The Greys seem to spend more time being afraid of humans than disliking them. They prefer to subdue humans and take what they want from them in the form of biological products or energy frequencies

(Note: They are energy vampires, ever siphoning-off the VITAL energies of their victims in order to feed or energize themselves. – Branton).

…The Greys have the ability to extract knowledge and sensory information from the brain of the human and make use of that information when mentally controlling the consciousness of the human. This information may be woven into a scenario that is specifically geared toward modifying the behavior of the human… It is estimated that at least ten percent of the human population is regularly and systematically abducted by the Greys and other species. That number has been steadily rising as time goes on.

…Children are sometimes abducted and never returned to their point of origin. The Greys may abduct a human child and raise them in their own environment to eventually become a manipulated human that they can use for their own purposes. Reptilian aliens are known to be carnivorous. It is also known that as far as humans are concerned, they prefer human children to adults. The bodies of human children are relatively uncontaminated with tobacco, alcohol, and other substances that are distasteful to that species. Research indicates that human children are being collected and stored by some species for that purpose.

…The probability of the children being returned in good condition by Reptilian based species is much less than with the Greys (Although the Greys are also reptilian-based, less obviously so. – Branton)… the Greys feel they have nothing to physically fear from a child. The Greys are generally paranoid of adult humans and will, in most cases, automatically seek to induce paralysis without consideration for the temperament of the individual human adult. Children are seen by the Greys as future targets of biophysical manipulation as far as their identity as humans are concerned.


(1) Researcher Clifford Stone on one occasion received word of an impending abduction and rushed out to the site in his car in an attempt to interfere. As he reached the site, he saw the Greys dragging a little boy away from a station wagon into a waiting disk. Stone, with the incredible presence of mind, rushed into the disk with a can of hairspray and a lighter and burned the Grey that was holding the child, grabbed the child and ran out. The disk took off immediately and all was well…

(2) On one occasion, an abduction occurred on a farm in the southern United States. The farmer, who had a rigid and strong belief structure, perceived several Greys hauling off his young son. He yelled at the Greys, “Stop! If you don’t stop my God will crush your ship!” The Greys halted, glared at him, let the boy go, climbed into the ship and took off. The point is that the human could believe anything strongly enough and as far as the Greys were concerned, it would be fact. The Greys, having a group-oriented mental structure, cannot process policy decisions without consultation with Greys higher in their social hierarchy.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30c - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The result can be confusing when they are faced with events that they don’t expect. They will often cease operations until a decision is made. It seems to be an inherent operational ‘weakness‘.

(Note: There is also something to be said about the aliens’ fear of Divine Intervention. If indeed the Greys and Reptiloids are physical beings that are largely incarnated by subspace entities akin to rebel angels as some accounts suggest, then a sudden reminder of the Almighty power of their ancient foes — the Supreme being and his angels — might be enough to cause them to stop in their tracks. – Branton)


UFO’s are using the area near Calvert, Texas as a base or way station. Caverns exist beneath farmland on the outskirts of town. “There is a complex network of Caves and Tunnels which connect somewhere underground. A check of geographical survey maps will show that Calvert is built directly on top of a fault line which zigzags for miles in all directions.”

The ranchers and farmers in this area have reported hearing peculiar noises coming from deep beneath their feet. “Individuals living five or six miles outside Calvert have repeatedly been driven out of their homes into the cool evening air by the sound of generators. It appears to them as if a steady droning noise is originating from all directions but is loudest when ears are placed to the ground.”

This bit of information has led me to conclude that UFO’s operating around here have established bases for themselves far beneath the Earth’s crust…


Perhaps the most widely referenced area that allegedly has a base is 2.5 miles northwest of the town of Dulce, New Mexico (another major extension of this massive base seems to be south of Dulce. – Branton). The area is normally referred to by researchers and abductees alike as DULCE… Over the past 10 years, A LOT of data has come in about this facility.

Many of the underground bases are adjacent to large underground cavities, many of which are known by both the public and the military forces. All large underground cavities affect the gravitational field strength in that area, and they all can be located through an examination of a Gravity Field Anomaly map obtained through the U.S. Geological Survey. The average field strength is about -100 to -150. The field strength over these large cavities seems to vary from -250 to -400. Check it out. Relate these areas to areas of sightings. Viola!

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30k - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE


We have some sensitive areas in Kansas just reported. Wichita — UFOs seen, military black helicopters were seen. Also a report from a military man from Ft. Riley. He has seen UFOs and not been allowed in certain areas of the base. [There is also] talk of UFO abductions of military men & their families. Cannot confirm this at this time because the man and his family suddenly disappeared. My best friend of over 15 years has not contacted me since they reported the information to me! So Kansas is definitely a concern for me personally.


Many of the early underground facilities belonging to the Atomic Energy Commission in the 1950s were eventually turned over to projects relating to alien technology. Most apparently were added on to by the forces that occupied them…

Residents of the [Dulce] area report that a certain section of the road around Dulce Lake has been the site of several accidents. It is said that drivers report that they see a straight stretch of road where the road apparently curves. Elders of the local [Jicarilla Apache] tribe report that when they walk by this area they have a similar visual problem. Some of them have even fallen into the lake because of this. These same Elders refrain from discussing the animal mutilations. One interesting fact is that the Jicarilla Indian creation myth says that they emerged from underground…

(Note: Could this be an area containing time-space distortions? A similar area reportedly exists just south of the mid-point between Lakeport and Hopeland, California. Major time-space distortions have been detected there between these two. Many residents of that area have also died under mysterious circumstances, there have been reports of ancient caverns and tunnels with ‘stairs‘ leading downward, several cars including government vehicles have disappeared along that stretch of road in the past, photographs of quasi-physical beings have been taken, strange voices from ‘no-where‘, large black automobiles which disappear into cliffs have been reported, and strange beings stalking the area at night.

The time-space distortions involve certain areas where, for example, an object that ‘appears‘ to be 100 feet away may turn out to be a mile, and vise versa. Other areas where time-space distortions have been reported include Sedona, Arizona; the mid-point between Arkansas and Missouri; an area in or around Lake Ontario, Mt. Shasta and the mojave desert in California; Montauk, Long Island; and of course the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ region, just to name a few. – Branton)

A recent field investigation of the area adjacent to [Archuleta] Mesa proved to be difficult. Researchers were confronted by several small hovering spheres that had some sort of electronic emission that made them all violently ill.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30j - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

Activity in the area of Dulce, New Mexico began almost at the same time as the Roswell crash – 1947. Studies of the area have confirmed that summer troop movements occurred every year after 1947 for quite some time. The construction of a road into the area was done, and trucks went in and out of the town. Later on, the road was mysteriously blocked by the ‘military‘ and destroyed…

Since the initial activity seemed to occur in the same year as several disk crashes, one might wonder why the military would be carrying on a large construction program of this nature, especially since it occurred some 12 years before the famous RAND CORPORATION conference on Deep Underground Construction, which occurred in 1959.

They might have discovered information about the base from analysis of the crashed disks or the reptilian-based entities they found onboard. It is possible that this facility was functional earlier than in 1947. We do know that the base was made in stages using ALIEN technology. Most everything in the base is controlled magnetically. Even the illumination is magnetically induced.

What we do know is that the upper levels were built AFTER the lower levels. In other words, a U.S. base was built ON TOP OF a pre-existing alien base. This is not the only location where this phenomenon has taken place. There are indications that there are situations like this up at the Nevada Test Site and elsewhere. Deep sections of the complex are connected to [extensive] natural cavern systems…

We know that the base consists of a many-leveled cylinder with tunnels radiating out in several [5] directions. There are at least 7 levels. We know [through personnel who have worked there] that the first two or three levels are primarily US government personnel. We know that senators and astronauts have been brought to the facility and have been shown the first [few] levels. The facility appears to be a state-of-the-art cryogenics facility and laboratory…

Level 7 is where human children and adults are stored as a source of biological materials. Remember the longships in the series “V” where all the humans were stored? It’s similar to that, but it is more of a production laboratory situation.

Humans have been seen stored in clear cylindrical containers over 6 feet in height, suspended in a yellow or amber fluid — alive and conscious but unable to scream or say a word. [This has been] a common observation in this installation as well as in some of the other 26 installations in the midwestern US [containing similar facilities]…

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30i

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