These aliens would send messages that would output on Paul’s computer printer. Some of the sentence structure was disjointed. Were intelligence agents taking extreme measures by hoaxing computer communications with Paul? For what purpose? Apparently Bennewitz was using special transmitter coils to send and receive electromagnetic signals to and from the alien base.

Then along came Thomas. Thomas E. Castello was born in Glen Ellan, Illinois on April 23, 1941. Thomas was the man who released the Dulce papers. His good friend, Ann West (pseudonym – true name on file.- Branton), tells his story — as Thomas has not been heard from since 1991.

Thomas had a passion for antique cars, any antique car, but especially Packards, and especially the big-nosed cars of the forties and early fifties. A lot of his spare time was spent modifying his 1949 Packard, and he needed special parts. His friends told him about an older man in town that had a machine shop that could rebuild antique cars. This old man was Ed West, Ann’s father. He found Ed easy to talk to, not just about cars, but anything.

The two spent endless hours discussing cars, planes, and the space program. Tom and Ed found they were both fascinated with flying saucers.

After a few months, Ed introduced Tom to “THE ORGANIZATION“, a group that did deep research on flying saucers and contactees. Tom completed INITIATION into the group and was soon on several assignments.

At that time in 1961, Tom was in the Air Force, stationed at Nellis AFB [near] Las Vegas. He was schooled in photography and had received top-secret clearance. He was given the opportunity of receiving additional training in Virginia. There, he had his first experience of working in an underground base. When he left that facility, his top-secret clearance was upgraded to TS-IV.

His duties as an Air Force sergeant included photographing a runway exercise in Florida. He would meet with Ann during his off-duty time in Orlando. Tom was pleased to discover that Ann drove a classic 1950 Packard straight-eight with a beautiful swan as a hood ornament.

The next year, 1963, Ann moved to Las Vegas to be near her folks.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 28b - "THE ORGANIZATION" -- INSIDE THE COLLABORATION

When she was in Florida, she had a close encounter with a glowing flying saucer and was actually taken on board. The haunting dreams and memories of this incident bothered Ann. Tom introduced HER to “The Organization“. After a few visits, Ann became initiated into the group and started certain assignments. She and Tom began to collect books, articles, and magazines about UFOs. They would spend nights doing research.

Over the years, Tom became like a brother to Ann. His parents were killed in a car accident so he adopted Ann’s parents into his heart.

Tom stayed in high-security photography for seven years, then left the Air Force in 1971. He began working for RAND Corp. in California as a security technician. Within a year, his clearance was upgraded to ULTRA-3.

Tom met Cathy in 1972 and got married. In November 1974, Cathy gave birth to Eric Scott Castello. They moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1977. Tom had been transferred and his clearance upgraded to ULTRA-7. He found his new position financially rewarding, but more stressful. He told Ann that he worked in an underground facility that had incredible security, for the photography department.

His job touched on all aspects of photography from large format cameras to mini cameras. It was his responsibility to check, align, and calibrate all the security video cameras, from the doors to exit tunnels. His position required that he be armed at all times. It was also his job to escort visitors to certain areas of the base. This facility came to be known as the Dulce Base. When Tom finally left his job, he had earned the security rank of Major.

Tom and Cathy, and TAL and Mary LeVesque, all lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1979 when Ann went to visit them. Tom seemed more intense than usual. He said that he wished that he could talk to Ann about his concerns, but his high-security clearance prevented him from saying much. The day Ann left New Mexico, Tom pressed a folded piece of paper into her hand and whispered quietly, “don’t let anyone see this.” She slipped it into her pocket. That night, alone at a motel in Durango, she opened the paper.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 28e - "THE ORGANIZATION" -- INSIDE THE COLLABORATION

There were three things on its yellow page:

  • a sketch of an alien;
  • an inverted triangle;
  • and the name Dulce.

She stared at the mysterious drawing and tried to figure out what it all meant. The alien in the drawing had a large head, big black eyes, no nose, and no hair. The triangle was shaded black. After looking at it, she flushed the paper down the toilet. That night, she had nightmares about aliens.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 28e

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