Several underground and underwater facilities [at least one underwater facility is off the Florida coast and has a terrestrial access point in south Miami… I and my unseen cohorts have already provided the address to several individuals] have been established to support these [joint operational] activities and to provide a suitable habitat for the EBEs involved. Parenthetically, the multiple protective shelters [MPS] ICBM basing scheme proposed in the early 1980s was actually a cover for the construction of 4,600 EBE related bunkers; this scheme was politically untenable and had to be abandoned, but would have allowed for a tremendous expansion of alien activity in the United States.

There is presently an on-going competition for influence if not outright domination, over the earth and its life forms between the Greys and another species commonly identified as ‘Reptilians‘ or ‘Lizards‘.

(Note: It is interesting that several other sources claim that the Orion Greys are willfully working WITH and on behalf OF the Draconian ‘Lizards‘ or Reptiloids. Is the ‘suggested‘ animosity between the Greys and Reptiloids a ruse to keep the government in a state of confusion, i.e.. to pressure them to make alliances with the Greys to fight the Reptiloids, or vise versa in order to ensure complete governmental submission to one or the other ‘sides‘ of a SINGLE alien collective power-structure? – Branton)

It is supposedly known that this species ominously refers to itself as ‘Earthlings‘. I was shown extremely clear photographs of examples of this species. Reptilians appeared human-sized, had three toes on each foot, and had notably large mouths [muzzles?] with prominent teeth. This competition has resulted in the destruction of several crafts, both within and without the earth’s atmosphere and has prompted the development of certain aspects of the United States’ Strategic Nuclear Forces as well as the Strategic Defense Initiative [SDI].

The DON [Department of the Navy] conducts extensive surveillance and monitoring of individuals who are unknowingly part of an on-going program of manipulation of the human gene pool by competing non-human alliances. This manipulation was initially undertaken by the reptilian species, apparently to direct certain human traits in ways favorable to this species. In addition, reptilian efforts have apparently focused on the United States and, to a lesser extent, its allies due to the United States’ leading ECONOMIC and MILITARY (or Military-Industrial – Branton) role worldwide.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 31a - CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI "X-FILE" AGENT

The study has determined that the Reptilian efforts in this area amount to long-term genetic sabotage. The reptilians have also been responsible for livestock mutilations and some human abductions for other negative purposes. Strangely, there is some historical connection between the Reptilians and the Development of nuclear energy, but this was only hinted at by my sources.

(It is interesting that many of the nuclear scientists had ties with the Bavarian Illuminati… the ‘bomb‘ was developed at Los Alamos, beneath which some believe exists the MAJOR concentration of Reptiloids/Greys — those which commute underground to work in the lower Dulce base 90 miles away — in North America… and also there is an ancient Hopi prophecy about the Greys and the part they would play in the creation of the “gourd of death“.

Did they want to provoke an inevitable nuclear conflict that they hoped would destroy all human life on planet earth? The fact that the greys interacted with the scientists of the Manhattan Project is evidenced by a personal friend of mine whose father was one such scientist. She has experienced numerous abductions throughout the years and claims to be a part of an alien program involving genetic manipulation. She DID show me some unusual scale-like skin on her legs, a condition that I have not seen on any other person. – Branton).

However, the Grey abductions of human subjects have been aimed primarily at the creation of a particularly hardy elite hybrid species which would be initially capable of forming the leading elements of Grey society as well as serving a similar role in human society.

(Note: Since the Reptiloids/Greys have basically failed in producing an actual “cross-breed” capable of reproducing itself, they may instead opt for the development of a ‘race‘ of genetically-altered humans or implanted clones — patched-in to the collective — who have been fused with some degree of reptilian DNA and RNA, and once this has been accomplished transfer an individual and/or collective alien intelligence matrix into these genetically altered ‘hosts’ as they HAVE been known to do in some cases.

There is some question as to whether the original ‘soul’ of the individual is removed OR suppressed when this occurs, both may be possibilities, and one would probably need an aura detection device capable of ‘seeing‘ the multi-colored ‘soul-chakras‘ in order to determine whether that ‘human’ has a soul or not. Nevertheless this would be one manner in which an alien force could infiltrate a human society. In other cases humans may be manipulated WHILE IN an altered state of mind while at the same time living a conscious life separate from and unaware of the induced alternate personality.

I have encountered several cases, including ‘my own‘, involving abductees who are living “double lives“. In these cases an alien ‘sleeper‘ or ‘walk-in‘ intelligence-matrix has apparently been electronically IMPLANTED in these people via miniature artificial intelligence implants that are programmed with alien thought patterns and attached to the major nerve-centers of the brain.

Recently there has been some progress in mainstream science in regards to programming computers with human thought patterns, ‘growing‘ human brain tissue in a laboratory for use in ‘organic computers, or direct mind-machine communication as is being developed for advanced jet pilots.

The ‘implant’ in such cases house an individual or collective alien personality that is activated when the conscious identity is asleep. In this manner an alien ‘parasite‘, whether malevolent, neutral or in very rare cases well-intentioned, may operate through the body of the host without the host being fully aware of just how his or her unconscious existence is being used or manipulated, for whatever purposes the aliens choose.

As for the ‘hybrids‘ that have been developed by the Greys, another problem with producing a ACTUAL hybrid is that humans have ‘souls‘ whereas Greys do not, therefore the ‘hybrid‘ must fall to one side or the other — soullish human or soulless reptilian, regardless of what the genetic physical makeup of the “physical shell” may be.

I prefer to use the term hu-brids to denote the hybrids who have been born with a soul-matrix and re-brids to denote those that have not. – Branton).

The hybrids would also be able to survive destructive ecological changes that the Greys believe will take place on earth in the near future. The hybrids I saw had the appearance of human children with unusually large heads and eyes as well as fine, sparse hair. Earlier, and unsatisfactory, efforts supposedly resulted in a more fetus-like appearance on the part of these hybrids. All hybrids thus far produced are sterile and unable to reproduce. However, all hybrids have well-developed digestive systems.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 31d - CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI "X-FILE" AGENT

The implantation of bio-electronic (?) devices in proximity to the central nervous systems of abductees have been utilized by the Greys for several complementary purposes, but the most important reason is in order to have a more reliable means of MIND CONTROL at a distance. Such control is necessary in order to facilitate follow-up abductions and in order to prevent male subjects from having voluntary sterilization.

The DON has taken a very active, and largely successful, role in countering reptilian genetic sabotage. However, it is tasked with taking no role other than observation of Grey abductions, to the extent permitted by this group. This fact results in morale and control problems within this organization.

(That is, they are to work to prevent alien sabotage of the human race, yet not interfere or try to prevent abductions that they know are occurring or going to occur. It’s like MacArthur’s forces in Korea.

They were told by their U.N. superiors to keep the peace in South Korea and defend it from Northern Communist aggression, yet not attempt to destroy the main supply depots in the North from where the attacks were originating! As with the Korean conflict, the problem with the Greys would seem to be a “no-win” situation.

No wonder there has been “morale and control problems” within the organization, and this may explain why an inner core within Navy Intelligence has formed around agencies like the ‘CABAL‘ and ‘COM-12‘, which are made up of patriots who are fed up with all of the waffling and compromise — and outright betrayal of our nation and our planet by unelected corporate collaborators working within the Executive branch of government — and want to take DIRECT action against the Greys. – Branton).

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31d

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