(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) — Page #1f

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

UFO’s have also allegedly followed U.S. space shots such as the Apollo and the Shuttle flights, the latter of which has actually ‘filmed‘ what appear to be battles between alien craft and earth-based ‘SDI‘ defense systems. The Apollo shots were allegedly followed FROM EARTH by UFO’s, suggesting that an ancient Terran society which already went through the ‘space race‘ phase, perhaps hundreds or thousands of years ago, was concerned with the feeble efforts of their ‘little brothers’ to move out into space. As we will see later on in this file, the possibility that an ancient Terran race developed space travel thousands of years ago is one that may be backed-up by actual evidence. When we realize that the United States itself became the major world power in less than two hundred years, and as we’ve said had essentially gone from the ‘horse-and-buggy‘ to interplanetary travel in less than 75 years; then how much activity might have resulted in extraterrestrial realms over a period of two or three thousand years by human AND saurian beings whose ‘sciences‘ were increasing at a synchronous rate?

Also, do the ‘benevolent‘ human-aliens allegedly working at the Nevada Test Site have any connection with the Hav-Musuvs described earlier? Were the ‘human‘ occupied bases on Luna as seen by NASA officials, according to George H. Leonard and others, actually installations placed there by the Hav-Musuvs or another society affiliated with them? These are questions we intend to answer in this File.

As we’ve indicated, there are numerous accounts suggesting that an ancient race who utilize high-technology now resides in the bowels of Mt. Shasta in the Cascade Range of northern California. According to researcher William F. Hamilton, who claims to have met representatives of this society, the inhabitants of the subterranean ‘city‘ under Mt. Shasta are usually tall, blue-eyed blonds who number in excess of over one-and-a-half million in their large 5-leveled, 20-mile long underground city.

Mt. Shasta has been a major site for UFO contacts for decades. Also Indian legends – as well as stories of strange people being seen on its slopes – abound there. These accounts are so well-known that many of the travel guides to the Shasta area mention the legends of the ancient people who are said to dwell within this ancient volcanic peak.

Aside from the apparent ‘Greek‘ connection with the underground city allegedly existing beneath Mt. Shasta (that is, the name ‘Telos‘ itself, which is a GREEK word that literally means ‘uttermost, purpose‘), Mr. Hamilton also states that some of the ‘Telosians‘ claim to be descended from ancient cultures such as the ‘Quetzals‘ and the ‘Naga-Mayas’. This seems to indicate a possible Meso-American connection or origin of some of the alleged inhabitants of Shasta. Is it possible that South American cultures AND Mediterranean cultures such as the ancient Greeks ‘teamed up‘ in their obsession to explore the heavens?

James Churchward (who authored several books describing the history of an alleged sunken island-continent which he believed existed within the Indian Ocean and which went by the name of ‘MU’) has indicated that the ‘Naga-Mayas‘ was a human tribe tied-in with ancient India. Whether the Telosians are descended from ancient Mayapan, India or Greece is not clear. It is possible as we’ve said that many ancient empires, such as was suggested in the Hav-Musuv account, flowed-in to each other and traded and interacted with each other to a large degree.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #1a

Early archeologist Augustus Le Plongeon, one of the first researchers to do an in-depth study of the Mayan Language, came under criticism from orthodox scientists when he claimed to have broken the Mayan language code and learned of the close connections the Mayas had with Egypt, India and an ancient island continent called ‘MU‘. Although Churchward placed MU in the Indian Ocean, Le Plongeon placed it somewhere in the Caribbean, perhaps in the Bermuda Triangle region – possibly mistaking it with the ante-diluvian ‘Atlantis‘ legends.

Others, however, place MU or ELAM-MU off the west coast of North America or, in fact, identify modern-day California as none other than the ancient kingdom of MU which in ancient times was a peninsula or large island just of the California coast, as the Havmu-SUV account seems to suggest. It is also possible that the ‘MUrians‘ had several ‘colonies’ throughout the ancient world.

Zechariah Sitchin, the author of many books, states that some Mayas may originally have come from Egypt. This might be the case when we realize the apparent similarities between the Egyptians and Mayas as they can be seen in the Mayan and Egyptian Pyramids, and so on. Another possibility is one suggested by Churchward, that the Mayas or Naga-Mayas came from India. However, even if they came from Egypt, a connection to India may still exist, for the ancient Greek writer, Philostratus insists that the first Egyptians were originally navigators from INDIA!

Whether or not the Mayas were originally descended from the Egyptians OR ancient East Indians, there is much evidence that the Mayas WERE never-the-less a highly scientific society, who were well advanced in medicine, astronomy, architecture, and mathematics. In fact, Charles Berlitz (author of many books on the Bermuda Triangle, the Philadelphia Experiment, and other mysteries) refers to the account of a Colorado art historian by the name of Jose Arguelles.

Arguelles claimed to have met an old Mayan ‘sage‘ by the name of Humbarty Men who told him that his people, the Mayas, still exist as a civilization (underground? – Branton) and that they have in the last millennia succeeded in ‘navigating‘ at least seven nearby planetary systems through advanced spacefaring technologies.

In relation to this, a man by the name of Morris Doreal, also of Colorado (a state which is or was believed to be the home of an advanced subterranean human culture), runs an organization called the ‘Brotherhood of the White Temple‘. Doreal claims to have visited a few of the ancient underground cities and alleges that several ‘members‘ of his organization are Guatemalan Indians of Mayan descent who have told him of their own knowledge of subterranean cities inhabited by both good and evil (reptilian?) beings. It is true that there are many strange caverns in the regions of Yucatan and Guatemala.

Eastern Guatemala has ‘Silpino Cave‘ which has allegedly been explored for months in the direction of ancient volcanic cones without the daring Speleonauts’ ever finding an end to the labyrinth; while the ‘Loltun Caves‘ of Yucatan have an even more interesting history, being surrounded with accounts of ancient treasure troves, endless passages, encounters with people within its depths who claimed to be centuries old, and even stories of lost tribes who vanished into the depths while fleeing their enemies, never to be seen again. Now back to the subject of the Hav-Musuvs and the mysterious Mojave and Death Valley region.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #1c

In addition to all of the above, there is much evidence that thousands of years ago the ‘Nordic‘ Vikings landed on the west coast of the Americas. However, whether ‘they‘ have anything at all to add to this scenario is uncertain. The best possible source however for the ‘Hav-Musuvs‘ and in fact the ‘Telosians‘ themselves seems to be the ancient Greeks AND Mayas (Greco-Mayans?), although as we’ve indicated, possibly several ancient societies may have been working together.

It is said by some that the Greeks borrowed much of their scientific thought from India during the time of Alexander the Great, and subsequently may have put this scientific thought into physical applications that were in turn shared with some of the leaders of India. As we will see later on, the ancient Greeks AND (Aryan?) East Indians may have been collaborating thousands of years ago in a ‘space race’ which propelled these cultures outwards to nearby star systems, possibly a millennia or more before the appearance of Christ.

In 1961, SEARCH Magazine published a letter in it’s October issue, pp. 76-81, from a Gene A. Statler of (at the time) North Street, Jackson, Missouri. Excerpts from this letter are given here:

“Dear Mr. Palmer: A few days ago I wrote you a letter in which I brought to your attention an item which was placed by you in the Classified Advertisements section of December, 1959, issue of SEARCH MAGAZINE. In this ad, you requested any information as to the whereabouts of L. Taylor Hansen, who had disappeared twelve years prior to that issue, and he was quoted as saying that he had discovered a black, polished shaft, leading down into the earth near Death Valley.

“You will remember that I mentioned that it was strange to have the poem, ‘The Curse of Tippecanoe‘, listed as written by Hansen if the author had been missing for fourteen years. Well, my face is really red! While looking over some of the newest SEARCH and FLYING SAUCER magazines, I found that no less than five articles in the past three issues of your magazines have been written by Mr. Hansen. Therefore, I can safely assume that Mr. Hansen is not missing! Please accept my apologies for my rash statements. I’ll try to be a little more comprehensive in my investigations the next time I try to make an earth-shaking announcement!

“However, my one suggestion still stands. Why not inform everyone, if you have not already done so, as to the real, whole story behind Hansen’s disappearance and his discovery? What was his polished, black shaft?”

Ray Palmer’s editorial reply to Statler’s letter was as follows:

“…It is true that we searched for Mr. Hansen for all those years, and when we found him, he had this cryptic remark to make concerning his whereabouts: ‘It would be best just to drop the subject.‘ However, we do have Mr. Hansen back doing articles for us, and not only that, but we have one book manuscript in production – one on Atlantis, and one on Lemuria. We feel sure that these will be quite sensational, and it may be they will answer a lot of unanswered questions concerning Mr. Hansen and his mysterious twelve-year silence.”

As we have seen by the Hav-Musuv and related accounts, hidden technological societies descended from ancient Greece or other ancient societies, may very well have established aerospace travel several hundred, if not a few thousand, years ago.

Assuming this, once aerial travel was accomplished by ancient races such as those described by Oga-Make, William Hamilton and others, ‘space‘ travel would be the next logical step. There are indications that the Hav-Musuvs may have been only one of many ancient ‘Terran’ groups to discover ‘free- energy’ (electromagnetic) propulsion, and they certainly have not been the last. The problem is, when a segment of the human race, a scientific cabal for instance, stumbles upon the secret of electromagnetic propulsion (or even atomic, mercury, ion or tachyon energy drives – tachyons being an actual faster-than- light particle recognized by quantum physicists), they have a propensity to seclude themselves from mainstream humanity.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #1e

This was usually done, according to various accounts, out of a fear that their technologies would be stolen and used for destructive purposes. It has only been in recent centuries that this ‘techno-imperialism‘ on the part of the secret scientific fraternities has weakened, as the overall masses of humanity have demanded their ‘share‘ of the technological ‘pie‘, and with it, they have also received the darker side of technology – machine guns, missiles, atomic weapons – the works.

Usually, man has a suspicious outlook toward his fellow man, understandably, and this has apparently led many such subterranean cultures to develop their technologies in secret. Some hidden societies such as the MIB or ‘Men In Black‘ have been especially defensive of intrusion and have used a type of ‘psychological terrorism‘ in order to keep their secrets hidden from those on the surface, especially now that the technologies of the ‘International‘ societies are becoming more refined.

This defensiveness and paranoia on the part of the MIB might be explained by their own guiltiness which stems from their ancient associations with the serpent races, and the subsequent mental control which the reptilians have established throughout their own and other ‘collaborative‘ societies. Many of the MIB’ however are prisoners of environmental influence and cannot be condemned for being ‘born‘ into such a society (we refer here to the ‘humanoid’ MIB, although androidal and even reptilian ‘Men In Black’ have also been encountered). There is no telling how many times such a scenario (of a society discovering the utilization of electromagnetic energy and subsequently dis-connecting themselves from mainstream society) has run its course throughout the millennia.

As for the ‘Men In Black‘, which according to researchers like John Keel are an ‘Illuminati-like‘ secret society who may be collaborating with the malevolents (reptilians), their Black Automobiles have been seen entering and leaving underground areas, like for instance–according to one witness–a particular mountain near a road that runs between Hopland and Lakeport California, a road on which many automobiles including government vehicles have allegedly disappeared throughout the years.

The Haitians refer to these large black automobiles, which have sometimes been seen ‘apparently‘ operating without a visible driver, as the ‘Zobops‘. The superstitious Haitians, many of whom are into Voodoo and serpent worship themselves, refer to the Zobops as a race of sorcerers, and add that if one sees one of these large black automobiles apparently operating without a driver that they had better leave it alone. As we have suggested, there are also many cases which suggest that many of the so-called ‘Men In Black‘ are not human at all.

But whether good or evil, there are apparently numerous societies–many of them highly advanced technologically and many of them very ancient–who have hidden away from mainstream surface societies, again for either benevolent or malevolent reasons. There is, in fact, evidence that such high-tech ancient cultures did exist in ancient times:

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