(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page #2e

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

The Illuminati allegedly began in ancient Babylon and is said to be a mixture of Cabalism, the ancient Babylonian ‘Mystery’ religion, and ancient ‘Baal‘ worship. Their vision was the same as that of Nimrod (aka Osiris, Baal or the ‘Sun god’ and consort of Semiramis, Isis, or Ashtaroth respectively). Nimrod was the original king of Babylon and the builder of the Tower of Babel. Some sources allege that the CIA and the NAZI movements were tied-in to the Illuminati and that later these two organizations under the “Cult of the All-Seeing Eye” joined forces in an effort to initiate plans for a world dictatorship. Part of this would, of course, involve working with the Grays and other saurian species in underground bases in a joint effort to establish absolute world despotism.

The Illuminati, or the ‘Serpent Cult‘ is allegedly infiltrating political, economic, educational and religious institutions with the help of the Grays (which have ADMITTED to some that they have been the guiding power behind witchcraft and many of the ancient occult lodges over the centuries), which have ‘promised‘ the Illuminati a part of ‘the pie‘ once this world is under ‘their‘ control. This infiltration is allegedly carried out through organizations like the ‘International Working Man’s League‘, which according to World Economists such as Dr. John Coleman ‘molded‘ Karl Marx and his future as a Communist dictator. Another key figure in the Connection between the Illuminati, Masonry and the Jesuit Lodge was the Jesuit Priest Giuseppe Mazzini, the second in command to ‘Universal Pontiff‘ of Freemasonry Albert Pike, and who according to some ‘inside‘ sources even went so far as to organize a branch of the Mafia known as the ‘Oblonica‘ within one of the 22 ‘Palladium‘ lodges which were initiated to oversee world Illuminati revolutionary activities, carefully hiding its connection with the Grand Lodge in England.

The Illuminati headquarters in America may be hidden within the Masonic ‘House of the Temple’ in Washington D.C., (Scottish Rite Headquarters) which is curiously enough set atop the pentagram-like street layout of the city itself. Former 33rd degree Mason and Past Master of all Scottish Rite bodies, Evangelist Jim Shaw (P.O. Box 884., Silver Springs, FL 32668) tell of his own defection from the cult in his book ‘THE DEADLY DECEPTION’. Shaw reveals the fact that the inside of the Scottish Rite headquarters is FILLED with carvings, murals and many other representations of serpents!

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #2a

The High Masons apparently revered the ‘Serpent‘ symbol in what might be considered worshipful awe. Thus the name of their ancient cult, which William Cooper refers to as the ‘Cult of the Snake‘ or ‘Dragon‘, a Serpent Cult which was very active among the ancient Gnostic (serpent) cults of Pharaonic Egypt.

Even Gen. George Washington was a member of the Stone Masons Guild early on, however, when he learned that it was being infiltrated by the Bavarian-German Illuminati he left the Lodge. This infiltration was also confirmed by the Presidents of Yale and Harvard Universities, who discovered that two fraternities, Yale’s SKULL & BONES and Harvard’s SCROLL & KEY had been infiltrated by this German occult lodge in an attempt to gain highly educated initiates who would be used to carry out their future plans for world control, plans which included the destruction of nation-states to be replaced by a world dictatorship, which they called the ‘New World Order‘. There are even allegations that SKULL & BONES grads helped to finance the Communist and Nazi parties for the Illuminati’s Machiavellian world scenario which included the orchestration of world conflicts (pitting various nations or factions against each other) for the purpose of eventually ‘beating‘ the nations of the earth into a global dictatorship or NEW WORLD ORDER ‘synthesis’.

If this report is beginning to sound like an over-budget Spy Movie or a Science Fiction Thriller, then… as they say, “you ain’t seen nothing yet!

The ‘Knights of Malta‘ and the ‘Club of Rome‘ are also, according to Conspiracy Researchers, players in the “End Game” in which the meek of the earth are the pawns. Both have advocated Genocide to curb the ‘population problem‘ — since a true world socialist dictatorship can only survive if the population is kept to a ‘controllable‘ minimum. The KOM and COR are essentially outward arms or branches of the Illuminati, according to many. There are even rumors that tunnels and Catacombs beneath Rome connect, or at one time connected with others beneath the Island of Malta, and that a similar subterranean system utilized by the Western Illuminati exists beneath Washington D.C. as well.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2b

In fact, Dr. John Coleman, in his report: ‘FREEMASONRY AND THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT’ (c/o World Intelligence Review., P.O. Box 507., Chalmette, LA 70044), wrote BEFORE the AIDS threat became widely known among the public, that a secret society equivalent to today’s ‘Illuminati‘ believed that it was their duty as the self-anointed ‘gods‘ over humanity to keep the population of the world from getting out of control so that they could be more easily controlled. These ancient ‘Alchemists‘, Coleman alleges, were responsible for the Black Plague and other scourges that killed millions. He was convinced that they were preparing to wipe away millions more through ‘viral‘ warfare.

According to Coleman (who claims to be an ex-Intelligence worker for the British Government who ‘defected’ when he learned the Horrible Truth), the ‘Illuminati’ consists of the duel lodges of Jesuitism and Freemasonry. He also documents all manner of infiltration of religious, political, and economic movements by the Illuminati of Jesuit-Freemasonry, as well as their seemingly endless manipulations of the nations by their behind-the-scenes orchestrating of economic turmoil, revolutions, and wars.

In 1988, in apparent confirmation of this, a former high- ranking military officer by the name of F. P. Farrell, Lt. Col. Retired, U.S.A.F., released a disturbing report to several ‘PATRIOT’ organizations which alleged this very thing. Lt. Col. Farrell was a 1st Lieutenant, Captain and Jet Fighter Pilot in Korea; and a Lieutenant Colonel and Air Liaison Officer, 1st Infantry Division (‘The Big Red One‘) in Viet Nam. In essence, Farrell accuses the UNITED NATIONS as being a trojan-horse cover for world socialist revolution, which intends to weaken and eventually destroy the INDEPENDENCE of the American Republic.

Farrell accuses the U.N. of being a Socialist-Communist controlled organization, and names at least 13 United Nations Secretary Generals who have been Communist Nationals. It was decided long ago, Farrell states, that no-one who was loyal to the U.S. Constitution was to ever be UN Secretary-General. He also provided documentation that the UNITED NATIONS ‘police action‘ into which young Americans were drafted betrayed the American troops at every turn, by intentionally leaking U.S. battle plans IN BOTH THE KOREAN AND VIETNAM WARS to the Communists. This is why, he explains, both of these no-win ‘wars’ were lost to the Communists. In relation to Gen. MacArthur (who interesting enough publicly predicted that World War III would be fought against aliens in space!) Farrell states that:

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2g

macarthur“When General MacArthur WOKE UP TO THE TREASON OF PRESIDENT TRUMAN and the Soviets in the United Nations, he made one of the greatest military performances ever ventured in modern warfare. His dangerous but magnificent military engagement and sea landing at ‘Inchon‘ on Sept. 15, 1950, enabled his military forces to slaughter the communist forces, destroy their massive supply dumps and put the Red Chinese, North Koreans, and their Soviet advisors on the run.

“MacArthur never asked for permission from the United Nations Security Council (Soviet General Zinshehko) to perform this secret military operation. MacArthur’s handpicked close and loyal military officers in doing so, and they kept the lid on the entire operation. Originally, our forces were to never win any battles as planned by the Soviet Generals at the United Nations. But General MacArthur REALIZED THE TREASON AND TOOK POSITIVE ACTION NOT ONLY TO SAVE THE LIVES OF HIS FIGHTING FORCES AND DESTROYING THE ENEMY AND THEIR SUPPLY DUMPS BUT ALSO CREATING THE ‘TURNING POINT’ OF THE KOREAN WAR WITH HIS SUCCESS AT INCHON.

“For this ‘positive action‘, General Douglas MacArthur was relieved of his command of the United Nations fighting forces in Korea by the traitor President Harry S. Truman, who met with MacArthur on the Island of Guam. MacArthur had figured out the whole picture OF TREASON and had to be relieved of his job.

“Truman feared MacArthur so much that just prior to General Douglas MacArthur returning to the United States from Korea, the traitor Truman, hid out at Camp David for over three weeks in fear of being arrested by General MacArthur who was a Five Star General and in command of all military forces in the United States…



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