(Note: One common brand of ‘intellectual defecation‘ that the Grays have been spewing forth through their human ‘channels‘ is that the Grays are really the “good guys“, and that they have been ‘conquered‘ and exploited by the taller Reptiloids and therefore are working with the secret government in an attempt to throw off the yoke of their oppressors.

Any one who is at all familiar with ‘Gray‘ mentality should know that they are WILLFULLY working WITH the taller Reptiloids, and that they are reprobate LIARS who have no conscience whatever when it comes to using multi-levelled deceptions to get their way. Unfortunately many metaphysical-minded “gray huggers” are accepting these lies and others like them.

Other lies that have originated from the Grays include:

  • * We are the genetic creations of the Grays, so we must submit to our ‘creators‘;
  • * Jesus Christ was a genetic creation of the Grays — interesting, in that Jesus blasted the serpent race in more than one instance;
  • * The Grays are a superior race — they may be superior intellectually,

however they have no internal or eternal soul-matrix as do humans, and so from a spiritual perspective they are inferior, in essence being little more than ‘predators with brains’. – Branton).

  • “The reason the awful little Grays mutilate animals is the stuff that they eat. They eat pulverized hormonal secretions, what you would call subtle essences. They live on the stuff of life. There is something deathlike about their species. They always bring about the death of animation, the death of individuality.
  • “How to I know? I am a Blond from Procyon. We were a culture that could travel through time (that is, phase through various time-space dimensions or densities where the ‘flow’ of time and ‘frequency’ space are different from the time-space dimensions of the 3rd dimension. – Branton), but also lived on a planetary sphere. And the little Grays, our insidious little ‘friends‘, did to us exactly what they are doing now to you. This is what happened to our planet.
  • “Having come in war, but have been unable to obtain any decisive victory, the Grays expressed the desire to make peace. We had not wanted to fight with the ‘survivors’ of the Rigellian Great War to begin with and gladly accepted their offer. As time went by, they said they wished to normalize relations and be our friends. We were in doubt as to whether it would be safe to trust them, and debated the issue for a long time before finally deciding that we should trust them…
  • “The Grays began to visit us, first a few as ambassadors, then as specialists in various domains where their expertise could be useful to us, as participants in different programs that developed which involved mutual collaboration, and finally as ‘tourists‘. What had begun as a trickle became a flood, as they came in ever-increasing numbers, slowly but surely infiltrating our society at all levels, penetrating even the most secret of our elite power groups…
  • “Just as on your planet they began by unobtrusively gaining control over key members of the CIA and KGB through techniques unknown to them, such as hypnosis… so on Procyon through the same techniques, whose existence we were not aware of either, from the start they established a kind of telepathic hypnotic control over our leaders. Over our leaders and over almost all of us, because it was as if we were under a spell that was leading us to our doom as if we were being programmed by a type of ritual black magic that we did not realize existed.
  • “Just as a few of the original tall Blonds clandestinely left Rigel when the Great War was about to break out, so did a few of the original tall Blonds clandestinely leave Procyon and escaped into the corridors of time just before the Grays completed the slow undermining that culminated in their sudden takeover of Procyon. Those who stayed behind came under the total domination of the Grays.
  • “The Blonds you see on the same ships as the Grays, working with them, are hybrids, or they are clones. One way to distinguish the clones is that they look alike. The real Blonds have distinct facial feature differences and do not look alike. The clones have thick necks and coarsely muscular bodies. They do not have the ability to teleport or to travel inter-dimensionally. They can be contacted by telepathy, but are unable to send. They can be given orders telepathically. They are zombie-like flesh robots. You can tell that they are of low intelligence by looking into their eyes.
  • “The real Blonds are also muscular but have slender necks and agile bodies. Their eyes are alert and of high intelligence. Physically they are almost identical to humans, the main difference being that by human standards their blood circulatory system is under-developed, while their lymphatic system is over-developed. This gives them stronger immune systems than terrestrial humans.
  • “The hybrids are in an intermediate state between the real Blonds and the clones.
  • “After what has happened to Procyon, NO TRUE BLOND would collaborate voluntarily with the Grays. The Grays have taken some prisoners of war, who have no choice in the matter, and are forced to work with them in order to survive, with the hope of escaping. There are also a few Blonds who have become degenerate renegades, space pirates, and mercenaries who sell their services to the highest bidder. But many of us remain free and continue the fight to the finish with the life-form that has become our hereditary enemy. We choose to remain in exile in the corridors of time, where they can not reach us, rather than to live under the domination of the insidious Grays. It is dangerous for us to venture forth from the corridors of time, but occasionally we do so for a hit-and-run strike, similar in nature to a cosmic version of terrestrial guerrilla warfare.
  • “We must periodically enter a substantial physical form for a period of repose, or to breed progeny, in order to continue to survive, but otherwise we constantly travel the vast corridors of time. That is why we may appear to fade in and out like holographic images to human perception. What I have come here to communicate, if only to one or two people or a small group, is that what is now in the process of happening to your culture, also happened to ours. It is the same fate our own culture suffered. And the Blonds you see with the Grays are either hybrids, clones, or prisoners of war. Because no true Blond who got out untouched, unscathed, uncrossed with those Grays would ever be with them. He or she would prefer to be in a state of non-existence.
  • “Besides the Blonds and the Grays, ships from many other space cultures are watching planet Earth at this time with extreme interest. Scientists from other space cultures are studying what is going on here during this decisive period of your history. If your elected representatives had not so stupidly made a deal with the only aliens willing to provide them with weapons systems, with the short-sighted goal of overpowering the Russians, the Grays would not have achieved their present dominance, and you would now be exchanging ambassadors with a wide variety of space cultures.
  • “What I want to get across to you is that the ultimate evil, which underlies all the negativity in the cosmos, finds expression in that masked form of psychological complacency which leads an individual to adhere to a group philosophy rather than to think things through for oneself! Those who feel safe and comfortable in no matter what belief system merely because many others adhere to it, who get together and form an arrogant self-righteous group convinced it has a monopoly on the truth and those who are ready to persecute, kill or stifle anyone who challenges that group’s philosophy, have formed an alliance with the ultimate evil, whether they know it or not. It is the self-righteousness and implacability of certain elite power groups like the CIA and the KGB, certain organized religions, and certain so-called lunatic fringe groups such as some of the more fanatical Star People, which are so objectionable…
  • “I have seen civilizations rise and fall, begin again only to die again, over and over and over. It isn’t only a problem on this planet. It’s a problem that must be faced by all civilizations in the course of their development, no matter where they may be located in the cosmos. Everyone wants that slightly larger piece of the pie than their neighbor for themselves, and eventually, this tendency always culminates in choking them. Sooner or later this will be the undoing of the Grays as well, thereby enabling us to return in triumph from our exile in the corridors of time. The Grays do not see and are incapable of understanding their own fundamental error: that the very weakness they seize upon in humanity is their own inherent weakness, the blind spot that inevitably seals their doom…
  • “The only way to victory is through the strength of your consciousness. When genetic or other manipulations are being performed on abductees, the Grays expect them to cringe in fear and derive a second-hand high from the intensity of the emotions expressed. If instead of cringing in fear, an abductee can put his or her mind elsewhere, focusing attention on dynamic protective imagery of a religious or mystical nature, it decreases the gratification that the Grays are getting from their second-hand high, and it confuses them. Center the consciousness on something so different from what they expect that it puzzles them.

(Note: In most cases the image of an empty red or crimson CROSS seems to be especially debilitating to the Grays. For instance the legendary soldier-saint, St. George, reputedly wore a shield with a red cross emblazoned on a white background. Whether one believes that the dragonslayers existed or not, the legend itself claims that the Christian dragon-slayers of Europe more-or-less marked the end of the dragon race’s infestation of the old world. One such legend concerned the city of Silene, Libya which had been plagued by a draconian beast for a long period of time.

The king of the city had offered up sheep and livestock in an effort to appease the beast. However the time came when all the livestock had been used up, and this was when human sacrifices were chosen, by lot, to appease the fearsome beast. One day the lot fell on the king’s own daughter, and the grieved king, honoring his word, allowed her to be taken and tied to the post outside of the city gates. As the beast was about to pounce upon the princess, so the story goes, Saint George appeared in shining silver armor and — before the beast knew what was happening — the soldier-saint had pierced it through with his lance and rescued the princess, who later became his wife.

Whether or not such legends have any basis in reality, the story nevertheless symbolizes the unconscious animosity between ‘Saints‘ and ‘Serpents‘. If we are to believe the legends, then this was only one of the many ‘vermin‘ — as they were referred to in those ancient times — which St. George had vanquished during his life, and although not the only dragon-slayer of legend, he was perhaps the most renowned. – Branton)…

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 34d


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