(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page #2i

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

Is it possible that Communism, like the Jesuit-infested Nazi Party itself, has acted as a secret weapon of the Jesuit- Illuminati in its ongoing INQUISITION against Jews and Protestants (as well as governments such as the United States which through its CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS, and DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE has challenged the world socialists to their face?) Dr. John Coleman has stated:

“…Karl Marx was one of the earliest members of the radical Mazzini movements starting in 1840… it is interesting to note that Marx, an avowed hater of religion, should so passionately espouse Jesuitism.”

Also, cult expositor Dave Hunt, in his CIB BULLETIN (Dec. 1980) states: “During the summer of 1988 on PBS a number of representatives from the Kremlin were answering questions put to them by a live American audience. One of the Americans asked, ‘What is the major cause of misunderstanding between the Soviet Union and the United States?’ The LEADER of the KREMLIN DELEGATION unhesitatingly replied, ‘The major problem is Evangelical CHRISTIANITY.” (translated: Protestantism)

In his book, ‘MASTER PLAN FOR YOUR DESTRUCTION’, Arizona Pastor Lee Gerrard quotes from a Communist-Socialist instruction book on psychopolitics:

“…You must recruit every agency of the nation marked for slaughter into foaming hatred of religious healing… that any religious practice which might devote itself to MENTAL HEALING is vicious, bad, insanity causing, publicly hated and intolerable. You must suborn and recruit any medical healing organization into collusion in this campaign.”

Religious healing is largely a Protestant phenomenon, the very group — revitalized by the German Martin Luther — whose destruction the Jesuit order in its oath has sworn to carry out.

Now back to the subject of the ‘Illuminati’ conspiracy and it’s an alleged connection with aerial and subsurface phenomena.

There are some researchers who believe, aside from the revelations above, that there is a definite connection between the ‘Illuminati‘ and the alien group known to many researchers as the ‘Men In Black‘.

Jim Brandon, in his book ‘OCCULT AMERICA’, tells of an alleged underground installation below Washington D.C. known as ‘NOD’ — suggesting that the antediluvian constructors of this ‘Atlantean’ substructure may have been descendants of Cain (see: Genesis 4:16). The present inhibitors of this subterranean installation are allegedly an underground race of ‘power-trippers‘ tied into the highest levels of the NSA-CIA, who are in turn in contact with ‘Sirius Star People’ or a group that some UFOlogists believe is the extraterrestrial extension of the Illuminati, also known as the ‘Men In Black’ or the ‘Nation of the Third Eye’. The ‘NOD’ and other similar facilities are reportedly NOT inhabited by antediluvians, but by people who later discovered these abandoned underground installations as well as the ancient technologies left there, which they learned to manipulate for good or evil. Brandon also mentions ancient tunnels discovered beneath Washington D.C. that have been investigated by government scientists, some of which, according to still other sources, contain walls with a glass-smooth but metal-hard glaze.

In connection with the German Illuminati, it is said that ‘they’ now possess aerial disks which may be capable of leaving the earth’s atmosphere. These may explain SOME of the accounts of ‘Aryan’ saucer pilots, however, Germans are not the only ‘Aryan’ civilization to exist (actually Hitler’s ‘theory’ that the Germans were descended from Aryan stock maybe just that – a theory), for instance, there were the Aryans who ruled ancient India thousands of years ago.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2d

Nevertheless, the ‘German’ theory plays a definite role in UFOlogy, although if true it apparently makes up only a minor percentage of encounters with humanoid or human-like entities. The popular theory is that sometime before WWII, German occultists — the same ones who gave rise to the Nazi Party, recovered a crashed ‘disk‘ and began to study and eventually to utilize its technology through various secret projects which allegedly utilized underground bases and factories that were used in attempts to duplicate the technology.

The top-secret Nazi ‘aerial disk’ research became more advanced throughout the Second World War, and reportedly utilized jet-turbine and later electromagnetic propulsions. As it became apparent that the Germans were losing the war, they allegedly transferred this technology to a base in Antarctica which had been established years earlier, complete with underground installations and all, and code-named the ‘New Berlin‘. Throughout the entire duration of the war, the Nazis had allegedly shipped scientists, workers, technology and saucer components to this Antarctic base or bases.

U.S. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd some years later conducted and led an “exploration” of the Antarctic region. The strange thing about the “expedition” was that the massive operation involved nearly 4,000 well-trained military Naval troops, military vessels such as destroyers, subs, aircraft carrier, and aircraft. Upon arriving at the polar continent they reportedly split into three separate groups and began a massive reconnaissance- like operation. One source even claimed that Byrd’s Navy encountered ‘resistance’ there and that there was a photo-finish FIGHT between American and Nazi forces there, with losses on both sides.

When the Americans left two weeks later (also strange for a ‘scientific expedition’) Byrd, after arriving home, reportedly went into a rage and began demanding that the government turn Antarctica into a nuclear test range. Byrd was sworn to secrecy and his diaries are sealed to this day.

There are, in fact, some who claim to have encountered disks containing a swastika-like symbol, or occupants who spoke fluent German, yet these accounts are still relatively few in comparison with accounts of other types of human cosmonauts encountered in other incidents, suggesting that the majority of human-like alien encounters may come from the so-called ‘Federation’ which consists of the Ummo People or Ummites from the star Iummo or Wolf 424, the Vegans in Lyra, the ‘Koldasions’, Hyadeans, and the ‘Solarians’ with their alleged ‘Tribunal’ on the moons of Saturn, the Tau Cetians and Epsilon Eridanians, the Alpha Centurians, the ‘Andromedans’ from the Andromeda constellation, and of course the Pleiadeans–all of whom claim ties with ancient societies on earth. As for the ‘German-Aryans’, some sources indicate that they may have at one time been in league with the Grays, but that at least some of the second and third generations may no longer adhere as strongly to Hitler’s mad obsession for global conquest, and ‘some’ of these may in fact now be in opposition to the Grays! Certain accounts suggest that two ‘German’ groups may possess antigravity technology – one based on the scientific developments of a group of German scientists who escaped Germany before the rise of Nazism, and the other group which consists of full-fledged Nazis!

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2h

Once again returning to ‘Oscar’s‘ references concerning time/ space windows… If Einstein’s theories concerning the possibility of time/space anomalies are correct, then this might explain how a civilization could possibly travel from one star to another in a relatively short period of time. There is no evidence that time could ever be reversed without canceling itself out in a “paradox” (although some claim that reverse time travel is possible, but that it is not possible to “change” the past), yet there is a theoretical possibility that time/space might be SUSPENDED via some type of ‘hyperspace‘. There is allegedly much technical information contained in the elusive “GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13” describing this aspect of physics. Some ‘contactees’ even state that the FORWARD flow of time is different in other parts of the galaxy and that a day on earth could constitute a week on another planet. In other words, a spacefaring race might have left earth only a few thousand years ago, yet the time differentiation might have allowed 10,000 years to pass in “their” time. Others believe that the forward flow of time (or rather a particular beings’ passage through time) may also be altered through the manipulation of electromagnetic technology.

Also, in relation to the apparent ‘tug-of-war‘ between the ‘Grey’s‘ and the ‘Nordics‘/Tau Cetians, etc., over individuals, as in the case of ‘Jill‘ which we’ve related earlier, we have an apparently similar situation that was described in an ‘Intelligence Report’ released by ‘Leading Edge Research‘ (Formerly Nevada Aerial Research). This report stated:

“One contactee that has been contacted by the blond/Nordic race was captured and examined (by the greys) after it was discovered by them that the blue beam used to paralyze people failed to have an effect on him. The implant device that the Nordics put in evidently neutralized the paralysis beam. It was said that the Greys came in a football-shaped craft.”

This is one more confirmation, among others, that actual conflict if not warfare exists between various segments of the ‘Nordic‘ Federation and ‘Gray‘ Empire.

Mojave Desert: Edwards Air Force Base in the distance, next to the dry lake.
Mojave Desert: Edwards Air Force Base in the distance, next to the dry lake.

Now back to the ‘center of the vortex’ whereas both Gray and Nordic activity are concerned, that is, the Mojave Desert.

The Mojave mysteries are NOT known only to small groups of researchers who meet in secret to discuss their latest findings. The subject of aerial as well as subsurface phenomena is gaining more respect as more evidence and documentation comes to light.

Major motion picture studios are becoming interested in the phenomena, for instance, the Showtime and Speilberg productions of ROSWELL. Television companies are also beginning to take these reports of alien encounters seriously, and we have had numerous documentary productions such as SIGHTINGS, ENCOUNTERS, UNSOLVED MYSTERIES, X-FILES, and so on. TV News Magazines and TV Talk Shows have responded to the public interest. Even Radio Talk Show personalities who are heard by millions of coast to coast see the potential importance of what is happening to untold thousands of people who are describing essentially the same things. Art Bell has his ‘DREAMLAND‘ program, then there is Chuck Harder, Billy Goodman, and others…

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 2g

According to an item which appeared in THE LEADING EDGE Magazine, a well-known Los Angeles talk show host by the name of Ken Hudnell announced over the air on November 3rd, 1989, his intention to take a group to visit one of the ancient underground cities, which he says has an entrance 60 miles from Anaheim, California.

In 1962, a researcher by the name of Chuck Edwards released some of his own discoveries concerning what might be referred to as the ‘Western Subsurface Drainage Network‘, which seems to cover parts of Utah, Nevada, and Southern California, where are located many drainage systems which do not ultimately flow into the Pacific ocean (via surface rivers, that is), but instead make their way underground into a vast subterranean drainage network.

His letter appeared in issue A-8 of ‘THE HIDDEN WORLD’, one of the few specialized publications which grew out of the Palmer-Shaver controversy of 1940-45 which appeared in AMAZING STORIES science fiction/science fact magazine. The ‘controversy‘ arose around Richard Shaver’s claim’s to have inside knowledge of two subterranean races which possessed aerial disks: the ‘Deros‘ which have been variously described as a race of ancient out-of-control Atlantean robots, degenerate human troglodytes, or a race of reptilian non- humans (or all three) who were at war with another much more benevolent (and human) subterranean race known as the ‘Teros‘.

The Deros were allegedly tormenting those on the surface of the earth through a psychic attack and electronic mind control from their underworld lairs, in preparation for a possible future invasion of the outer world.

The answers to the aerial-subsurface mystery remained rather confused during the ‘AMAZING STORIES-Shaver Mystery’ period, possibly because of Shaver’s perhaps well-intentioned but unwise attempt to inform the readers about the world beyond and the world below through science-fact-fiction stories (however, the readers were never clearly instructed as to where the fact ended and the fiction began), or because of editor Ray Palmer’s attempts to ‘occultize‘ many of Shaver’s stories with his own mystic-occult philosophies, which Shaver accused him of doing.

So it was in the wake of this period that investigators like Mr. Edwards’ were born. Some of the researchers of this period delved off into the metaphysical, seeking the answer to their questions from ‘channeled‘ supernatural entities who tickled their egos, yet whose intentions and revelations could not be physically substantiated. The fact that many of these occultists ended up with severe emotional or psychotic problems — in essence seeing a ‘Dero‘ under every bed and degenerating into schizophrenic paranoid behavior — would indicate that the greater majority of their ‘sources‘ were no doubt astral or alien deceivers out to mislead these seekers after truth. Others however retained their intellectual and analytical sanity and, although not discounting the presence of evil influences, did not so easily open themselves up to their lies and misleading propaganda but set out to investigate the phenomena in a rational, sane, and intellectual manner. It is with this in mind that we quote from Chuck Edwards’ letter (Note: These comments are addressed in a letter to Richard S. Shaver):


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