The Greys are divided into quasi-sentient asexual WORKERS who are, on average, four feet tall, AND dominant BREEDERS who have large eyes and are, on average, almost six feet tall. Both types of Greys have four fingers on each hand. This alliance emerged from the successful recovery of several apparently crashed Grey craft and the subsequent establishment of relations with this species. This relationship is, for the time being, clandestine by the choice of both parties and involves a very limited and gradual sharing of information and technology by the Greys.

(Note: This would seem to contradict the earlier statement that the DON is interested in defending our National Security from malevolent alien species. However we must understand that initially the decision of MJ12 to establish contact with the Greys was partly motivated by National Security concerns, for instance the desire for advanced weapons, the establishment a ‘treaty‘ with the Greys in order to appease any intent on their part to take control, all the while studying them and their weaknesses. In reality, it seems as if some of the Intelligence agencies were attempting to do to the Greys what they have done to other cultures, including our own.

That is, USE the treaties as a WEAPON against the Greys to infiltrate their operational structure and find out their weaknesses and exploit their technology at the same time. According to contactees, most of the human cultures who have been taken-over in the past as a result of ‘Trojan Horse‘ treaties with the Greys were sincerely blinded by the Greys’ feigned platitudes of benevolence and friendship. The much more cynical and untrusting Intelligence Agencies of planet earth who were no strangers to war and betrayal, although hoping for the best, were at the same time preparing for the worst once the ‘treaties‘ were established.

In the end, the choice of the Greys to play their hand and match wits with the Intelligence Agencies of planet earth — whose cunning and expertise in manipulation are notorious — may ultimately be their downfall. Nevertheless these agencies on earth are playing a high-risk game. In their bid to gain ‘galactic intelligence‘ and technological parity with the Greys they run the high risk of having many of their own agents fall under the psychological control of the Greys.

In other words while reaching one hand out in feigned friendship towards the Greys, the other hand is busy developing technological weaponry with the hope of potentially exploiting, conquering or destroying them just “in case” they turned on us. We must admit that there are various different motives in dealing with the Greys. The ‘elite‘ globalists of course NEED the Greys’ mind-control technology to assist in the implementation of their planetary dictatorship. Others want nothing to do with the Greys, but desire only their technology.

In a strange twist of irony the military alliance, and subsequent resistance, to the Greys may work for the eventual good of the planet. The reason for this is the fact that in their attempt to infiltrate and subvert our planet, the Greys made some grave underestimation’s. One of the major ‘mistakes‘ they made — probably out of fear of reprisals, resulting from the growing knowledge within intelligence agencies of the blatant betrayals of the ‘treaties‘ — was to jump the gun and attempt a planetary takeover before they were ready for it. They discovered that their methods which have succeeded on other worlds did not work quite as well on planet earth.

When the ‘takeover‘ came about, they were only able to ‘conquer‘ a large segment of the underground ‘world‘, whereas their attempts to use their human agents on the surface to take control of the ‘world above‘ by precipitating a full totalitarian coup in America was STRONGLY resisted. Because of this resistance they could achieve no better than a stalemate. Now it is a tooth-and-nail battle between freedom-loving sovereigntist humans above and freedom-hating collectivist reptilians below for control of the minds of the leaders of the Military-Industrial Complex which operates both above and below the surface of the planet.

Whichever ‘side‘ comes out in control of the M.I.C. will possess BOTH ‘worlds‘. The aliens are running scared because in 1989 their secret, the ‘Enigma‘, came crashing through the surface and out into the open when Robert Lazar had the guts to come clean about what was happening at Area-51.

Once he stood up to ‘the Beast‘, others joined him in his crusade — John Lear, William Cooper, Don Ecker, Paul Bennewitz, Christa Tilton, Val Valerian, Phil Schneider, Thomas Castello, Jason Bishop, Norio Hayakowa, Bill Hamilton, Agent ‘Yellowfruit‘, John Rhodes, Michael Lindemann, Michael Corbin, Commander ‘X‘, Jim McCampbell, Robert Morningsky, Colonel Steve Wilson, Bill English, Jefferson Souza, Yours Truly, etc. etc.

I cannot name all of the names here as the list grows every day. Although many of these may have some heated personality and philosophical differences among themselves, they nevertheless have the same thing in common — each of them possessed a different ‘piece‘ of the overall ‘puzzle‘ on the human-alien interaction. Once the ‘dam‘ broke so-to-speak, what had previously been a situation that was ‘out-of-control‘ in respect to the U.S. Government, became a situation that became ‘out-of-control’ for the Greys.

Expect some rather desperate attempts by the Greys in the future to resolve the situation and take back CONTROL. As I said, they are running out of time and they are running scared and desperate beings do desperate things. Will they simply concede defeat and leave this planet, or do they consider planet earth and its resources to be the KEY to the continued survival of their empire? I personally get the feeling that the infernal ‘leaders‘ of the reptilian collective or hive have already invested too much in this planet to leave so easily.

This means that a resolution of the situation will be up to US, and hopefully more than a little Divine Intervention. With this in mind, one might better understand the seemingly schizophrenic actions of the DON, CIA, NSA, MJ12 and other agencies which are being influenced and contested by basically three different groups with different agendas: those intent on maintaining TRUE National Security, those intent on selling-out the U.S. for personal gain, and those in the middle who are just obeying orders and essentially don’t know where they stand.

Several sources claim that the U.S. Navy structure has been infiltrated to some extent by fascist elements operating deep within the CIA and NSA in an effort to use its organizational structure to serve their unconstitutional agendas, in most cases without the knowledge of most Navy personnel themselves.

Through misrepresentation of their motives and intentions, these infiltrators have succeeded in gaining support from Navy personnel for their clandestine activities using the false facade of “Patriotism” or “National Security“, when in reality many of the joint NSA-Alien projects have in reality SUBVERTED the National Security of the U.S.A. – Branton)

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31c

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 31a - CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI "X-FILE" AGENT

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