(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 3h

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“…The cover-up was initiated soon after the Roswell, N.M. crash. We wanted to know – 1) Who they were, 2) Why they were here, 3) How their technology worked. The cover-up became a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY (a blanket word covering secrecy and deception).

The cover-up involves secret organizations within our government such as MJ-12, PI-40, MAJI, Delta, the Jason Scholars, & known intelligence organizations such as Naval Intelligence, Air Force Office of Special Investigation, the Defence Investigative Service, the CIA, NSA, and more! It involves THINK TANKS such as RAND, the Ford Foundation, the Aspen Institute, & Brookings Institute. It involves corporations such as Bechtel, GE, ITT, Amoco, Northrup, Lockheed, & many others.

It involves SECRET SOCIETIES who may be the hidden bosses of the orchestrated events (i.e. economic collapse, wars, assassinations, conspiracies to manipulate & control humans & thereby to exercise enormous power over the destiny of the human race) – the Illuminati, Masons, Knights of Malta, etc. The individual players are too numerous to list. The whole of this conspiracy forms an INTERLOCKING NEXUS. The goal is said to be a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT (or Dictatorship)! “‘The Underground Nation‘ – The RAND symposium held on Deep Underground Construction indicated that plans were hatched during the 50’s to build underground bases, laboratories, & city- complexes linked by a stupendous network of tunnels to preserve & protect the ongoing secret interests of the secret societies. These secret societies made a pact with alien entities in order to further motives of domination.”

Actually, as it turns out, THEY (the secret societies) are now being ‘dominated’ by the ‘aliens‘. One can only assume that if certain humans would ‘sell-out‘ their own kind to an alien race and use such an infernal alliance to gain dominion over their fellow man, then they should consider the fact that they, according to universal law, must, in the same way, open THEMSELVES up to being manipulated and controlled by their supposed benefactors. As it is written, “the servant is not greater than his lord.” There are indications, as we’ve said earlier, that an antediluvian race or races may have attempted this very same thing, the construction of vast subterraneous systems like the ones now being built by the more modern secret societies.

There are also indications, as we have also said, that later societies and their underground networks intersect these ancient antediluvian excavations and outposts. This is evidenced by the many accounts which suggest that Masonic-related secret societies are utilizing both the ancient and modern sub-systems. Many indications also point to the fact that entire human colonies, both peaceful and ‘alien-controlled‘, may exist within these deeper levels. These colonies are allegedly inhabited in part by ancient native American or Meso-American tribes or explorers who crossed the seas from ancient Mediterranea and elsewhere in the eastern hemisphere thousands of years ago. These may also include more recent (past few centuries) American inhabitants or explorers of Anglo-Saxon descent as well. Indications are that such explorers happened to discover some of these ancient antediluvian excavations, which led to deep tunnel networks and ancient hydrothermal and geothermal cavities containing conditions sufficient to sustain physical life.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 3g

Mr. Hamilton continues:

“…The underground complexes are not confined to the U.S. alone! A large underground complex operated by the U.S. exists at Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, Australia.

(Note: According to various sources, conditions in this complex are somewhat similar to those at Dulce, that is, this underground base contains replicated flying ‘disks’ based on ‘alien’ technology, and many workers there have allegedly been implanted and operate under a type of mental control of the Secret Government and Gray aliens which also reportedly utilize the base as part of the Illuminati-Gray “joint interaction” – Branton).

“…It appears that the secret societies among us have become aware of the coming planetary eco-catastrophe & the possibility of an earth polar shift in the near future. Surveying the earth from space, satellites & shuttles reveal EXTENSIVE DAMAGE TO OUR ECOSPHERE! Our planet is wobbling on its axis & its magnetic field is decaying! Ozone depletion & the greenhouse effect are rapidly endangering life on our planet. Alternatives, which include – 1) direct handling of the atmospheric problems, 2) taking shelter in underground domains, & 3) escape to other planetary bodies in the solar system, have been devised in secret. However there is a possible Alternative 4 which mostly depends on a completely different idea on how to save the earth (in essence, by escaping to another “dimension” – Branton)…”

Based upon the relatively elusive yet extensive accounts and relative data which has been gathered by a loosely-connected group of researchers, we can conclude that the subterranean network — whatever it consists of presently — is basically inhabited by both humans and non-human reptilian beings. In those areas where the humans are not being controlled by the non-humans or saurians, there is an obvious conflict between the two races as foretold in Genesis chapter 3.

Many of the American subterranean networks, before the turn of the century (1900), were apparently inhabited mostly by human societies, yet it seems as if a reptilian ‘invasion’ of the sub-strata of North America occurred en masse in the early part of the 1900s, with a major ‘push’ into the U.S. subnet from already-occupied underground systems in Central and South America taking place around 1933. This, according to many accounts, involved reptilian beings which had been in possession of underlying cavern networks beneath Asia and the Far East, and according to their imperialistic-predatory nature these creatures began expanding their influence into the Western Hemisphere — first into Central and South America, and finally North America itself. Some unconfirmed reports tell of whole groups of humans (both surface exploration parties or even troglodytical tribes) who have literally been wiped-out in sudden attacks by the serpent race is a type of “battle beneath the earth”.

Aside from the human and reptilian entities, there are some who speak of a third type of being, a (so-called) ‘hybrid‘ between the humans and reptilians. The indications are that such a ‘hybrid‘ would be impossible, theologically and scientifically speaking. The serpent races simply possess no soul-matrix (or ‘conscience‘) as do humans, and even if it were possible to genetically or artificially produce an ‘apparent‘ cross-breed, the creature produced could never be an actual ‘hybrid‘, but would inevitably fall to one side or the other – a corrupted form of human being possessing a soul, or a mutated version of the ‘reptilian‘ or ‘serpent‘ race. Bill Hamilton explains another reason why such a natural (thank God) cross between the two could never be produced:

“…It is unlikely that the reptilian greys are cross-breeding with humans. Reptilians carry their sex organs internally and reproduce by eggs hatched by solar heat. Reptoids have well developed eyes, no hair follicles, & no external ear cartilage as consistent with most reptilian species. Since their means of reproduction is incompatible with our own, it is suggested that humans (women – Branton) may be fertilized by the grays by artificial insemination with human spermatozoa or perhaps they use the human uterus as an incubation chamber.”

(Note: Other indications are that the reptilians inject or encodify the human embryo with reptilian DNA during the early stages of development. Also, aside from the description given by Dale Russell to the effect that the ancient progenitors of the gray-type saurians may have had a type of ‘ear‘, we presently know of only one other account describing a possible ‘ear-like‘ appendage having been seen on a saur-oid creature.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 3i

This was described by a Mr. Brian Scott, who was allegedly abducted into an underground base beneath the Superstition Mts. area east of Phoenix, Arizona. He described these large, fearful creatures as having a type of ‘flap‘ of leathery or ‘crocodilian‘ texture which came down each side of their heads. It is uncertain however whether this was a type of ear-like appendage or not. These creatures according to Scott claimed to have a base in ‘Epsilon Bootes‘ and worked with a smaller group of grayish-white dwarfs of typical ‘gray‘ description AS WELL AS WITH a group of ‘transparent‘ entities who referred to themselves as ‘the hosts‘, or the ‘Ashtar‘ beings.

Note the similarity between this description and John Foster’s account in Nebraska’s METRO-UPDATE. These transparent beings once told Brian that they were ‘Beelzebub‘, and tried to convince him and his wife (who was once ‘molested’ by one of the infernal poltergeist-like creatures in her bathroom) to ‘sell their souls’ to them, and generally acted in a similar fashion as the malevolent beings typically described in connection with demoniacal possession cases.

As for the so-called ‘hybrids‘, Hamilton’s statements seem to be confirmed by others, including abductees, who have hinted that the ‘hybrid‘ fetuses are actually conceived through human spermatozoa taken from men and ovum taken from women abductees, and that the fetuses are as we have stated somehow genetically altered with possible reptilian ‘cells‘ or genetic coding being added. Many of the so-called hybrids, however, are nevertheless ‘human’, possessing human souls, and human blood – Branton).

Hamilton continues:

dulce_video“…Alien vehicles are being tested at the alien physical technology center at S-4 at the Nevada Test Site. Alien vehicles are being replicated at Kirtland AFB & Sandia Laboratories & these replicas are referred to as ARVs (Alien Reproductive Vehicles). At least three of these vehicles are stored in hangers at Norton AFB, California.

It is alleged that vehicle propulsion units were constructed by General Electric & composite materials were provided by Amoco. Alien vehicles generate an artificial gravity field that can be focused & intensified for high-speed travel… Alien organisms and biological technology are tested (in the upper levels – Branton) at the underground biogenetic laboratories at Dulce, New Mexico. Alien genetic engineering, cloning, & cryogenic technology have been studied with a view towards ‘enhancing‘ human genetics, deciphering the human genome, & gaining a biological advantage by ARTIFICIAL BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING. Strange life forms have been bred in these laboratories…”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 3c

Mr. Byron Carpedium, in a ‘letter to the Editor‘ in the ‘LEADING EDGE’, dated February 18, 1990 presented some remarkable claims which we quote in entirety below:

“Dear Editor… As more and more information is beginning to surface concerning UFOs, super-technology, ‘alien‘ cultures, abductions, multi-level coverups and conspiracies I see many different people trying to assemble data to get, or give, a better picture of what is really happening around us. Individually I do not believe that any ONE of us can gather ALL the facts, assemble them and expose it in a way that is palatable to Joe Citizen. COLLECTIVELY, however, I think that we can make an impact by increasing the total awareness of the entire population.

This does not have to happen over a period of 10 or 20 years as would be done in a gradual acclimation program. It can be done in a relatively short period of time if the proper steps are taken. Once the awareness or awakening process is complete, the individual must then decide whether or not to believe the information and the source of that information. Then the individual MUST act upon it in some form or fashion.

“The latter two steps can be done more efficiently in many ways. One possibility is to take some items or fact that most everyone agrees upon and then impart some new information about it to those interested in it. For example, if anyone saw the John Lear lectures in Houston last year or has seen the videotape, you saw Lear ask three questions at the beginning of the lecture: the third being ‘How many of you think that Oswald shot Kennedy?’ Naturally only a handful of people raised their hand. By this time Lear has gained the trust of his audience and has most everyone in agreement. Then he does not tell the audience but instead shows the audience the Zapruder film showing W. Greer shooting the President. After this, convincing the audience of the rest is simple.

“The pieces are coming out now and need to be put together. Bill Cooper has gone several steps beyond Lear by tying things together on a global scale. Recently people with direct access to inside information are now corroborating what other researchers have long suspected.


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