Michael Wolf, in his trilogy THE CATCHERS OF HEAVEN [Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA] makes the following ‘disclaimer‘ at the beginning of his volume: “The following events, which purport to involve the United States of America, the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Israel, and the U.K., officially, according to repeated statements issued by all governments involved, never occurred.

” Incidentally, the author expressed a deep concern for the children of this planet and for the legacy we are leaving them, and therefore directed all of the royalties for his work to an organization devoted to helping children.

To paraphrase some of the more relevant [to this work] points brought out in the Trilogy:

  • — Black Budget Operations utilizing billions of dollars raised by CIA drug running, were classified Above Top Secret, thereby escaping audit by Federal auditors who possessed only a “secret” or “top secret” security clearance.
  • — We are now living, as of the latter part of the 20th century, in a regulated-taxation-inflated economic slave system carefully designed to serve the elite.
  • — The author possessed one of the highest security clearances in the world, and reported only to the U.S. President, even though his knowledge and briefings of cosmic affairs often surpassed his one-and-only superior in several areas. He was warned against writing the trilogy — which contains sensitive information yet which deals mostly with his interactions with his friends and family on this and other worlds — by fellow friends and insiders within MJ-12. Wolf, however, chose to go ahead with the project as he felt that we have the right to know what’s going on, and for the sake of “the children” and their future on this planet, swearing “ETERNAL HOSTILITY UPON THOSE WHO WOULD RULE THE MINDS OF MEN.” Such tyranny he insists “MUST END NOW!” Also, Wolf states that many of the new generations of younger politicians and intelligence agents are trying to do away with the self-destructive policies of former administrations in regard to the alien scenario.
  • — The author claims to be a genetically engineered human who came from extraterrestrial ‘Nordic‘ genetic lines and was placed on this planet for a purpose. He possessed an above-genius mentality which made him an Intelligence “head hunter’s” dream come true. Even the President’s were aware of his talents and sought his expertise. His advanced mind led to his involvement with a super-secret project involving the development of an actual cyber-cloned humanoid with self-programming artificial intelligence if not sentience — as well as other projects involving super-advanced quantum mechanics that one will never hear about in the public domain, at least not for many years to come. Michael Wolf was raised in a Jewish family and experienced abductions/contacts ever since childhood… as had his human mother who became the ‘host‘ for his existence on planet earth. The author also claims to have a genetic ‘brother‘ names SA who served or serves as the Prince of THE ALLIANCE, a Nordic collective in Altair Aquila which is affiliated with THE CORPORATE, a Grey species collective. Although the Human ALLIANCE and the Grey CORPORATE interact [or have interacted in the past] with the other, the Nordic ‘Alliance‘ ALSO maintained contact with the FEDERATION OF WORLDS. The Grey ‘Corporate‘ in turn maintained an allegiance with something called the UNIFIED RACES OF ORION. The MAJESTIC-12 organization was aware of all three MAJOR confederation groups, the joint humanoid-reptiloid CORPORATE/ALLIANCE, the mostly-humanoid FEDERATION OF WORLDS or F.O.W, and the mostly reptiloid UNIFIED RACES OF ORION or U.R.O.
  • — The ‘Black‘ programs are so named because presumably no one can shine a ‘light‘ on their activities and expose the corruption within. According to agent Wolf, there can be governments within governments within governments, and the “black ones” or secret government can be invisible to the electorate government itself.
  • –There are ‘Nordic‘ extraterrestrials walking the streets of several major cities on earth, unknown by others for who they are.
  • — The author knew Dr. Edward Teller, the developer of the H-Bomb, on a personal basis.
  • — The author was a member of an organization called the ALPHACOM Team.
  • — The author at one point was visited by two FBI/NSC agents who reminded him that his introductory briefings on the alien subject must of necessity remain secret “until it is all figured out” so as not to create mass panic or social instability.

(Note: Actually the cosmic scenario seems to be more-less-figured “figured out” at this point as far as myself and others are concerned, so such an excuse should be OBSOLETE, and more-so as time goes on. – Branton)

  • — The author states that in a hyperspatial environment, using a ship-board generation of amplified gravity waves, it isn’t speed that increases, it is the relative time-space, when acted upon by a force such as gravity waves, which REDUCES itself within the hyperspace field generated around the hull of the craft where space-time becomes ‘warped‘. An Einstein-Rosen bridgewormhole‘ created by a gravity-exerting craft in space is but one example. The STAR TREK scenario may be based on an actual reality! Artificially created gravity waves can theoretically reduce time to near zero and acceleration to near infinity. Einstein only had a problem with gravity in his unified field theory, as it did not seem to fit, although he did come to the conclusion that gravity and acceleration were somehow connected. With such travel, it is not space itself which is physically traversed, since space folds in on itself as gravity waves act upon a time…
  • — The author refers to the work of Theodore Kaluza, who used the fifth dimension algebraically to equate Einstein’s four-dimensional gravity with Maxwell’s electromagnetism, and this extending of space-time to five dimensions instead of four was a foundation for further relational unification theoretical development. The author also speaks of quantum mathematical theories and calculations that allow for as many as 12 dimensions, however, he warns that one must be careful as the normal laws of “human logic” seem to break down the closer one delves into the sub-atomic or quantum levels of reality.
  • — A natural disaster may be imminent, considering that in 1950 one quarter of the land surface of planet earth was forested, whereas today it is less than one fifth, and the oceans cannot soak up all of the excess atmospheric carbon dioxides.
  • — The JASON project existed and was discontinued after the war in Viet Nam.
  • — On May 1st, 1975, two Zeta Reticulan Greys were demonstrating a 100 percent power-producing annihilation reaction in a relatively small antimatter reactor, to two deep-cover scientists within the tunnels below Area 51, using a super-heavy element, bombarding it with protons. One Ret. Four [a slang term for a resident of the fourth planet of the Zeta II Reticuli system] was doing the display and demanded first that all rifles and especially bullets in them be removed from the room. The elite military guards refused to surrender their weapons, and in the chaotic disorder and commotion that ensued, one alien, two scientists, and forty-one military personnel were killed, simply because the colonel in charge of security questioned the Grey’s orders. One witness to the scene survived. All the humans had died of head wounds and resultant damage to brain matter. Since no weapon was seen by this witness, the author suggested that the Greys might be able to use their minds as weapons, in essence using their brains as a biochemical circuit board through which to channel electromagnetic energy via specific neural patterns or pathways. This may explain, he suggests, why the Greys have the ability to walk or phase through solid matter, read minds, send mental messages, and are able to lift and float themselves as well as abductees without observable instrumentation. The Groom war or massacre ended certain exchanges between the Government and the Greys.

(Note: Other sources imply that this was only the initial incident in the ‘Groom Wars‘, and that other incidents have since occurred resulting in the deaths or disappearance of aliens and human scientist, workers and military personnel. – Branton)

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 32b

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 32c - REVELATIONS OF AN MJ-12 SPECIAL STUDIES GROUP AGENT

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