The following is from a secret report released by an FBI special agent code-named JORDON, who has been involved with the intrigues taking place near Dulce, New Mexico and Area 51 [Dreamland] Nevada. Among his fellow colleagues within the FBI, Jordon was often referred to as “The X-File Man“. ‘Jordon‘ claims to be an abductee whose birth in 1962 was genetically engineered by “tall greys” that had apparently altered the genetic codes within the ovum of his human mother — who was also an abductee — and infused the genetic coding of the ovum with certain specific genetic characteristics taken from another female abductee for some undetermined purpose.

Although his life was being severely manipulated by the aliens, agents of the Department of the Navy apparently stepped-in to counter some of the machinations which the aliens were carrying out, using abductees like ‘Jordon‘ as pawns in a vast game of cosmic chess. With the permission of the agent himself, the following is reproduced from Mia Adams’ book “THE EXCYLES” [Escelta Publishing, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida — 1995].

Incidentally, the author uses the British spelling of Grey — with an ‘e‘ — rather than the American spelling of Gray — with an ‘a‘ — just in case the reader has wondered which is the ‘correct‘ spelling… they are both ‘correct’:

The account I am about to give is based on my experiences and the personal investigation I have conducted over the past several months. I cannot, and in a few instances, I am specifically prevented from, revealing where and when I acquired all of the information I will present. I will state that on two occasions I deliberately violated secure areas and on one occasion participated in a rather unorthodox field interrogation in order to obtain data. I also deliberately involved several innocent parties who, unfortunately, may become subject to penalties which should rightfully only be mine. I have lied and have done so knowingly and repeatedly in order to elicit information and in order to cause governmental entities to react to moves they only thought I was making.

I freely admit that I am guilty of abusing the power of my office and my credentials. I do not apologize for this, but I may soon become subject to the administrative or legal consequences of these actions. So be it. At the risk of appearing melodramatic, more dire consequences may also follow. I can only state that, if resistance is within my power, I will not go quietly.

Related:  Florida's Underground

I am taking the precaution of disseminating this account [both on paper and on disks] to several individuals solely and exclusively as a means of forestalling the desirability of attempting to silence me entirely. It is my belief that revenge would not be the goal of those opposed to my efforts, but, rather, the prevention of the leakage of information…

As a copy of this report is now in your hands, I urge you to make numerous additional copies and to place these copies in several locations to avert efforts at recovering all of them. Let me be very clear: If my opponents are able to recover all the copies of my report, then they will inevitably turn to the matter of muzzling me as the only remaining threat to security they face…

I am firmly convinced that I was abducted by non-human sentient beings at the age of six [SECTION DELETED] and that my newly surfaced [Thanks to Dr. — NAME DELETED] recollections regarding this incident are reliable and real. These beings strongly resembled the Grey ‘Breeders‘ I will describe below, but, as I remember no ‘Workers,’ I cannot be entirely sure of what these beings represented. However, I have incontrovertible evidence that the aliens who abducted me as a child have maintained an interest, if not an influence in my life. This evidence has already been provided to those who could make the best use of it…

The Department of the Navy [D.O.N.] is a relatively SMALL clandestine agency within the United States Government which is staffed primarily by individuals ostensibly recruited and trained by other elements of the Federal Government. It is funded and supported by the National Security Agency and is also augmented by very tightly compartmentalized elements of the armed forces and other governmental organizations. [Approximately one-third of headquarters DIVISION FIVE of the FBI is actually a front for D.O.N., with at least several dozen HQ special agents devoted to these matters.]

Despite its name, the “Department of the Navy” has very LITTLE to do with the actual United States Navy. Its existence is known only by an extremely limited number of individuals and its actual mission is known by an even smaller number. The Department of the Navy’s purpose is to direct extraordinary unique activities in relation to extraterrestrial biological entities [EBEs] and alien technologies with the primary missions of combating alien operations which are hostile to the national security of the United States, gathering and exploiting alien technologies, and the containment of premature disclosure of information regarding the presence and intentions of the EBEs.

Related:  1994: Underground Bases

Ironically, while NASA supposedly suspects or knows that there are alien artifacts on the Moon and is suppressing data on this subject [This was only mentioned to me as an aside], NASA has no official role in dealing with EBEs. This is not to say, however, that NASA, like the rest of the overt government, is not penetrated by some DON personnel. Furthermore, the DON has had some interaction with NASA personnel who accidentally became aware of too much. I was also told that an overt NASA effort to detect non-human civilizations was doomed to failure, but I was not told why…

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31b

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