An engineer from Lockheed hinted at developments when he said that ‘they have things on the Nevada Test Site that would make George Lucas drool.’ All advanced air vehicles are manufactured in coordination with General Electric, Boeing, Lockheed, McDonell Douglas, Northrop and other corporate military-industrial complexes in the underground ‘skunkworks‘, such as those in the Tehachapi Mountains in California and other less publicized sites…

Several years ago, a fellow researcher was acquainted with a former Air Force warrant officer [who later committed ‘suicide’] who used to fly a YF-12 aircraft in the Pacific. At one point he encountered a teardrop-shaped craft during a flight. Later in his career, he became involved in highly classified technical work. Before he became despondent enough to commit ‘suicide’ [?], he revealed the following:

(a) In 1969, there were 60 B58 Hustler aircraft kept in an underground base that had an underground runway which ended in an opening to the surface. Each of these 60 aircraft carried a COBALT BOMB strapped to the bottom of it.

(Note: If an H-bomb is a thousand times more destructive than an A-bomb, and the Cobalt bomb — which most mainstream physicists consider to be a ‘theoretical‘ weapon that has not yet been developed — surpasses the H-bomb to a similar degree, then we are talking about MAJOR destructive power to the point of causing TOTAL DEVASTATION on a scale of hundreds of miles rather than a few miles or tens of miles surrounding the impact zone. Hopefully such weapons will be used ONLY in interplanetary warfare in space and far removed from major population centers on earth, if at all. – Branton)

(b) In 1871, there were tests being conducted of a Gamma-ray laser [GASER] that would track and shoot down meteorites.

(c) Also in the early 1970s, this same Air Force officer was stationed at a secret base in Wyoming. The base security was so high that entry to areas was by photo and voice print analysis. An experiment was done there that probably counts as one of the most totally irresponsible acts performed by the U.S. government. Experiments were being done again on time-shifted magnetic fields. Remember that they have been working with this and elements of alien technology for decades.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30a - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The experiment involved the actual detonation of a nuclear device inside a time-shifted magnetic field to see if any of the energy escaped the field. None did. In other words, these people deliberately sent the entire force of a nuclear explosion into time. No one knows where it went. One can imagine the potential damage that was created on the other side. It is possible that this act attracted other alien species wishing to understand who would have done such a thing, and this act might have been responsible for the premeditated disruption of other beings.


Electronic space societies conditioned to war and destruction found a better way to win conflicts. Wars for territories became wars for the control of minds and entities since it was learned that massive destruction is counterproductive.

Orion entities [several species of Greys and the Reptilians]…began an epoch of conquest and domination.

Occasionally, invaders would arrive on a planet targeted for colonization only to discover the presence of a primitive culture that had the potential of having a tremendous psionic ability. Sometimes they would find their paths blocked by disembodied [other-dimensional] entities. They would employ electronic and psionic crystal-based weapons to drive away from local denizens…

Since the original purpose was the conquest of the physical universe [which implies control of mind and mass-consciousness] it became necessary to create a more equitable system of prediction and control. The practice of implanting came into being as a method of population control. It was and always has been political expediency…

Occasionally, a faction which opposes the invaders appears on one of the planets the Orion entities have taken over, in order to free the prisoners. They do this by giving them the technology or information which would make them free beings again. This creates a certain amount of instability in the un-stable and un-natural system which has been imposed on the planetary population. This is what is happening on Earth in 1990…


— Bolivian legends that go back some 5,000 years tell of the destruction of civilization in far-off times as the result of a conflict with some non-human race “whose blood was not red like ours”.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30c - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

— The American Apache Indians tell stories of tunnels between their lands and the city of Tiahuanaco and claim that their ancestors traveled for years by this route. The Indian chiefs also assured that the tunnels were “carved out by rays that destroy the living rock” and that the [tunnel] creators were “beings that live near the stars.

— Many Central Asian legends relate to the Gobi Desert as being a great sea in remote times. According to Chinese sages, there was an island in this sea that was inhabited by “white men with blue eyes and fair hair”, who… “imparted the arts of civilization to their fellow men, including the inhabitants of Mu, who attained a high degree of culture…”

(Another account that I came across years ago — although the exact source has been long forgotten — spoke of human giants who also worked and lived among these ‘blond‘ people on the ancient Gobi island. This island was connected to the mainland by large underground tunnels that ran in all directions from the central island-capital. – Branton)


The creation of the mentality that produces chemical and biological weapons owes its source to alien influence. The appearance of global disease is also there. Between 540AD and 592AD the bubonic plague ravaged the East Roman Empire. Records show frequent aerial phenomena in conjunctions with outbreaks. Very often, plagues would be preceded by mysterious foul-smelling mists, humanoids dressed in black, and ‘COMETS‘ in the sky. A small list of plagues that were preceded by the above events:

Year Description

1298-1314 Large ‘comets‘ seen over Europe.

1333 Plague commenced after a vile mist appeared.

1347 Plague epidemic in Europe. 40 million dead in 4 years [Note: this scenario happened every 10-20 years until the 1700s, resulting in the death of over 100 million people.]

1500-1543 26 ‘comets‘ recorded.

1556-1597 15 ‘comets‘ recorded.

1568 ‘comet‘ preceded plague in Vienna

1582 ‘comet‘ preceded plague.

1618 9 ‘comets‘ recorded.

1606 ‘comet‘ preceded general worldwide plague.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30k

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