(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 11c

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“Bonnie, her mother (Rana Mu), her father Ra(Mu), her sister Judy, her cousins Lorae and Matox, live and move in our society, returning frequently to TELOS for rest and recuperation. Bonnie relates that her people use boring machines to bore tunnels in the Earth. These boring machines heat the rock to incandescence, then vitrify it, thus eliminating the need for beams and supports.

A tube transit tunnel is used to connect the (underground) cities that exist in various subterranean regions in our hemisphere. The tube trains are propelled by electromagnetic impulses up to speeds of 2500 mph. One tube connects with one of their cities in the Matto Grosso jungle of Brazil. (They) have developed space travel and some flying saucers come from their subterranean bases…

“They grow food hydroponically under full-spectrum lights with their gardens attended by automatons. The food and resources of Telos are distributed in plenty to the million-and-a-half population that thrives on a no-money economy. Bonnie talks about history, of the Uighurs, Naga-Mayas, and Quetzals, of which she is a descendant.

(Note: Many people have mistakenly identified the inhabitants of ‘Telos’ as being directly descended from the ‘Lemurians’, however, Bonnie here seems to refute this by indicating that her ancestry was other than this, possibly Meso-American and/or East-Indian? As in the case of the ancient ‘antediluvian’ cities of the eastern seaboard which were re-established after being abandoned by the lost ‘Atlanteans’; the ‘Lemurians’, if they existed thousands of years ago, also seem to have been devastated in a world-wide cataclysm — and their cities re-established by the Uighurs, Naga-Mayas, and Quetzals as well as scattered members of other societies.

The antediluvian Atlanteans apparently built underground systems below the eastern seaboard of North and South America, whereas the MUrians apparently had control of the underground systems beneath the western seaboard. Although some island-continents may have sunk following the deluge, most accounts describe the ‘Atlanteans’, etc., as being antediluvians. Being that the name ‘Telos’ is a Grecian word meaning ‘uttermost, purpose’, there is a suggestion of a ‘possible’ connection with the Grecian-like Hav-musuvs of the Panamint mountains of California – Branton).

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 11b

“I met Bonnie’s cousin, Matox, who, like her, is a strict vegetarian and holds the same attitudes concerning the motives of the government. They constantly guard against discovery or intrusion. Their advanced awareness and technology help them remain vigilant…

“Science Fiction? Bonnie is a real person. Many have met her. Is she perpetrating a hoax? For what motive? She does not seek publicity and I have a devil of a time getting her to meetings to talk with others, but she has done so. There has been little variation in her story and her answers in the past three years. She has given me excellent technical insight into the construction of a crystal- powered generator that extracts ambient energy… Bonnie’s father, the Ra-Mu, is 300 years old and a member of the ruling council of Telos.

“Many tunnels are unsafe and closed off. All tube transit tunnels are protected and are designed to eject uninvited guests. Does Bonnie have the answers that we are looking for? I don’t know… Bonnie says she would like to satisfy our need for proof and will work with me on a satisfactory answer to that problem, but she is unconcerned with whether people accept her or not. Bonnie is humorous and easy-going and well-poised, yet sometimes she becomes brooding and mysterious. She says her people are busy planning survival centers for refugees.

One of these is to be near Prescott, Arizona…” (or, more exactly, below the Groom Creek area just south of Prescott, to be exact. Another ‘survival center’ for refugees of the world-wide cataclysms which the Telosians are convinced will devastate the surface of the earth in future years, is said to be below the general area of Jenny Lake, Wyoming, near the Tetons. The Tetons themselves have been the alleged home of a mysterious race, according to different sources, and extremely ancient stone ‘buildings’ or constructions have reportedly been seen high atop the treacherous spurs of the Teton mountain range – Branton).

When Bill Hamilton asked ‘Bonnie’ to elaborate about the power-sources which her people utilize to propel the so-called “flying saucer” craft, she replied:

“…A lot of it is crystals (i.e. crystal-induced electromagnetism? – Branton), particularly the atmospheric vehicles. The planet-to- planet vehicles are driven by an Ion-Mercury engine. Spaceships can reach speeds way beyond light. They can enter hyperspace — you generate into the fourth dimension — this is controlled by an on-board computer that takes you into and out of hyperspace. I know this is a simplification. When you’re on a ship going into hyperspace, you will hear this vibration, and a loud screaming sound when you enter, then you will hear nothing…”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 11g

Bill concludes: “I have had many correlations on this data and am researching it further toward a comprehensive theory of space travel…”

Researcher Val Valerian refers to an incident that took place in 1988. This incident indicated that at that time Project Bluebook was still as active as ever. Valerian refers to a Sgt. Robert Williams (pseudonym for his protection) who was stationed in Honolulu from 1971-1973. ‘Williams’ was a photographer who worked for the Aerospace Audio Visual Service (AAVS) which is headquartered at Norton AFB, CA.

In 1971 Williams was approached by PROJECT BLUEBOOK to work as a photographer, which he did until 1973. On July 10, 1973, Williams was given TDY orders and a Top Secret clearance, and was sent to Norton AFB and was briefed into a secret project involving the photographing of alien beings and craft. He was to work with Ron Smith (also pseudonym). They were blindfolded and put into a limousine with blacked-out windows and were driven to their destination. Both felt the car descend and found themselves in an underground base. Williams noted the time on his watch, and that 45 minutes had passed since the beginning of their journey.


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