Through recorded history, there are also references to humanoids dressed in black. Their presence would signal an almost immediate outbreak of the plague. In 1559 men dressed in black were seen spraying an oat field just before an outbreak of the plague in Brandenburg, Germany.

(Interjection: One source, Steven Gibbs, claims that some of the ‘Men In Black‘ are human agents under the control of the Greys who have the ability to travel through time-space. Also, sources who were involved with the ‘Montauk‘ projects suggest that it is possible to travel forward and backward in time. Reverse time travel being possible yet one must be very careful not to try to alter a historical event, for THEIR OWN sake, not histories’ sake. It would seem that all ‘events‘ within the ‘eternal NOW‘ are the products of all past-present-future influences which are brought to bear on each particular event.

When all past-present-future influences have decided the outcome of that event then that event it SET in the Timeline. Unless recorded history has been tampered with to cover up manipulations by time travelers, any attempt to alter an event that is set in time would proceed as follows, for example:

An agent of a European secret society is sent back in time to kill George Washington as a child. He completes his mission and returns to the future. Absolutely nothing has changed. He goes back and takes Washington’s life as a teenager and ‘succeeds‘, and returns to the future only to find that nothing has changed.

So he goes back and takes Washington’s life a little later on — say during his trials at Valley Forge. To the time-traveler it might seem as if he succeeded. At that point in ‘time‘ General Washington might experience a nightmare of someone trying to kill him and wake up on a cold sweat. So from the time-traveler’s perspective the General is dead, but this time he stays around to see what happens. Well at first things seem to go along normally, but the assassin will if he is attentive notice that ‘reality’ is no longer what it should be.

Events and objects slowly start to become somewhat more ‘fluid‘ and dreamlike, until his state of reality is seemingly somewhere between reality and a dreamscape. The time traveler in his attempts to alter an established event has simply been phase-shifted by the timeline into a parallel dimension, possibly a 4th dimension, as nature’s simple method of dealing with a potential ‘paradox‘. He has become trapped-in-time within a localized quantum quasi-reality field.

In this strange new dimension he encounters other time-travelers and other quantum-reality fields. As these various fields compete with each other, events and objects become more ‘fluid‘ or more ‘solid‘ depending on the combined psychic energy maintaining these particular ‘fields‘ and the degree by which these quasi or virtual reality-fields are ‘competing‘ with each other. The dominant thought form fields become more ‘solid‘ whereas the weaker ones become less so.

He has entered into an insane chaotic realm where multi-density thought-forms battle each other for dominance. Having been phase-shifted from the TIMELINE, he has become trapped in a THOUGHTLINE composed of quasi-solid psionic energy forms which are out-of-phase with the solid and tangible 3rd dimensional Timeline. In so doing he or the others ‘trapped‘ within this alternate reality may encounter quasi-physical entities or denizens that are native to this etherial realm. Now the question is, could the ‘Men In Black‘ who were spraying the fields as described above be time travelers trying to alter the past, or in this case ‘establishing‘ a past event that already exists?

The question would have to be asked:

Just where is the line between MAKING the past and BREAKING the past, or that point where one has interfered with the timeline to the point that they are ‘kicked-out‘ of the 3rd dimension and into a parallel 4th[?] dimensional existence? Is it possible for aliens or whoever — who have been phase shifted from the Timeline — to re-materialize themselves in the 3rd dimension? If they were able to ‘establish‘ events in the past the Greys for instance might see a person in power and travel into his past, not to CHANGE his past but to MAKE his past.

They would have to be very careful not to try and ‘create‘ a past event that does not already exist. Just how they would know one from the other would be a major problem. They might manipulate that person on an unconscious level and prepare him or her for whatever purpose they had planned. Or in other words, ‘plant a seed‘ in the past that would manifest in the future, yet without interfering the timeline. Montauk investigators have stated that it was discovered that in order to alter history one would have to alter the ‘parallel’ realities that were discovered as well.

Could some of these parallel realities be other density realms where objects and events become fluid thought forms rather than concrete matter forms? If this is the case then trying to alter THOSE realities might be about as difficult as trying to build a sand-castle with wet mud. It just can’t be done.

However, could manipulation of someone’s past — even if the Greys had to phase in and out of the 3rd dimension repeatedly in order to ‘claim‘ what little “quantum territory” they could find in the past that had not been ‘claimed‘, ‘set‘ or ‘solidified‘ — explain why many members of MJ-12 and other influential people have experienced alien abductions and indoctrination from childhood?

If the Greys or some other time-traveling force attempted to take control of or posses ‘time‘ space along the timeline that is not ‘occupied‘ or ‘claimed‘ — because THAT ‘time space‘ is already generally being occupied in an other-planetary, subterranean or phase-shifted setting. — then in so doing they would not necessarily stand in the way of the mighty flow of the event-chain and as a result might not be pushed off into another dimension by trying to get in its way. Or if they were they might find ways of re-phasing back into the 3rd dimension.

Instead, they might accept those events as being set and instead of changing them attempt to work with them, around them and through them to their advantage or for whatever purpose. They might try to change their ‘future‘ by altering the past. For instance they could ‘bury‘ something in the past and return to THEIR PRESENT and un-bury it. In this case they would not risk creating a paradox and thus phase-shift themselves into some other dimension, however they might use what they buried in the past to influence their present and future.

So, regardless of the various ways by which the past might be ‘manipulated‘ [as opposed to ‘altered’], we in essence would not have a “TIMECOP” scenario of an infinite number of solid timelines, which would put an infinite strain on ‘space‘ itself; but a “12-MONKEYS” type of scenario involving time-travelers MAKING the past rather than CHANGING the past through some type of multi-linear reality or the so-called ‘eternal-now’ quantum cause-and-effect type of scenario. – Branton)

During the plague years, there was tremendous ethical decay among humans. There were attempts by various religious factions to eliminate others. There was an attempt by the [Roman] Catholics to eliminate the Jews. There was more genocide during this period than during the second world war. Genocide’s during this period were often incited by GERMAN trade guilds, who were ‘Brotherhood‘ [fraternal] organizations. The effect of the plagues was:

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30h - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

Plague + Inquisition + Genocide = Religious Apocalyptic Prophecy Fulfilled.

The Bavarian Illuminati and the Rosicrucians were behind MANY of the new [cultic] movements which appeared at this time…


There is absolutely no doubt that replication of humans is an ongoing process that has a part to play in the manipulation of events on this planet. Hundreds of individuals over the last twenty years have attested to what they have seen, both on alien craft and in underground installations… the synchronicity and sheer weight of corroboration from vastly unconnected sources is damning evidence that this is occurring.

A lot of evidence started to surface in the 1970s. A lot of it seemed to tie-in the idea that political figures have been undergoing a process of duplication. During this process, the individual’s responses, memories, and habit patterns are copied from the human to be duplicated. The original can then be preserved or processed into basic biological components. The clone will then function as the original, except that the entity is under alien control. There is also an apparent minority of cases where the synthetic duplicate’s consciousness is directly replaced by an alien consciousness — the walk-in…

(Some abductees claim that in some cases the reptiloids will ‘clone‘ a human body through time-space acceleration and transfer the conscious memory-matrix from the original body and into the replicated body for the sole purpose of ‘consuming‘ the original body along with the emotional-chemical residue or vital energy contained therein — emotional energies which have accumulated through a life-time of emotional expression.

This ‘emotional juices‘ within the physical body is considered a delicacy by these ‘energy vampires‘ in a similar manner as was depicted in regards to the draconian gargoyle-like ‘aliens‘ in the movie ‘LIFEFORCE‘, although this movie admittedly took this concept to the extreme, however the concept of stolen vital-energies giving aliens power to shape-shift their molecular structure like one of the legendary ‘wer‘ creatures did NOT originate from that movie.

Also there is evidence of the post-mortem continuation of the “emotional bodies” of some people who have died under extreme emotional circumstances, where these emotional bodies linger around in the physical area where the traumatic death occurred as emotional ‘shadows‘ imprinted on the atmosphere as ‘ghosts‘ or ‘specters‘.

These forms of emotional residue seem to also attract various types of malevolent alien and/or astral forms… explaining the often numerous connections which have been found between ‘aliens‘ and ‘poltergeist‘ or ‘haunting‘ episodes. The aliens involved in such scenarios may be physical, nonphysical or as with the case of many of the ‘Greys‘ — malevolent nonphysical entities incarnating or inhabiting physical ‘alien‘ bodies, whether these bodies are equivalent to biogenetically altered reptilians, or synthetic humanoids. – Branton)

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30l

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