Valerian then quotes the following words of one Procyonese star-traveler by the name of KHYLA, who revealed the following to an un-named earth woman with whom he had established contact:

“…Tyrants have been defeated many times on many planets, in countless solar systems and galaxies. How strange it is that as soon as one tyrant of any species is thought to be banished forever another always, but ALWAYS, takes his place. The idealistic revolutionaries who defeated King George III in America went on to oppress the Indians and Blacks. Many of those who fought most courageously against the Axis powers of fascism later became fascists themselves, as is demonstrated by the present plight of the Palestinians, Afghans, Chileans, and Nicaraguans.

Yes, you must try to regain control of your government, but if so much as one individual involved in this process has not first gained control of his or her selfhood, it will be for naught. One can never defeat or gain control of anything but oneself. Those destined to ouste the Rigelians must always keep track of the state of their selfhood, and learn first to defeat within themselves the essence of that which is tyranny.

Through this type of awareness, they will know when to and when not to act. Through understanding a hostile entity to be but one of the ineffable’s countless facades, it loses its power over you. Through the ability to wisely perceive a hostile entity, you may gain control of it. In overcoming the Rigelians, one must take great precautions not to become oneself the enemy.”

Or, as the old Chinese proverb says:


Khyla, the Procyonese Intelligence agent, continues:

  • “If you were a highly advanced culture about to invade a relatively primitive culture, you would not do it with a flourish of ships showing up in the heavens and take the risk of being fired upon. That’s the type of warfare less-evolved mortals would get into. You would begin by creating intense confusion, with only inferences of your presence, inferences that cause controversial disagreement.

(Note: It is interesting that the major Intelligence projects designed to discredit UFO witnesses and cause confusion and contention among — and infiltration of — various UFO research organizations have been traced back to the Nazified NSA-CIA, which in turn maintains, as this is being written, continued ties with the Grays. – Branton).

  • “You would go to the most secret and powerful organizations within society. In the case of the United States, you would infiltrate the CIA, and through the use of techniques unknown to them, you would take over some of the key people in their innermost core group. You would proceed in the same fashion to take over key members of the KGB. You would also create great dissension among the public at large, some individuals and groups insisting that they have seen UFOs, others insisting with equal vehemence that such a thing is not possible and that they are either liars or deluded.
  • “You would involve the planet’s two major nations in an on going idiotic philosophical dispute, keeping them constantly at each other’s throats over such questions as to whether Thomas Jefferson was greater than Karl Marx or vice-versa (that is, whether ‘Capitalist’ tyranny or ‘Communist’ tyranny is worse than the other. By the way, don’t confuse Communism with Communalism, and don’t confuse Capitalism with Democracy. Communalism and Democracy are sovereigntist movements that respect the personal rights and freedoms of others. So-called unrestrained Communism and Capitalism are co-dependent collectivist evils. Capitalist tyranny created Communist tyranny, and Communist tyranny justifies its existence as a force to fight Capitalist tyranny. The insane world we live in, is it not? – Branton). You would keep them continuously occupied with quarreling like two adolescent boys trying to prove their masculinity over who has which piece of territory, whether one has the right to invade Afghanistan or the other has the right to invade Nicaragua, persistently exchanging threats and insults like a couple of macho teenagers, while arguing whether one should dismantle one type of nuclear warhead or the other should dismantle another type of nuclear warhead. As you watched all this, you would sit back and you would laugh if you had the capacity to laugh…
  • “You would occasionally let your ships be seen by some of the ordinary citizens, so that the elite governmental groups would become involved in attempts to keep them quiet, clumsily squelching attempts to make information about UFO activity public. This would result in the mass population losing confidence in the veracity of their elected officials. There would be constant arguments between the authorities and the public as to whether or not the persistently reported phenomena genuinely existed, thereby setting the population and the government at each other’s throats. You would have already set the two major super-powers at each other’s throats. By subtly causing economic turmoil, you would set the “Haves” and the “Have Nots” at each other’s throats. In all possible ways, you would plant the seeds of massive discontent.
  • “After you had manipulated the population to the point where your covert control over it was complete, you might decide to go over and let a few ships land in public. But you would not go from covert to overt until you were sure of the totality of your control…

Those who have experienced UFO sightings or ET close encounters will constantly be at odds with the government, which will continue to retaliate by stigmatizing them as liars or deluded… The impoverished will become even more impoverished, and more filled to overflowing with explosively righteous anger. The wealthy will cling even more greedily to the wealth that they already have, creating a social atmosphere of sheer desperation and complete confusion. To add to that, there will be series after series of ‘natural‘ disasters, some genuinely natural, some human-induced through aberrant scientific activities such as underground nuclear testing, others deliberately induced by the Grays through the (Scaler-type? – Branton) technology they are in possession of.

When approximately three-quarters of the planet’s population has been eliminated in this fashion, the Grays can then make an overt appearance as saviors from the skies, distributing food and medicine to the survivors. As the survivors line up to receive their quotas of food and medicine, implants will be inserted, supposedly to aid in further food distribution, actually to guarantee complete Gray control with no possibility of rebellion.

(Note: Electronic chip implants have already been developed. These operate on bodily temperature changes and it is interesting that the part of the body which experiences the greatest ranges of temperature change are the forehead and the hands, which is interesting when compared to the prophecies in the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation.

These chips will not only serve to control individuals, but will also be able to track their every movements by satellite. One individual who worked on such a chip stated that the implant would decay after a certain period of time, at which point a poisonous virus would be released into the bloodstream of those who had received it, eventually killing the person and effecting a type of automatic “population control” for the electronically-controlled society. – Branton).

From the point of view of the Grays, terrestrial humanity will have been reduced to manageable numbers and to eternal submission.

  • “Humanity is not about to be invaded. Humanity is not in the middle of an invasion. Humanity has been invaded! The invasion has taken place and is NEARLY in its final stages. Great invasions do not happen with thundering smoke and nuclear weaponry. That is the mark of an immature society. Great invasions happen in secrecy.
  • “You throw a crumb out here and there. You bribe the U.S. government with a few tidbits — a Stealth bomber, a Star Wars system. You encourage the government to think that the UFO researchers indeed threaten the security of this great secret they have. You tempt and tease the Soviet Union with a laser system far finer than any their own scientists could think of. And you always keep that subtle inference just on the borderline of consciousness that the elusive will-of-the-wisps termed UFOs may in fact exist, yet you persistently repress this borderline perception and make it seem so insane that there is a social stigma attached to declaring one’s conviction that the phenomena are in fact real.
  • “While all this confusion is going on, the Grays are gradually changing you over. The inner core of the CIA is deeply controlled by the Grays. The CIA sees the Grays as a path to greater scientific achievement, as a way of overpowering the Soviet enemy

(Note: since the overt breakup of the Soviet Union, the Grays may provoke a new “Cold War” with another Superpower, possibly China? It has also been suggested that the ‘Bavarians‘ engineered the dissolution of the Soviet Empire because at the time their agenda called for a merger of the East and West into a Bavarian-backed New World Order. In other words for this to occur Russia had to become less ‘Communist‘ and America had to become less ‘Capitalist‘ so that they could both merge somewhere within the realm of “Democratic Socialism“, with more than a little ‘help‘ from the UNO or United Nations Organization. – Branton).

  • Surprisingly enough, the obtuse collective mentality type that makes up the bulk of the CIA also makes up the bulk of the more fanatical Star People, those who babble and mush and gush so endlessly. All those who have to cleave to or be fused with some form of group mentality (most notably, the ‘Ashtar’ collective, much of which according to contactee Israel Norkin has been infiltrated and taken over by the “Unholy Six” star systems of Orion – Branton) leave themselves wide open. They have already been taken over. There is a large and ever-growing cult of contactees who think of the Grays as liberators, sincerely believing them to be heavenly Star Brothers who have come to help humanity.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 34c

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