(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 11e

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“…Of the many episodes involving UFOs and the spontaneous combustion of humans, quite probably the most disastrous event — if true — in MODERN times occurred to the African village of Kirimukuya on Mt. Kenya.

“For several nights in June 1954, young Laili Thindu and his shepherd companions listened to the pounding of their neighbors’ drums announcing a wedding about to take place on the mountainside. They also watched STRANGE LIGHTS soar around this ‘sacred‘ peak in central Kenya. They naturally were startled when bright beams flashed from these soaring lights, then concerned that the drums were now silent.

“The next morning Laili learned that ‘all the dancers, all the children, all the livestock, — the entire population of the village — had been seared to death by terrible streams of light from glowing objects,’ report Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour in their book, FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE. ‘It was not until Laili Thindu ventured into Nairobi that he was able to tell his story to someone who recognized the tale for what it really was: the annihilation of an African village by a UFO…”

The Kenyans are not the only ones to have suffered from “alien” attacks upon its inhabitants. The U.S. Military is well aware of this threat of unknown invaders of U.S. Airspace, as is evident in the following quote:

“We have stacks of reports about flying saucers. WE TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY when you consider WE HAVE LOST MANY MEN AND PLANES TRYING TO INTERCEPT THEM.” — February 1953. Statement by U.S. General CHIDLAW in charge of the United States Continental Air Defense.

There are many indications suggesting that certain humans have, in one way or another, been brought under the mental, technical or occult control of the ‘reptilians‘ over the years — whether they are fully aware of this manipulation or not.

Could the ‘being‘ referred to in the following account, which appeared on pp. 1136-1137 of Raymond A. Palmer’s ‘HIDDEN WORLD’ publication for Summer, 1962, be the type of subterranean- dwelling creature which at least one account has referred to as a a ‘dragon-worm‘?

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 11g

Could this creature (supposing it does in fact exist and is not the result of one man’s deluded and misguided fantasy experience) be one of the MANY and VARIED branches or mutations of the ‘serpent‘ races, which many accounts tend to confirm as existing within subterranean areas?

It would seem that accounts such as this one might raise more questions than answers. Remember that this letter appeared years before the advent of the famous ‘Star Wars‘ trilogy which depicted a creature very similar to that described in the following letter. Again, one may wonder if George Lucas himself might not have been inspired subconsciously by certain evident realities, and portrayed some of these — although in a rather sensationalized manner — in his movies. The following account was submitted by a reader who chose to remain anonymous. He states:

“Dear Ray: …This happened about 12 or 13 years ago. I was in my late teens, I think, but perhaps the time is not as important as the incident. “In the late-night hours I awoke, got out of bed, walked out of the house and was met by a group of men (?) who drove me out into the country to an old farmhouse. I don’t know the location any more than the people involved; maybe I was drugged, I don’t know. At the farmhouse, we went immediately to the potato cellar and through a trapdoor in the floor down a long inclining tunnel.

We arrived in a room, fantastically decorated, bizarre, like Hades — how can I describe it? It was of good size, and others were present. Someone asked: ‘Is he ready?’ and the answer: ‘Yes, he is.’ Two ‘others‘ — one on each side of me escorted me into a room? Tunnel? (again beyond my description) the worm, or whoever or whatever he or it was, was huge, long, round, knobby. An immense head and mouth (which swayed back and forth) spoke to me. I don’t remember what it said or my answer, but one of them put a syringe into it, and then into me!

I swear the language spoken by them AND MYSELF was not English, but somehow I seemed to know, yet but not know. After some kind of warning and benediction from this being, I was escorted out. Once again the car, the return trip, and home in bed. Since that time I have once in a while visited the caves quite unhindered… in dreams and the like.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 11c

(since ‘suppressed’ memories of experiences with UFO’s, etc. often surface in ‘dreams’ or impressions, could these be actual memories of other visits to the nether regions which were suppressed from his memory?

There is also the small chance that ray-induced visions or even ‘astral’ interaction might be involved as well, that is, the “abduction” of the spirit body from the soul and physical bodies. The physical-soul body presumably remains attached to the disembodied spirit-essence via a silvery cord or beam of energy which maintains a kind of hyperspace link between them – Branton).

“I can only comment that the knowledge of, and use of the mechs, the architecture, the philosophies in the pictures (or whatever they are), would enable man to live like gods in comparison to how they now live. However, the areas of horror beyond comprehension would have to be removed before this can be done.

(Note: The writer may be referring to the so-called superhuman abilities brought about through the use or manipulation of powerful electromagnetic occult technologies. We must remind the reader that ‘power’ has NOTHING to do with benevolence or “righteousness”, or as the old saying goes:

‘Might does, not make right!’

Such abilities to manipulate the forces of nature via occult technologies — such as those which were developed and utilized by the antediluvians, which by the way may have played a role in their destruction, and which is now being used by many of the inhabitants of the nether ‘cavern’ regions — could be extremely destructive if placed in the wrong hands – Branton).

“An interesting sequel to this (dream or reality?) is that I have prayed, hard, that this wouldn’t affect my life. I believe in some ways it hasn’t, but my wife feels that something, as I also have felt, is not allowing me to live as I want to. Of course, I want to know, was it a dream or reality? (Name deleted by request).”

The following letter appeared in the July 1964 issue of ‘SEARCH‘ Magazine and was written by Mr. Ervin M. Scott of (at that time) 536 12th St., Denver, Colorado. Mr. Scott’s references to the origin of “dreams” is interesting.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 11d


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