(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page #2c

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

The possibility of little children being abducted and used for their ‘secretions’ and body organs is almost too horrible to contemplate. There MAY be other indications that such is the case, whether one chooses to believe it or not. For instance:

1) Bill English, son of an Arizona state legislator and a former Green Beret commander allegedly viewed the top-secret “GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13” years after he investigated a downed aircraft which radioed an encounter with a UFO, and whose occupants were later found mutilated. He stated that this secret document contained eyewitness descriptions of children who had been abducted by ‘grey‘ type entities, one of them being abducted on a farm right in front of the parents, and never seen again.

2) The Aug. 1940 issue of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC detailed the disappearance of 30 children and their teachers in some catacombs below the island of Malta. Sources contemporary to the event stated that they had entered a ‘burial‘ chamber in the third or lowest level of the ‘Hypogeum of Hal Salflienti‘, an orifice which was rumored to lead to ‘deeper‘ catacombs. The ancient catacombs were discovered below the small village of Casal Paula in 1902 when workmen literally fell into it while digging.

They discovered over 30,000 bones and evidence of ancient human sacrifice conducted by an old Neolithic race. Witnesses to the disappearance said that a sudden ‘cave-in‘ had blocked the opening after the last child had gone through, but the rope they used to tie themselves to the lower room was found to be clean-cut, and many reported hearing the crying and wailing of children from below ground weeks after the disappearance. According to researcher Riley Crabb of the ‘Borderland Sciences Research Foundation‘, a British Embassy employee by the name of Miss Louis Jessup entered the ‘lower catacombs‘ a few days before the disappearance, catacombs which she described as being immense. She allegedly encountered a sudden and mysterious “wind” which blew out her candle, following which she felt something ‘wet and slippery‘ brush past her. Needless to say, she left the scene in a hurry. Nevertheless, this account indicates how children sometimes tend to ‘disappear‘ in the presence of aerial or subsurface phenomena.

john_lear_lg3) John Lear also claims — based upon accounts given to him by several contacts of his in the intelligence community — that there is evidence that a percentage of America’s missing children have been taken by these creatures (the Grays), suggesting that the ‘aliens‘ largely prey on the weak and defenseless among the human race.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2h

It is uncertain however what percentage of ‘missing children’ might be involved here. Lear, in his ‘Press Release‘ of June 3, 1988, stated in reference to human abductees and victims of human mutilation: “The various parts of the body are taken to various underground laboratories, one of which is known to be near the small New Mexico town of Dulce. This jointly occupied (CIA-Alien) facility has been described as enormous, with huge tiled walls that ‘go on forever‘. Witnesses have reported huge vats filled with amber liquid with parts of human bodies being stirred inside… he secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide and applied on the skin (of the grays) by spreading or dipping parts of their bodies in the solution. The body absorbs the solution, then excretes the waste back through the skin.” (like REPTILES excrete waste through the shedding of their ‘skins’ – Branton) This would confirm ‘Oscar’s‘ claims to this effect.

(4) Researcher William Cooper, who was formerly a Chief Petty Officer and Intelligence Worker in the Pacific Naval fleet, pointed out at the 1989 MUFON Conference in Las Vegas that over 3000 children disappear without a trace yearly in one part of Manhattan alone. We might relate this to other obscure though evident indications that Manhattan literally sits atop vast underground caverns which have been confirmed by different sources, including CON EDISON when they broke into a vast cavity at a depth of 200 feet while drilling in a Manhattan Park. Cooper also claimed to have seen top-secret reports stating that sections of human bodies were found stored on disks retrieved from crash-recovery sites and that the government was extremely disturbed by this aspect of the alien activity.

5) There are hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts of women who had been a few months along in a pregnancy, most often an unexplained pregnancy, only to find after a UFO abduction experience that their babies suddenly ‘disappeared‘. These accounts are a reality. It is very unlikely that hundreds of thousands of women would collectively use the same ‘bizarre‘ identical excuse if they themselves aborted a child and did not wish others to think that they did so, especially when many of these women were the ONLY ones who knew of the pregnancy.

6) Although many of the children who are allegedly abducted and never seen again are of the homeless or unwanted type, ‘street‘ children of prostitutes, and so on — children who will not be ‘missed‘ as much as others — it also appears that thousands of children who belong to middle-class families are also being abducted, IMPLANTED and returned. Since the disappearance of these would cause far more ‘waves‘ than a child without a guardian, they are used instead for purposes of manipulation. It appears that these infernal creatures are EXTREMELY cautious and cunning, and have hidden their tracks and even their very existence well, at least up until the 1970s-1980s when ‘abductions’ started to make the news in a profound way.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2d

Forest Crawford continues:

“…He (Oscar, based on what ‘Hank’ communicated to him) claims that they are also kidnapping children. The Tau Cetians have been preyed upon by these aliens before and they are working with other races and communities that were also victims. ONE SUCH RACE (emphasis ours – Branton) THAT OSCAR CLAIMS WAS RUN OFF THEIR HOME PLANET BY THE BUG PEOPLE WAS WHAT WE NOW CALL THE NORDICS OR PLEIADIANS.

He claims, because of his ongoing contacts, he was made aware of the Billy Meier case in Switzerland and swears that is a real contact… “I find all these comments interesting especially when you consider one investigative detail of this case. I have seen Oscar’s house, his Mother’s house, his workshop, and truck, and at no time were any books, magazines, transcripts or movies about any subject, let alone recent UFO material, found… Could he be an avid reader of the latest and most controversial UFO documents and just be hiding them when we come over? This is highly unlikely since, without a phone, our visits were always unannounced.

“…(Oscar) wants people to know that if they are contacted by the Tau Cetians (humans such as he described) to not be afraid because they are here to help.

“This attitude is reflected in correlations with a totally independent case involving a woman near Springfield, Illinois. Jill Waldport (relates) an ongoing and very serious involvement with grey aliens. After Budd Hopkins (whose research inspired the May, 1992 CBS Network mini-series, INTRUDERS – Branton) spoke to her at length the case was recommended to John Carpenter, State Section Director of Missouri MUFON, and then to myself. The intensity and detail of the case are reminiscent of Debbie Tomies’ (Cathy Davis) experiences.

“In my first interview with Jill, she asked if anyone had ever been abducted/contacted by more than one race or group of aliens. I told her that it was reported with some frequency and asked her which another one she had seen with the Greys. She said it was a totally separate contact and that they did NOT like the Grays.

“When asked about their appearance she reported that they were human, approximately about five and a half feet in height, 180-200 pounds but not fat, tanned looking skin with short hair cuts that laid flat against their heads. I asked her to describe their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. She said all features were essentially normal except the nose was broad and flat and their eyes were brown. Oscar reported the weight of Hank to be 190 pounds and five feet seven inches tall, he also noted the broad, flat nose (even this aspect is not unusually ‘alien’ to earth, being that many of the dark races possess broad facial features – Branton).

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2f

“Jill informed me that the aliens told her they didn’t like what some of the aliens were doing to her without her consent. They had come to help her learn how to overcome the DECEPTIONS of the Grays and to protect herself. They explained that she needed to psychically build a shield around herself, like a brick wall, when they came for her. This would help keep her from being deceived by their MIND TRICKS. She tried it the next time the Grey’s came or her and it ‘seemed‘ to work.”

According to many accounts, mere ‘will power‘ does not always guarantee that one will escape the overlapping deceptions and psychic manipulations of the serpent race or the Grays. DIVINE INTERVENTION is, according to some, the only FAIL SAFE way to ensure oneself from being entangled by their deceptions, which are often deep, complex, and extremely subtle. There are actually accounts where people on the verge of being abducted began to pray, at which point the potential abductors left the scene.

Also Clifford Stone, a high- level Military officer based at Roswell, New Mexico who has received much criticism from his higher-ups for his insistence on telling the public what he knows about the Grays, says that several ‘skirmishes‘ between U.S. troops and alien Grays broke out in the jungles of southeast Asia during the Vietnam war, some of them ending in tragedy on our side. However, one case involved a soldier who was a reborn Christian, who had a girlfriend in a particular village.

During one visit he came upon a landed craft and some ‘Grays‘ that was trying to entice some of the townsfolk to take a ride — possibly a permanent one — aboard their ship. The soldier came between the villagers and the Grays, and although his semi-automatic weapon had little effect against their bullet-proof uniforms, the Bible he carried and the cross he wore DID have a definite adverse and weakening effect against the intruders, which immediately left the scene.

Stone also confirmed that there have been many ‘dogfights‘ between the ‘Nordics‘ and the ‘Grays‘ that the government is aware of (source: article by Robert W. Boyajian in UFO UNIVERSE, Spring 1988).


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