(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page #2h

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“In order to create a rift using the slavery problem Golden Circle agents became known as Abolitionists in the North, and as Secessionists in the South. Even the fiery John Brown, who led the raid on Harper’s Ferry, was financed by the International Bankers. Every member of the Southern cabinet belonged to the Golden Circle — as did every member of the Northern cabinet with the exception of Lincoln and Secretary Seward.

“When things began getting rough for the Confederacy, the Rothschilds even planned an invasion of the U.S. by British troops swooping down from Canada, and by French forces established in Mexico under the Emperor Maximilian, but this did not come off because the Russian Czar (who’s government was later to be overthrown by the Bolshevik Revolution – Branton) said he would intervene on the side of the North if the European forces attacked.

According to Mag-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, the Rothschilds had one of their agents in the Vatican, a Jewish- Jesuit named Father Fisher, convince the Pope that the Vatican should finance Maximillian who would in return re-establish Catholicism in Mexico, which had conveniently been abolished by Benito Juarez, a Freemason. Later, when the Civil War was over, the guerrilla army branch of the Knights of the Golden Circle, headed for Mexico to aid Maximillian who was running into trouble with the Juarez forces.

This guerrilla force was under the command of Colonel William Quantrill, famous leader of Quantrill’s Raiders, and of Col. Jesse James — later the famous outlaw. LIKE ALL MASONIC SECRET SOCIETIES, the guerrillas THOUGHT THEY WERE THE TOP OF THE LADDER, never realizing that there were higher-ups over them. For some reason, Jesse James earned the wrath of the Rothschilds — and the reward money later offered for his capture, came from coffers of the House of Rothschild (see: JESSE JAMES WAS ONE OF HIS NAMES, by Del Schroader).

“Abraham Lincoln was able to foil the conspirators at every turn. He was aware of the activities of the Jesuits (see: FIFTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME, by Charles Chiniguy, c/o Chick Publications., P.O Box 662., Chino, CA 91710). He took the Union Army and turned it into the most powerful fighting force the world has ever known. He issued the famous ‘greenbacks’ — refusing to accept loans from the High Financial Power. For these reasons — and because he would not go along with the harsh measures of the Reconstruction — it was decided upon that He would die. John Wilkes Booth, a member of the Golden Circle and of the Carbonari (another Jesuit-connected lodge – Branton), was chosen as the tool to commit the crime. About a month before the assassination, Booth had traveled to Europe for a secret meeting with Napoleon III, also a member of the Carbonari (Note: A 1991 episode of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES alleged that Union sentries had been ordered to give Booth safe passage out of the city following the assassination – Branton). Napoleon III was surrounded by Jesuit advisors [see: THIS ONE MAD ACT, by Forrester, for a mention of the meeting].

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2d

“With Lincoln out of the picture, Golden Circle member Andrew Johnson became president. But, for some reason, he pulled an about-face and also failed to go along with the harsh Reconstruction measures. Because of this, he became the only President to be impeached, though acquitted by one vote…

It appears that the Rothschilds intended the Reconstruction Period to be the Civil War equivalent to the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror. Not content with the outcome of the war, it became necessary to keep the country divided via the injustices of the Carpetbag Governments. The High Financial Power realized that the South was really the heart and soul of the Republic. It was desired to destroy the economic base of the North, but to destroy the moral and spiritual base of the south. Individuality was the enemy of the collectivist conspirators, then as well as now!

“To keep a continual animosity going between the two parts of the country, it was decided that terrorism could be used against the Reconstruction Governments. This terrorism could be used as an excuse to further strengthen these bogus governments. Terrorism could be used to frighten the foes of Abolition. Some of these terrorist acts included mutilation murders perpetrated by John Brown and his boys.

“According to Dr. Stuart Crane, the Terrorist organization born at this time was the KU KLUX KLAN, which emerged from the Knights of the Golden Circle.

“However, it appears that there were two Klans operating at this time. One was headed by Nathan Bedford Forrest. This Klan sought only to save the South and to avenge crimes and injustices. The other was the Golden Circle child. This second Klan was founded by Judah P. Benjamin – a Rothschild relative and Confederacy’s Secretary of State -, Kuttner Baruch, Albert Pike – known as the Vice-Regent of Lucifer and as the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry -, AND BY AN UN-NAMED JESUIT PRIEST!”

Origins-of-FreemasonryFurther evidence in support of the allegations that the Illuminati is composed of both Jesuits and Masons is given by Robold (the argument is that the Illuminati is a secret arm of Jesuitism re-established by the Jesuit Priest Weishaupt, while subversive 33rd degree Masonry is a secret branch of the Illuminati. In other words, Rome operates as the ‘head’ of the conspiratorial ‘beast’, the Illuminati is the neck, Masonry is its body and the many neo-masonic political, religious, fraternal and economic cults are the ‘tentacles’. Former 33rd degree Mason Jim Shaw has even exposed dozens of Vatican officials who are also high-ranking masons). Rebold, in his ‘GENERAL HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY IN EUROPE’, reveals the following Jesuit-Masonic ‘eggs’ that were hatched during the 18th century:

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2b

“…RITE of the Old Daughter-in-law, by Lockhart, an emissary of the Jesuits… in 1749.

“RITE of the CLERKS OF STRICT OBSERVANCE or clerical Templar system, founded by the Jesuits, and united in 1776, with the SECULAR TEMPLARS, also a creation of the Jesuits…

“RITE of the Knights of the East, by Pirlet, a Jesuit Emissary… 1757.

“RITE of the Emperors of the East and West, Sovereign Prince Masons. This was the rite that Herodum extended to the RITE OF PERFECTION (from which the Scottish Rite of Masonry is evolved) of about 25 degrees, by the Jesuits, and propagated by Pirlet about 1758.

“RITE of the Flaming Star, founded by Baron Schudy, an emissary of the Jesuits in 1766.

“RITE of the Illuminati of Bavaria, by Professor Weishaupt (also a Jesuit)… in 1776.”

Dr. William Campbell, M.D., a very knowledgeable virologist who to our knowledge had not even heard of Dr. John Coleman at the time when he first came out with his very disturbing revelations, seems to nevertheless confirm Coleman’s suspicions of mass genocide through virological warfare. Cambell claims that in the course of researching the AIDS virus, he and his associates stumbled across a conspiracy almost too horrifying to believe. In an article titled “W.H.O. MURDERED AFRICA”, which first appeared in the HEALTH FREEDOM NEWS (P.O Box 688., Monrovia, CA 91016), he presented a great deal of documentation that the AIDS virus was not only ‘manufactured’ artificially by ‘splicing‘ bovine leukemia and sheep visna retroviruses in a laboratory in Ft. Detrick, Maryland, but that the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (which is an arm of the Illuminati-affiliated CLUB OF ROME according to Dr. John Coleman and others), as well as Socialist-Communist elements, and the UNITED NATIONS played a central role in its creation and INTENTIONAL release into the world population…


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