In a walk-in situation, the alien consciousness could be ‘used to‘ a biological matrix that provided three fingers on each hand, for instance. Having an organic body with five fingers could mean that there would be two fingers on each hand that would not be used normally, if at all. This idea was once expressed in the ‘INVADERS‘ series on television, which was pulled off the air prematurely (I would suggest that aside from INVADERS… THE OUTER LIMITS and DARK SKIES are two other series’ which are remarkably close to the truth, as some of ‘us’ perceive it. – Branton). Roy Thiness, the main character in the show, has had some experiences of his own relative to the theme of the program.

There are other factors that should be looked for. One of them is the EYES. There are three aspects of the eyes that have been mentioned: [In some cases] one eye is different [darker] than the other; the eyes are bulging [like cow eyes]; the eyes depict a blank expression. This is not to say that people who have this appearance are synthetics, but these are said to be [possible] indicators.

Another factor that is said to apply to synthetics is that they do not have a long life span. It is said that they do not function well beyond a couple of years; some political figures have been said to have been replaced several times…

CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN RESEARCHERS: ON SYNTHETICS AND CLONES [Apparently the researcher that Valerian interviewed has remained anonymous]:

Q. – In your opinion, do you think any of the material about the use of clones, synthetics, and androids is valid?

A. – Yes, there is plenty of evidence that these and other processes are carried out universally in order to permit the housing [or trapping] of consciousness. As far as western culture is concerned, there have been examples that have been shown to the public. For example, on the TV series “The Invaders“, the title role was played by Roy Thinnes.

Shortly after Roy had finished reading for the series, two weeks before he was to start filming, he had a UFO encounter himself. It made the whole thing he was doing for the series a lot more real for him. As a result, he began to examine the different ideas presented in the series a little more closely, such as ways that the government eventually forced the series off the air.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30k - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

These beings that are coming from other frequencies that don’t use a physical body but need a physical presence have other beings that have a physical presence generate biological structures that function as containers for them. Biological humanoids.

Through these, their energy fields are manifested. The internal organs would not matter since they are just energy transitional containers. A lot of what is going on is like super science fiction. The only way a lot of humans can deal with it is through science fiction because if they have to continually confront that it is real, or what they may have to think or do about it, knowing that it is a fact, it would evoke too much stress.

(I would add that it would probably be closer to a combination of science fiction AND sword and sorcery, or a fusion of the physical with the metaphysical — since the reptil-insectoid Greys especially seem to manifest not only technological powers but supernatural powers as well, or what some refer to as “occult-technology“. In this case it is occult technology utilized by “alien sorcerers” capable of attacking human beings on all three levels of their nature — or the spiritual, psychological and physical levels – Branton)

It is easier for most humans to negate reality to a science fiction format so they can manipulate the concepts while at the same time equating the fantasy as a sort of ‘protection‘ against the true nature of reality, which is suppressed by cultural forces in order to maintain organization and pacification in an artificially maintained cultural process of “Be Silent, Consume and Die” in the midst of massive intentional suppression of awareness.

There is consciousness that has manipulated human beings for a long time according to what is, to humans, an alien agenda. The ‘game‘ is deeper and more complex than most humans can imagine; a lot deeper than a few humans having a little disk hardware at S-4…

A lot of the technology discovered since the 1940s has been actively suppressed. There are all sorts of things that can be done to adjust a living being to look like something or someone else. Many hints of the technology have been seen in the media in old [and new] television programs like “Outer Limits” and in films.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30d - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

There is a lot of truth in many of the old programs. Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the Star Trek series, made several pilot films after the Star Trek series ran out. One of them was “GENESIS II“, which portrayed United States Government underground genetics laboratories that were connected by tube shuttles. The pilot was never permitted to develop into a series, for obvious reasons.

There are other films that deal with biogenetic clones and still others that portray remotely piloted spherical surveillance objects that are controlled from underground laboratories. All these portray aspects of what has been actually happening.

The early programs in the “Time Tunnel” series portrayed the government having an underground lab that housed the time tunnel equipment. Access was by way of a piece of desert road that dropped down and allowed vehicles to drive underground in tunnels. Fantasy is coming from reality, not the other way around…


The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30m

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