THE ‘MAJI’ [Majestic Agency for Joint Intelligence] PROJECTS:

SIGMA — Initial project involved with attempts to establish communication with alien intelligence.

PLATO — Responsible for establishing Diplomatic Relations with the Aliens. This project secured a formal treaty, illegal under the U.S. Constitution, with the alien Grays.

AQUARIUS — Concerned with investigating the history of alien presence on earth and interaction with human beings. An outgrowth of this project is a huge Thesaurus-like document called the YELLOW BOOK describing aliens, their history in regards to humanity, and technology.

(Some believe that the YELLOW BOOK is filled with alien propaganda meant to make government agents vulnerable to alien psychological manipulation… for instance this would include the deception that humanity is a genetic creation placed on this planet by the reptilians, and so on… and the potential results of such propaganda, for instance: that since they are our ‘creators‘ we have absolutely no defense against them and might as well try to negotiate with them and attempt to appease our ‘creators‘ by giving them what they want. – Branton)

GARNET — A project responsible for the control of all information and documents regarding the Alien subjects and accountability of their information and documents.

PLUTO — A project responsible for evaluating all UFO and IAC [Identified Alien Craft] information pertaining to Space technology.

POUNCE — A project that was formed to recover all downed and/or crashed craft and Aliens, and provide cover stories and operations to mask the true endeavors whenever necessary, i.e. such as cover stories of crashed ‘experimental‘ Aircraft, Construction, Mining activities, etc.

NRO — National Recon Organization, based at Fort Carson, Colorado. Responsible via DELTA FORCES for security on all Alien or Alien Spacecraft and underground base projects.

DELTA — The special arm of the NRO which is especially trained and tasked with SECURITY of all MAJIC projects [MAJI or MAJIC oversee MJ-12]. Also code-named “MEN IN BLACK”, the Delta Forces are trained to provide Alien tasked projects and LUNA base security.

BLUE TEAM — The first project responsible for reaction and/or recovery of downed and/or crashed Alien craft and/or Aliens. This was a U.S. Air Force Material Command project. Also synonymous with ALPHA team crash/retrieval projects.


SIGN — The second project responsible for the collection of Intelligence and determining whether Alien presence constituted a threat to the U.S. National Security. SIGN absorbed the BLUE TEAM projects. This was a U.S. Air Force and CIA project.

REDLIGHT — The project involving the test-flying and back-engineering of recovered Alien craft at AREA 51 – Groom Lake – Dreamland, Nevada. UFO sightings of craft accompanied by Black unmarked Helicopters are project Redlight assets.

SNOWBIRD — Established as a cover for project Redlight. This project is activated from time to time when it is necessary to provide cover stories for Redlight operations, etc., by releasing information on advanced conventional military aircraft which are used to explain ‘unexplained‘ UFO sightings.

BLUE BOOK — A U.S. Air Force, UFO, and Alien Intelligence collection and disinformation project. This project was terminated and its collected information and duties were absorbed by Project AQUARIUS. A classified report named “GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK, REPORT No. 13” is the only significant information derived from the project and, other than information from second-hand sources, is unavailable to the public. Reports No. 1-12 and No. 14 ARE available to the public. The Grudge/Blue Book Report No. 13 mentions that many military government personnel AND CIVILIANS have been terminated [murdered without due process of law] when they had attempted to reveal the alien interaction with the SECRET government.


GABRIEL — A project to develop HIGH-Frequency pulsed sound generating weapons that would be effective against alien crafts and beam weapons. The project also involves working with high-frequency microwaves.

JOSHUA — The development of LOW-Frequency pulsed sound generating weapons. This weapon was developed and assembled at Ling Tempco Vaught in Anaheim, California. It was described as being able to totally level any man-made structure from a distance of two miles. It was tested at the White Sands Proving Grounds, and developed between 1975 and 1978. It is a long horn-shaped device connected to a computer and amplifiers. The project also involves low frequency and microwave projection.

EXCALIBUR — This is a weapon designed to destroy alien underground bases.

[developed and funded mostly by intelligence branches connected with the U.S. Navy and SDI projects who have rejected any further interaction with the Greys after they turned on ‘us’ during the Groom massacre and the Dulce wars.


Some patriotic elements of MJ12 and the M.I.C.–Military-Industrial Complex–support this agenda of resistance, whereas other elements tied-in with the ‘corporate imperialists’ of the international banking community support continued collaboration for purposes of acquiring further mind-control technology for their ‘New World Order’].

Excalibur is a missile capable of penetrating 1,000 meters of Tufa/Hard packed soil, such as is found in New Mexico, with no operational damage resulting. The missile’s apogee is not to exceed 30,000 feet Above Ground Level [AGL] and impact must not deviate in excess of 50 meters from designated target. The device carries a one to ten Megaton Nuclear Warhead.

The secret for a self-contained missile ‘drill‘ [a vertical shaft over 1,000 meters deep] consists of an energosintetizer macrowave deflector in the “Missile Warhead“.

MAJIC has five other major weapons to be used against the Aliens, however little if any information on these is available.

Also from the same report, we find the following information on Reptiloid alien forms:

Average Height: Male – 2.0 Meters; Female – 1.4 Meters

Average Weight: M – 200 Kilos; F – 100 Kilos

Body Temperature: M – Ambient Temperature; F – Ambient Temperature

Pulse/Respiration: M – 40/10; F – 40/10

Blood Pressure: M – 80/50; F – 80/50

Life Expectancy: M – 60 Earth Years; F – 23 Earth Years

Cold-blooded like all reptiles, the Reptiloid is found to flourish in a warm, tropical clime [normally artificial… big caves]. With imperfect respiration providing just enough oxygen to supply tissues and maintain the processing of food and combustion, their temperature can be raised only a few degrees above the ambient [this suggests that ‘heat’ weapons, like flamethrowers and so on, may prove to be nearly immediately effective and fatal to this species under battle conditions].

The reproductive system is ovouniparous, with eggs hatching in the oviduct prior to birth. The underdeveloped Reptiloid [for faster activities, physical activities] cerebellus results in a slowness and simpler city of movement. The Reptiloid eye is composed of thousands of microscopic facets, each facet with its own independent protective lid. The eye is almost never closed entirely during waking hours; rather, sections of the organ are shut down in conjunction with the dominant light source. The reptiloids survived ‘hidden‘ inside the Earth [within] Big Caves Underground.


Information on the Insectoids:

Average Height [Master Race]: Male – 1.6 Meters; Female – 1.2 Meters

Average Height [Servant Race]: M – 1.0 Meters; F – 1.0 Meters

Average Weight [Master Race]: M – 70 Kilos; F – 40 Kilos

Average Weight [Servant Race]: M – 35 Kilos; F – 35 Kilos

Body Temperature: M – 110/2; F – 110/2

Life Expectancy: M – 130 Earth Years; F – 130 Earth Years (Note: are the current attempts to create a genetic reptilian-insectoid hybrid race, like those genetically mutated species reportedly existing in Bellatrix Orion, a result of the Reptiloids’ desire to increase their life-span? – Branton)

The Insectoid retina is composed entirely of tone-sensitive rods and is incapable of discrimination between different wavelengths of light. Therefore, the addition of ‘color‘ to the insectoids vision is accomplished by the dual antennae which, in addition to being auditory receptors, are made up of a complex network of wavelength-sensitive cones. Owing to the highly directional nature of the antenna, the corona of vision is perceived by the subject in the tones of grey.

Because of this correlation of four independent light-receptive organs, Insectoid vision can be correctly termed ‘Quadroscopic‘, resulting in relatively superior depth perception. Insectoid auditory capabilities are highly developed, and Insectoids are capable of distinguishing from among a wider range of audio frequencies than is normal for humanoids. Because of the mono-directional antennae, Insectoids (most of which have been observed in the form of giant mantis, locust or grasshopper type entities – Branton) usually listen with their head tilted slightly downward. They also have a limited exoskeleton.

More alien races mentioned in the secret report:

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 27e

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