1934 — The first ‘deal’ or interaction with the Grey entities occurred on July 11, 1934, on board a naval ship in Balboa. It was here that the agreement was initially made [between aliens and representatives of the ‘Bavarian’ Illuminati operating within U.S. Intelligence ‘fraternities’] that let the greys proceed unhindered with the abductions and cattle mutilations.

1950 — In December of 1950, a unit called IPU, “Interplanetary Phenomena Unit“, was established. It was an operational unit to deal with the ever-increasing scenarios of crashed disks and aliens. That same month a disk crashed in the El Indio-Guerro area of Mexico and was taken to the AEC facility at Sandia in New Mexico. Also in 1950, the revised edition of “The Effects of Atomic Weapons” prepared by the AEC advises “complete underground placement of bases is desirable” and “there are apparently no fundamental difficulties in construction and operating underground in various types of important facilities”.

1958 — In 1958, International Geophysical Year, expeditions were made to the poles in order to again assess the problem of the Germans, as well as the threat from aliens of different characters that were detected as coming from inside the Earth. Work continued on Alternatives 2 and 3. The use of the ‘Orion‘ method of hypnosis, used on government workers in high-security areas, begins.

1959 — In 1959, the RAND Corporation held several conferences on Deep Underground Construction. These conferences were attended by the various military services as well as large corporate construction firms like Bechtel. Underground construction projects began within a year. Existing underground facilities were beefed-up and new ones were started. Funding for government underground facilities comes from “Presidential Shelter” funds, as well as covert drug operations conducted by the CIA under the orders of MJ-12. This procedure appears to be still in effect as of July 1989. Over 75 underground facilities have been constructed under various programs.

1963 — In 1963, John F. Kennedy evidently issued an ultimatum to MJ-12, and they decided that Kennedy should be subject to expediency — killed. This was the era when the United States first started having its own operational disks. 1963 is the date of one of the earliest visits to an underground joint base by an abductee that came back and lived to tell about it. It is the first hint of the underground breeding facilities that are described in the Dulce Papers, events surrounding Paul Bennewitz and Thunder Scientific Corporation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and other insidious experiences that have been reported by scores of people from 1963 to 1989.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30j - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

1964 — In April 1964, Cape Kennedy radar technicians track disks in pursuit of the Gemini capsule. On April 15, two intelligence personnel meet under Project Plato with aliens in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April 25 at Holloman AFB, New Mexico in order to ‘renew‘ the treaty in a psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of the Greys.

1972 — Scientist Rene Hardy, also a prominent Ufologist, is found dead; an ‘apparent‘ suicide… In December, astronaut Edgar Mitchell admits that NASA has provisions for encounters with alien lifeforms.

1978 — IN September 1978, scientist Paul Bennewitz discovers the activities of alien craft at Manzano Weapons Storage area outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bennewitz submits a report called “Project Beta” to the government and is put under observation. He was allegedly subjected to three bouts with electroshock treatment starting in 1979, then was left to be observed by both the government and the aliens with whom he had been communicating through his computer equipment.

1979 — In 1979, a conference on animal mutilations was organized by Senators Harrison “Last Man on the Moon” Schmitt and attended by Scientist Henry Montieth, who had just completed ten years of research on the subject. According to Schmitt’s figures, economic losses from the mutilations totaled over 2.5 million ANNUALLY. “Men In Black” are also in attendance. In October 1979, an altercation takes place between government scientists and military personnel and the resident aliens in the Dulce base. Sixty-six special forces personnel were killed.

1980 — In May 1980, disks intrude again into the Manzano Weapons Storage Area in New Mexico. On August 8th, a disk was discovered by a Sandia guard next to a building containing HQ CR44 [nuclear materials]. On August 9th, a security officer checks down Coyote Canyon Road and discovers a disk. By November 1980, researcher Paul Bennewitz was still being monitored by the NSA.

1983 — FEMA implements standby legislation in a bill innocuously titled the “Defense Resources Act“. The bill would SUSPEND the Bill of Rights, ABOLISH free enterprise, ELIMINATE privately owned property, and generally CLAMP the American people in a totalitarian vise. Section 202 of the bill, for example, allows the President to instantly confiscate any real estate or personal property “that shall be deemed necessary for national defense purposes“. Section 501 authorizes the takeover of any industry the White House authorizes. Section 1213 outlaws all strikes. The standby legislation also includes “Censorship of Communications,” which allows the president, whenever he “shall deem that the public safety demands it,” to censor “communications by mail, cable, radio, television, or other means of transmission.” The ‘COG‘ [Continuity of Government] also exists. It is a secretive shadow government that is in place and ready to run the country.

(from underground bases like the Mt. Weather facility near Bluemont, Virginia.

In reference to the ‘Executive Orders‘ authorizing FEMA to violate Constitutional law in time of ‘Emergency‘, we must ask: are these Executive Orders legal? True, many of these E.O.’s were written by presidents who were duly elected by U.S. citizens who trusted the media slant concerning these presidents who came after John F. Kennedy, in spite of the fact that most of these were members of one-world economic organizations like the CFR, TC, and BILDEBERGERS.

However WHAT IF the death of John F. Kennedy was part of a coup d’etat of the Executive branch of U.S. government as many, including the late Louisiana district attorney James Garrison, claimed?

If this were the case then the entire Executive branch might be filled with ILLEGAL appointees, who may have been instrumental in authorizing illegal intelligence agencies, may have illegally given power that was not meant to be theirs over to the military-industrialists, and these elected “Chief Executives” — many of whom happened to be the hirelings of corporacratic elitists who financed their political and media campaigns — have violated the very foundations of the United States by establishing Executive Orders which violate the U.S. CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS, and THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.

I’m sure that there are still many Americans who see these three documents as being the essence of AMERICA, and they fully believe in the words penned within the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE to the effect that military force is justified, if necessary, to defend from all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC the form of government that is patterned after the sacred contents of these documents. – Branton).

1985 — ON August 5th, Scientists Paul Bennewitz observes the crash site of a US Black Delta ship in New Mexico.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30n - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

1987 — In 1987, the “Dulce Papers” are first released. Data on five entrances to the Dulce lab is leaked, and the [secret-fraternal-corporate] government takes care of the leaks by destroying buildings and building new ones in odd locations for apparently no perceivable reason. On the 27th of November, groups of US Army rangers attempt and apparently bungle an attempt to enter a joint alien facility in New Mexico [apparently a continuation of the Dulce Wars which began in 1979].

In December, the CIA begins to contact everyone who was ever in its employ that ever had anything to do with the alien problem. A woman draws a picture of a black-mirrored spherical craft she says belongs to the National Security Agency. On the 14th of December, John Lear offers to host the MUFON Convention that would be held in Las Vegas in July of 1989.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30n

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