(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) — Page #1b

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

The preceding account, titled “TRIBAL MEMORIES OF THE FLYING SAUCERS”, appeared in the Sept. 1949 issue of FATE magazine. Coincidentally or not, this same ‘legend‘ was repeated in amazing similarity by an old prospector by the name of Bourke Lee in his book “DEATH VALLEY MEN” (Macmillan Co., New York, 1932). However, Lee stated that it was NOT a legend, but an actual account of the discovery of a (now abandoned) city WITHIN the Panamint Mountains as he heard it from three other people who claimed to have seen this ancient wonder beneath the earth.

Believe it or not, those who talked to Bourke Lee mentioned the ancient ‘lake‘ within Death Valley, the ancient city within the Panamints themselves, and even the large tunnel-like ‘quays‘ or ancient boat docks above the ancient shoreline on the eastern slope of the Panamints which led INTO the ancient city… ancient artifacts which they swore they saw with their own eyes.

The Editors of FATE magazine introduced the story which appears above with the following words:

“…FATE presents two new saucer stories in this issue. The first is a startling account of an aviation editor’s encounter with two disks (two week’s after he had photographed four and was frustrated in every attempt to get the photo into the big dailies and thus prove the flying saucers were real at the height of the ‘scare’); and the second is a tribal secret of the Paiute Indians given to FATE magazine out of appreciation for FATE’s Navajo story in the Spring, 1948 issue, which helped relieve their hardship in the ensuing winter.

Your editor wonders about (these) stories and presents them as a possible solution to the nature and origin of the famous disks. Both these stories arrived on our desk on the same day. They corroborate each other. We say that investigation will prove both to be true. We admit, however, that we believe it will be as impossible to prove the Hav-Musuv story as it has been to produce a captive disk. Your editor, however, has been a friend of the American Indian for many years, and he has rarely known an Indian to lie. He is convinced of the sincerity of the story we present in this issue, and that it has not been distorted. What does it mean? What, really, are the Hav-Musuvs?”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #1g

The story of the Hav-Musuvs seems to be a major or key ‘piece‘ of the overall puzzle of a wide range of aerial as well as subsurface phenomena that have mystified numerous researchers throughout this century.

Not the least of these unusual phenomena were the so-called ‘contactees‘ of California who during the 1950s and ’60s, in fact, described their own alleged encounters with ‘benevolent‘ human-like beings who were seen to emerge from aerial disks, not far at all from the mysterious Panamint mountains themselves.

The Mojave Desert is also, believe it or not, the very place where William Shatner claimed to have had his UFO encounter with a ‘silvery disk‘, which he alleges saved his life after he became lost in the Mojave’s other-worldly expanse, and this long before he was Christened ‘Captain‘ of the U.S.S. Enterprise!

The Mojave Desert of California is in this sense perhaps one of the most interesting areas in the world whereas encounters with strange aerial phenomena are concerned. In certain small California and Mojave Desert towns, like the small town of Anza for instance, one is more likely to be called crazy for NOT believing in UFOs than they are for believing in them. Sightings have been so numerous over the years that these aerial visitors are an accepted fact of life.

The interesting thing, however, is that the two most commonly reported types of ‘occupants‘ which are described by thousands of witnesses with remarkable consistency the world over (in relation to these aerial phenomena) play a large part in the Mojave Desert scenario as well. These are the two groups that have often been referred to at the ‘Saurian Grays‘ and the ‘Nordic Blonds‘.

Both types of ‘entities‘ have appeared in many accounts describing encounters with not only so-called extraterrestrial beings but also the lesser-known — although nevertheless persistent — accounts of intra-terranean beings as well. In this file, we will document numerous accounts which seem to suggest that the ‘Nordics‘ maybe our ancient ancestors who, a few thousand years previous to the modern ‘space race‘, may have attained the science and technology necessary to burrow deep into the earth in order to construct vast subterranean technological metropolises, and shortly thereafter like a slingshot from the lower depths of the earth they may have hurled themselves in starships of their own devising through the interplanetary and perhaps even interstellar depths of space.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #1h

The strange allegation among ‘UFOlogists‘, however, is one mentioned by many ‘contactees‘ who allege that a neo-sauroid or reptilian race known as the GRAYS may have for hundreds if not thousands of years been in conflict, or even in even all-out warfare with the so-called ‘Nordics’ (as we will see further on, the “Nordic” appellation may be closer to the truth than one might think). The explanation given by some researchers as to the ACTUAL ORIGIN of this malevolent and predatory (other) race of ‘grayish’ aliens may shock you!

Since National Polls reveal that approximately 80 percent of all Americans believe in the phenomena known as UFO’s to some degree and that as many as 2 percent, or 1 in 50 believe that they have been targets of ‘abduction‘ by the same in the past, this file is written with the assumption that the reader is one of the 80% (and possibly even one of the 2 percent who has experiential knowledge of the UFO phenomena).

If the reader believes that they are part of the 20 percent who do not believe in UFO’s and have no desire to do so, then the following may not be for you. If one does not like the idea of having the very ‘fabric‘ of their concept of reality torn apart and woven back together again, then they might do well to pass on this information to someone with a more open mind. But if you desire to bear with us, we will reveal to you the hidden secrets of one place on earth which appears to be a ‘doorway‘ to other worlds, to worlds and realities and adventures which may well make the reader’s own perception of ‘reality’ seem absolutely mundane to the extreme…

But if you dare, then read on:

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