• — The author was told by a Grey that his genetic Nordic ‘brother‘ Prince ANON SA RA was involved with “arguing the HU MAN’s case for existence before THE CORPORATE” (Apparently these vermin have a rather high opinion of themselves for creatures that have no souls, and a low opinion of human-kind, considering that humans are considered by many within the reptilian CORPORATE as being unworthy for existence. – Branton).
  • mj12group2_lg— The ALPHACOM Team which Michael Wolf headed was or is the lead agency for Majestic 12’s Special Studies Group, or MJ12SSG.
  • — The author initiated an organization called Project D.A.R.T. [Defense Alien Research Training], within the context of the C&E Teams.
  • — The author was aware of and had even visited several of the following underground bases: Luke, Nevada; Roswell, New Mexico; Dayton, Ohio; DULCE, NEW MEXICO; Nellis, Area S-51 and S-4, Nevada; an MJ12 meeting center under the Greenbriar Hotel in White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia; “Raven Rock” or “Site R-0001“; Mt. Weather, near Bluemont, Virginia; Mt. Poney, near Culpeper, Virginia; the View tree Mountain facility; Manzano Mountain facility with rail-tunnels to Kirtland AFB and Sandia National Labs in New Mexico; and about twelve other underground facilities “that cannot even be mentioned by name“. Some of them have no names, just site numbers.
  • — There is a division within the Intelligence community between those who want to attempt continued negotiations with the Greys and those who want to take military action against them. The author states that he and several others within MJ12 had been abducted and manipulated by the Greys from childhood [or ‘hived’, you could say], suggesting that it was the Greys themselves that may have manipulated them into their positions within Military Intelligence. This does not necessarily mean that men like Michael Wolf were intentionally compromising our National Security over to the Grey collective, it may mean that they were the ones who must be dealt with and as a result, the ones who were targeted for mental conditioning. The author tends to be FOR continued negotiations with the Greys, having been influenced by Nordic ‘relatives’ of his who share the Altair system with the Greys and are therefore pressed to maintain diplomatic relations with them, especially since the Greys are “arguing the Hu Man’s case for existence” altogether.

(It seems to be the old “appease the enemy” tactic like the one Neville Chamberlain tried to use with Hitler by essentially turning Czechoslovakia over to the mad dictator in an attempt to appease his appetite for conquest. In fact, it only increased Hitler’s appetite and boldness, and he began viewing the Allies as pathetic cowards who would be willing to give in to his demands and intimidation. Have some members of MJ12 aka PI40 committed this same mistake with the Greys? – Branton).

All this does not mean that the Greys are completely beyond hope, however, considering that one of the Greys by the name of Kolta had begun to show significant signs of emotional individualism because of his close contacts with the author. By referring to the ‘Greys‘ we are in most cases referring to the individuality-killing COLLECTIVE HIVE itself.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 32a - REVELATIONS OF AN MJ-12 SPECIAL STUDIES GROUP AGENT

The MJ12 ALPHACOM team which the author led, and some of the policies of MJ12 itself, are being challenged to some degree by another agency operating within Naval Intelligence, known as the CABAL. Mj12 is or WAS for negotiation with the Greys, especially in the higher MAJIC levels which tie-in with the global power groups like the Rockefeller empire, etc. According to other reports, however, some segments of MJ12 ARE NOW working WITH Nordic or ‘Benevolent‘ forces at Area 51 and elsewhere to develop a defense against the Greys in response to the continual betrayals of the treaties by the same.

So MJ12 seems to be a faction agency to some degree, with some advocating negotiation, others advocating annihilation, and others advocating continued negotiation combined with the continued development of Earth’s “Star Wars” defenses in case the negotiations sour. The CABAL itself is far less wavering in its intent and makes no excuses about it. They apparently believe that there is enough evidence at hand from past interactions with the Greys that they will NEVER abide by any established treaty, and that the only ‘negotiation‘ they understand is brut force! As ‘Scotty’ of the old STAR TREK series was known to say, “Sometimes the best negotiator is a fully-loaded phaser bank!

Although the CABAL and COM-12 may be excessively militant in some of their dealings with the Greys, can you really blame them? According to the CABAL, etc., the Greys have repeatedly shown that they can NOT be trusted and therefore no more negotiations should be attempted or allowed between ‘us‘ and them. Colm McGrath, an undersecretary of the Navy, initiated the CABAL agency, as well as various projects involving neutral particle beam weapons and their hybrids which are intended to be used against the EBE’s or Grays — and one would guess their Reptiloid overlords as well

.– The author’s “homeworld” [so to speak, in that he possessed a Terran mother and apparently a ‘Nordic’ father, as do a large number of young men and women now on earth who possess Terran and extraterrestrial genetics] is in ALTAIRA, the fourth planet from the sun called ALTAIR, a very bright double variable star in the constellation AQUILA at 15.7 light-years from SOL. Altair Four as it is also known possesses two moons, Alta One and Alta Two.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 32c - REVELATIONS OF AN MJ-12 SPECIAL STUDIES GROUP AGENT

The atmosphere of this planet which is jointly occupied by Greys and Nordics is controlled — no turbulence or violent weather patterns exist. The alien craft visiting planet earth and other wild-weather planets often find it difficult to navigate in our unpredictable atmosphere.

On Altara OR Altair Four there are elevated cities, balanced on permanently created Gravity-A waves. The author’s Nordic brother, Prince ANON SA RA, is the human moderator and Chairman of the Head Council of THE CORPORATE / ALLIANCE OF PLANETS, based on Altaira.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 32c

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