which apparently had colonized Lyra and other systems?


The story of the Panamints was related by a Navaho Indian by the name of Oga-Make, who in turn heard it from an old Paiute medicine man.

What about Souza’s reference to the Vegans, who are similar in appearance to East Indians? I believe that India is a major key to understanding our planet’s lost history. The ancient Vedic texts speak of flying ships called “vimanas” as well as nuclear technology which was utilized by the ancients there. Hinduism itself arrived in India as a result of the Pre-Nordic ‘Aryan‘ invasion from the North [the Gobi region?].

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 27b

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