• “…Reports of suspicious deaths, darkly and deeply linked to UFO’s, persist, however, and continue to cause speculation. Word comes from Gordon Creighton, editor of the informative FLYING SAUCER REVIEW, who notes a possible deathly tie-in with the U.S. ‘Star Wars‘ program. He wrote to me in Nov. 1988 as follows:
  • “‘…here in Britain 22 scientists have reportedly either taken their own lives or died in very strange or mysterious circumstances. And it seems that most… were engaged in British work on behalf of, or related to the U.S. ‘Star Wars‘ program. The British government, it seems, was trying to hush it up. But press statements here say that the U.S. government had put our government on the spot and demanded a full inquiry. So, quite clearly, it is either the Russians or THEM…’
  • “As many researchers have surmised, ‘Star Wars‘, ostensibly conceived as a defensive system against Russian missile attack, may have had from it’s beginning a ‘defensive‘ UFO connection. Whatever the case, a ‘mock test‘ in September 1988, of an earth-shattering warhead — much like ‘Star Wars‘ in reverse — was conducted at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada. Announced as a proposed super-weapon designed to destroy ‘Russian’ underground command centers dug in the solid rock down to 1,000 [feet], some UFO analysts believe that the real target is not Russian but another adversary deep down in cavernous installations IN NEVADA AND NEW MEXICO.
  • (Hopefully this weapon will only be used only against those underground bases where no human captive presence exists. In those bases where humans captives ARE present, which is probably the reality in the greater majority of the bases, a full-scale ‘ground assault‘ should be considered instead. – Branton)

  • “According to the Pentagon, the proposed earth-penetrating warhead is ‘urgently needed‘. According to rumor-mills, an alien race — the ‘grays‘ — in their fortified underground laboratories, are genetically experimenting with the human race. Even more ominous, rumors say that their intransigence today may lead to new perils tomorrow.”

In reference to the “Chameleons” and CERTAIN elements of the so-called “Men In Black” phenomena, I cannot help but include the following account from Brazil which apparently puts everything in perspective. The following excerpts were taken from a report by Brazilian researcher Antonio Huneeus, titled:

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 29c - "THEY LIVE": CHAMELEONS IN OUR MIDST!?

“THE ‘CHUPAS’ — UFO HORROR STORIES FROM BRAZIL”. Mr. Huneeus describes the following incident that was investigated by APEX [Association of Extraterrestrial Investigations] in Sao Paulo, one of the best known UFO groups in Brazil, founded by Dr. Max Berezowsky:

  • “…The affair began near Vitoria, the capital of [the] state of Espiritu Santo north of Rio state, where there are beaches rich in mineral contents. It happened either in late 1979 or early 1980, [Osni] Schwarz wasn’t sure when he told the story in 1986…
  • “A youngster called Aeromar, sold beverages at the beach, where one day he encountered three men dressed in suits and tie — highly unusual clothing for the beach, especially in Brazil — who approached him and said they wanted to talk to him. Aeromar became scared, thinking they were perhaps policemen who wanted to implicate him in a drug case, so he avoided the beach for a few days. As he returned home after dropping off his girlfriend one night, he saw a car with the same three men inside. He ran to the house, but suddenly he couldn’t hear well. His mother took him to the hospital where he was not cured, although about a month later he suddenly could hear well again.
  • “Aeromar moved to Rio, finding work at a bakery in a shift between 4 and 11 PM. One night, as he was crossing one of the many TUNNELS that link the Rio bays, he saw two of the MIB’s walking in his direction. The youngster ran in the opposite direction, only to find the third MIB waiting at a bus stop. He escaped and went back to the bakery, where he told his boss that the Vitoria police were chasing him. The boss accompanied him to the nearest police station to make a complaint, which he did, but he was not believed. The boss then convinced him that he should perhaps move to Sao Paulo, a bigger city where it may be easier to go unnoticed.
  • “So Aeromar moved to Sao Paulo, finding work in an electrical company and sharing a room with another man. He also became friends with a vendor of beverages from Vitoria who had a stand near a movie theater. While hanging out there one night, a car stopped right in front of the stand and the door opened.
  • “Even through he didn’t want to go, Aeromar LOST HIS WILL and entered the car. The door closed and he found inside — not surprisingly — the three same men whom he had been dodging for months. They drove for a while, leaving the city and entering a wooded area.
  • “The car stopped and they all walked up to a big UFO surrounded by some sort of luminous ring and hovering above the ground. The men walked underneath the craft, which emitted a ray of light and they suddenly were inside. Still drained of any willpower, Aeromar walked to a chair and sat down. From the arms of the chair appeared handles that secured his wrists. An iron bar then pressed his forehead backward while another gadget fastened his neck. Up to here, the men were always dressed in suits, but at this point an incredible transformation took place: the MIB’S HEAD RIPPED OPENED INTO A HEART SHAPE AND THE SKIN BECAME GREEN AND SCALED LIKE A REPTILIAN. Take into account that while the popular image of the MIB was well known 14 years ago, the idea of reptilian abductors was then not in vogue as nowadays.
  • “Be that as it may, the UFOnauts proceeded to interrogate and tell him things that were going to happen both to him and the earth. To make the story even more ‘Hollywoodesque‘, a door in the room opened at one point and Aeromar was able to peek at HUMAN CORPSES HANGING BY THEIR FEET FROM HOOKS. The man naturally became traumatized, remembering only that his straps were loosened. Everything went blank after that…
  • “Aeromar’s conscious recollection places him next back at the theater, but several hours later since there was no traffic in the streets. He returned to his room in a panic and began to tell the story to his roommate. A strange force PUSHED HIS BODY, however, throwing it AGAINST THE WALL in front of him, as he remembered the aliens had told him that he shouldn’t speak about the experience or he would suffer. Aeromar cried for a while, not knowing what to do. A few days later, his friend contacted the Globo TV network, which was working on a UFO documentary. Globo, in turn, passed the tip to Dr. Max Berezowsky. Aeromar and his roommate went to APEX on a very busy day when the office was full of people. They told the whole story to Dr. Berezowsky and a few assistants, Osni Schwarz among them.
  • “Berezowsky attempted to do hypnotic regression with the witness, but there was too much interference in the office and Aeromar was in total panic. He was saying that ‘they’ were going to take him on the next Thursday and that a UFO was going to land in a Sao Paulo neighborhood on Tuesday night. A crowd of people, in fact, went that night to the supposed landing site but nothing happened. Although Dr. Berezowsky was in touch with Aeromar, HE VANISHED A FEW DAYS LATER AND NOBODY EVER SAW HIM AGAIN. I wrote down at the end of my notes on this affair, ‘the whole case is like a UFO horror movie.'”
Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 29b - "THEY LIVE": CHAMELEONS IN OUR MIDST!?

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30

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