(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 6e

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

Liberia inner earth map 1“An observation has recently been made that most of the outstanding inner earth researchers have died of a heart attack.

(Note: Heart attack is reportedly one weapon or method of psychic attack that is recognized by those occultists who are familiar with ‘voodoo’ or ‘psychic’ warfare. Heart Attacks of this nature are allegedly induced by the use of intense TERROR that is ‘projected’ against individuals by the initiators of such attack.

It is alleged that hominoid non-human beings such as the serpent races might have the ability to direct psychic attacks against human beings via the use of black magic, witchcraft or sorcery. It is interesting that there have been very few if any UFOlogists, etc., who claim to have taken up a devout ‘Christian’ lifestyle, who have physically suffered the ‘negative’ side of UFO research — including encounters with MIBS, abductions, paralysis, heart attacks or other FEAR-ORIENTED forms of victimization.

This suggests that a deep FAITH in the Creator may neutralize the FEAR that the aliens seem to depend on as their major “weapon” in their psychic attacks against humankind, making the ‘believers’ impervious to their otherwise destructive influences – Branton). Surely, this is beyond a simple coincidence. GRAY BARKER, DICK SHAVER, and JOAN O’CONNELL [New Atlantean Journal] are but a few (also, researcher CHARLES MARCOUX – Branton).

Locally, there are several inner earth researchers who are very notable in their persistence.

“Lew Tery, who has recently relocated to Utah, was the foremost local proponent of (the) geomagnetic vortex/UFO connection theory. Lew was instrumental in the discovery of underground tunnel networks in the Las Vegas area, one of them being between the base of Boulder Dam and Jumbo Peak, where there are two mines whose owners view 200′ diameter disks on a frequent basis. At one point, Lew offered to set up an interview with these miners. Alas, Mr. Tery is not to be found.

“A local Henderson resident, who shall remain nameless, has been into inner earth research for years. This person has been hounded and chased due to intimate knowledge of inner earth tunnels in the local area.

“There is obviously something here that some people wish to protect. Something to hide. Many seem to know what it is, and they speak cautiously about REPTILIAN HUMANOIDS and the SERPENT RACE, which are two subjects which seem to be surfacing again. Response to local television and radio programs featuring JOHN LEAR has been overwhelming. A recent lecture in Las Vegas drew over 700 people.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 6c

“According to some sources, the ‘Greys‘ are the lower level of a bigger scenario that involves this reptilian race…”

The following is a transcript of a letter which was sent by John Lear to researcher Tal Levesque. The letter, dated October 6, 1990, states:

“Dear TAL… Many thanks for your recent, very interesting letter. I showed it to Bob (i.e. Lazar – Branton) and he thinks we are both crazy. He does not believe that Dulce exists. Bob went through extreme brainwashing at S-4 so I can understand his feelings. About the time that he was brainwashed, maybe a little before, he told me that Dulce was mentioned up there once or twice in conversations that he was not part of…but that he overhead. Since that time he has forgotten even that part. Since I know Dulce exists, what Bob thinks does not affect me in the least.

“A source of mine that is a security guard at the test site tells me that currently there are 5 types of aliens there: The Greys, the Orange, the reptilians, the ones that look like [the aliens] in the movie ‘V‘ and the ones that look so ugly that they take your breath away until you get used to looking at them.

“I now believe that a very large Saucer crashed near Sedona, possibly 2 years ago and is in the process of being retrieved in sections, as it is too big to remove in one piece.

“The recent stories in Aviation Week, I believe, are attempts to buy more time, to mislead the public and to confuse the issue.

(Note: Lear is here referring to the article in the Oct. 1, 1990 issue of AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, titled “Secret Advanced Vehicles Demonstrate Technologies For Future Military Use”. The article referred only to the fairly well-known super-advanced jets being tested in Nevada, giving the impression that these may explain all of the ‘UFO’ sightings in the area – Branton).

“Again, I appreciate very much your fascinating letter and look forward to more information on Dulce… With much respect and admiration… JOHN LEAR.”

In connection with the subject of this File, that is the ‘invasion‘ of an alien race from above and below utilizing mind-bending techniques, psychological warfare, mind control and implantation, we will quote from Brad Steiger’s ‘THE UFO ABDUCTORS’ (1988., Berkley Books., N.Y.):

“In 1969 I and my research associates… Loring G. Williams and Glenn McWane were bombarded with the claims of dozens of contactees who said that they had had an implant left somewhere in their skulls, usually just behind the left ear. These contactees/abductees came from a wide variety of occupations, cultural backgrounds, and age-groups.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 6a

“We employed private detectives and medical doctors… in an attempt to learn what archetype had been fed into their particular group consciousness. We never found any implants that were detectable to X rays, but our hypnotic sessions turned up an incredible amount of fascinating, albeit bizarre, information about underground UFO bases, hybrid aliens walking among us, and thousands of humans slowly turning into automatons because of readjusted brain wave patterns.

“…Dagmar and Carl R. have a farm in northeast Iowa about forty miles from the Mississippi River. One night in August of 1982, Carl observed what he called at the time a ‘lantern in the sky‘ that hovered over him while he was working late in the field…

“In October that year, while Carl was working late in the field preparing for the annual corn harvest, he was startled to see the glowing ‘lantern’ return to the sky above him. It appeared to be the same object that he had seen in August.

“Although he tried to remain oblivious to the object, it seemed to be hovering above him, even following him up and down the cornrows. He became nervous and disconcerted and went back to the farmhouse, where he asked Dagmar to come out and witness the strange object.

“Dagmar was able to see the object, too, and they stood and watched it for several minutes before it suddenly moved high into the night sky and then sped off at a great rate of speed in a westerly direction.

“About three the next morning, Carl was awakened by the sound of cattle bellowing nervously in the stockyard. As he got out of bed and looked out the bedroom window, he saw a disk-shaped object hovering above the barnyard. It was glowing in a kind of greenish color…”

Following this, the couple was ‘tranquilized‘ by the object or its occupants somehow, possibly by some kind of intoxicating, pacifying or STIM-ulating ray which apparently induced a drugged or trance-like electrochemical reaction in their brains and bodies, after which they were taken by some entities. A conventional ‘abduction‘ sequence ensued, similar to that described by so many thousands of others. Steiger related the couples’ afterthoughts concerning their abduction by ‘smallish‘ large-eyed beings “with only nostril openings (rather than a pronounced nose) and with tight, expressionless lips.”

Steiger continues: “While the young Iowa couple can remember no further UFO interaction since that particular autumn, they both admit to being nervous about having another encounter. Carl, especially, feels that he was used. Dagmar speculated that bits of her skin tissue might have been removed in the examination, and although she does not claim to be an expert in such matters, she wonders if enough of her body could be cloned in a way to interact with whatever embryo or fetus might have been fathered by the semen that was taken from her husband.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 6f

(Note: Dagmar claimed that during one part of the ‘examination’ a needle-like object was stuck into her abdomen. Many believe that this is one process by which the ‘entities’ extract ovum from human females – Branton).

“Not wanting to sound like victims of some science fiction thriller, the young couple have theorized that they might have been used in some strange program of creating hybrid beings. Perhaps, they suggest, Carl’s semen was used to impregnate an alien female or an Earth female, who is somehow influenced by and under the control of alien beings. In either event, they are uncomfortable with the experience and with the memory of the encounter. Both of them feel as though they may have been used in ways opposed to their normal expression of will.

“Dagmar has gone even farther in her speculations by suggesting that if bits of her body could have been used to create a clone and if Carl’s semen could somehow be used at a future time to impregnate such a clone, then alien beings could be breeding their own brand of humans as part of an organized program to create an army of human-like robots that would be totally under control of aliens in their master plan to conquer Earth.

“UFO investigator Richard Siefried was told by Pam Owens that she was taken aboard a UFO on November 25, 1978, while she was expecting a child. She was nineteen at the time, and she had no memory of the abduction until she was hypnotically regressed. Then she was able to give full and fascinating details of her encounter.

“Mrs. Owens told Siefried that she was paralyzed and able to move only her eyes. She lay helpless on a table and stared up in terror at two weird-looking creatures.

“According to Mrs. Owens, their heads were hairless, oversized domes, their eyes were big and sunk back in their skulls. The greenish skin covering their bodies was coarse. Each hand had four fingers that she described as being twice as long as a human’s. And to her terror, one of those strange hands was holding a long silver needle, preparing to plunge it into her stomach…”

Dr. Clifford Wilson [M.A., B.D., Ph.D.], in his book “UFOS… AND THEIR MISSION IMPOSSIBLE” (Signet Books., N.Y.) presents his own ‘intelligence’ or research concerning the ongoing invasion/infiltration of our society by alien powers:

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