(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 7c

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“…I am an amateur herpetologist and once kept three-fanged cobras in my New York apartment… until my concerned neighbors squealed to the Board of Health.


I didn’t mention the reptile notion to anyone. But on July 24, Lia (an alleged alien tied-in with the Men In Black – Branton) visited Jane (a contactee) and refused to talk about anything but eggs. She took some eggs from Jane’s refrigerator and sucked out the contents like a reptile! Jane was perplexed by this exhibition and called me soon afterward.

” And on pp. 176-177 of Signet’s 1975 paperback edition of ‘MOTHMAN PROPHECIES’, in reference to this same ‘contactee‘ Keel states:

“…Meanwhile, Jane’s phantom friends were visiting her daily and helpfully giving her surprising information about my own ‘secret’ investigations. My interview with the Christiansens of Cape May, and the details of their pill-popping visitor, Tiny, was then known only to a few trusted people like Ivan Sanderson. But on June 12, Mr. Apol and his friends (including the creature referred to above which called itself ‘Lia’ – Branton) visited Jane when she was alone in her house and asked for water so they could take some pills.

Then they presented her with three of the same pills, told her to take one at that moment, and to take one other in two days. The third pill, they said, was for her to analyze to assure herself it was harmless. They undoubtedly knew she would turn it over to me. Two hours after she took the first pill she came down with a blinding HEAD ache, her eyes became bloodshot, and her vision in her right eye was affected. When her parents came home they expressed concern because her eyes were glassy and her right eye seemed to have a cast. The sample pill proved to be a SULFA DRUG normally prescribed for infections of the urinary tract…

” The possible significance of the ‘Sulfa‘ drugs will become apparent later on in this File.

In early 1992 the UNIVERSAL Company’s Debut Network aired a made-for-TV version of John Carpenter’s movie ‘THEY LIVE’, which was based on the premise of an alien race of bulge- eyed (one might imagine saurian-reptilian?) creatures that had infiltrated human society, disguised as humans, and which were in the process of subtly taking control of powerful social, media, economic and political positions.

They were assisted by a small group of ‘human power elite‘ who through subliminal ‘mind control‘, hidden frequency transmitters, television propaganda, etc., helped to keep the masses in a constant state of semi-consciousness. Those who had not caught-on to the alien conspiracy went about their business in a slightly catatonic state sufficient to keep them ‘blind‘ or ‘asleep‘ to the point that the aliens and their subversive activities remained just outside of their conscious perception.

It is interesting that John Carpenter (not to be confused with the well known MUFON investigator) depicted the attempts of the aliens to “annihilate” human consciousness as a means to minimizing human resistance, by destroying individual creativity and programming all human “cattle” to conform to the dictates of the alien intruders. All of this without humanity even being aware that they were the mind- slaves of an alien force which they were “programmed” to believe did not exist.

Also in the movie, secret subliminal messages were broadcast throughout all levels of society via all branches of the media, keeping the sleeping masses in a constant state of tranquilized apathy and subservience. A HORRIFYING prospect to say the least. Also in the movie, the aliens utilized ‘joint‘ underground bases beneath major cities which were more-or-less the back-stage of the alien control scenario.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 7e

Incidentally, Disneyworld in Florida contains an underground tunnel network with hidden entrances. The employees of the park use these as a ‘backstage‘ — dressing rooms, employee indoctrination centers and other facilities necessary to keep up THE ILLUSION of ‘Disney World‘. This is, of course, all innocent enough, yet John Carpenter in his movie reveals the idea that the huge underground ‘bases‘ beneath major cities are being used as ‘backstages‘ in order to keep an infinitely more diabolical ‘illusion‘ going, with the help of power-elite who are assisting in the covert subjugation of the masses for personal gain.

The movie ‘THEY LIVE’ was based on the short story by Ray Nelson, ‘Eight O’Clock in the Morning‘. One might wonder where Nelson got the inspiration for his story, especially when we realize that the subject of the story and the movie itself is very similar to events which — according to numerous sources — are actually taking place if we are to accept the MANY accounts which appear in this and other Files.

Also, in the movie, it is the Judeo-Christian element which first ‘wakes up‘ to what is going on, and who begin the revolutionary ‘resistance‘ movement in order to destroy the stranglehold of the aliens upon human society… Could this scenario be somewhat prophetical as the book of Matthew (13:24-28) seems to suggest?

(Note: There have been similar reports as the above emerging from the Dugway Test Site on the Salt Flats of western Utah, just across the border from the Nevada Military complex. In fact, there are allegations that much of the joint Alien-Illuminati activity which originated within the Nevada Military Complex has now moved into the underground facilities which have and are being constructed beneath Utah and Idaho, now that the Nevada activity has been the subject of wide exposure by the media.

There is one reported case where a worker at the Dugway Test Site claimed to have seen a man temporarily transform into a reptilian while he was changing a tire, but the most interesting case was that of a woman, “Barbara”, who worked in the small town of Dugway as a hairdresser. She worked on many of the base personnel there. On one occasion a customer who was a high- ranking military officer at the base came in. While she was working on his ‘hair’, she noticed a brief transformation during which she saw the officer turn into a “reptilian” creature. K.S., a Salt Lake City-based UFOlogist, claims that during an “Open Mind” UFO gathering in the early 1990s, “Barbara” alleged that while working at Dugway she heard “rumors” that “reptilian humanoids” were operating “all over” the base.

Another former Dugway worker, Ray White, who was a top-secret courier, stated that during his work at the base [the 1960s-1970s?] he witnessed an experiment where an object was “teleported” from one room to another. He also noticed that high-ranking Russian officers sometimes visited the base. He also claimed that some of the “people” that he met there were NOT human. When asked what he thought they were, he did not know, but he did mention that top-secret research into advanced robotics was being carried out at the base – Branton)

Researcher Val Valerian has, incidentally, described a very similar event. Valerian has researched alien phenomena and interaction with human beings since 1969. He spent 18 months in Southeast Asia from 1970-71 as a combat photographer, where he saw much UFO activity. After spending four years in England from 1980 to 1984 he gathered all the top research at his disposal and released what became known as ‘The Krill Papers,‘ forerunner of the 381-page book, ‘The Matrix‘, published in 1987. He began networking with researchers worldwide and started an organization known as Nevada Aerial Research Group.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 7a

Between 1988 and 1989 he functioned as Nevada State Section Director for MUFON. In 1990 he was appointed interim Associate Director for UFO Contact Center International and was a member of the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization. In 1988 NAR began issuing a small newsletter detailing research findings. By 1990, this newsletter became known as ‘The Leading Edge‘ and has grown to a monthly 100-page publication. The massive 581-page work entitled MATRIX II was released in 1990. In April of 1991, NAR moved to Washington State and was renamed as ‘Leading Edge Research Group’. Valerian has a degree both in Civil Engineering and Psychology and had significant input into Nippon Television investigations on alien activities, the research that stimulated the production of the 1989 KLAS award-winning program entitled ‘UFO’S: THE BEST EVIDENCE’.

To the Readers of LuciferF. W. Holiday, in his book ‘THE DRAGON AND THE DISK’ (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. New York, N.Y. 1973) relates some unusual facts concerning the relationship between serpent or ‘dragon‘ legends and the modern ‘UFO‘ phenomena:

“…Satanism — that is to say the religion of the dragon… seems to have been contemporaneous in BABYLON and Bronze Age Britain. In both countries, it was probably practiced by minority groups and became official only in times of decadence.

“When Cryus occupied Ur…a form of dragon-worship seems to have been in vogue. The priests of this cult escaped the Persians by fleeing north with their PONTIFF (or ‘PONTIFEX MAXIMUS’, a position which has allegedly been secretly held in an unbroken chain from Babylon up to modern times – Branton) into the mountains of Asia Minor. They finally came to rest at a place called Pergamos in Lydia (western Turkey) and there set up a religious center which became known as ‘Satan’s seat’. St. John said: ‘And to the angel of the church of Pergamos, write: These things saith He [God] which hath the sharp sword with two edges [judgment and mercy]: I know they works, and where thou dwellest, EVEN where Satan’s seat is…’

“The ROMANS also knew about Satan’s seat AND ANNEXED IT INTO THEIR EMPIRE IN 133 B.C., after the death of Attalus III, the last of the Pergamite kings. About this period A PLAGUE BROKE OUT IN ROME and prayers were offered to the Roman ‘gods’ in vain. It was decided, therefore, to appeal to Satan at Pergamos.

“The symbol of the cult was A SERPENT and a special ship was sent to Lydia TO TRANSPORT THE GOD TO ROME. (Most likely a depiction or “idol” representation of the “god”, in that idols among early pagans were indistinguishable from the so-called “gods” themselves – Branton) There it was installed as a deity with great pomp. The disease had probably run its course and the resulting improvement in public health was attributed to Satan. The new religion was so popular that snakes of inoffensive species were allowed to glide around at parties — at least so Seneca says. In HISTORIA AUGUSTA they are called DRACUNCULI or little dragons.

“The Aesculapian Serpent — as the ‘god‘ was called — is shown on a carving at Pompeii and is unlike anything known to herpetologists. It had vertical humps and snail-like horns, exactly like the monsters (sea serpents – Branton) of Scotland and Ireland. A bronze Urarian cauldron in Rome carries the erect head and neck of the creature modeled in the round. It is hideous. It has a shovel-like mouth, bulging eyes, and tentacles or sensory-organs hanging on each side of the face.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 7b

“No-one, of course, thought that snakes were dragons. The malignant Great Serpent of Babylonia was TYPHON or Teitan, Satan, the author of wickedness…

“Politicians, however, never look a gift-horse in the mouth as long as it produces results. After giving the Roman people carnage in the guise of circus entertainment, there was no reason for the EMPERORS to shrink from a little devil-worship. Even the national flag was given the treatment. Ammianus Marcellinus describes the standard ‘PURPUREUM SIGNUM DRACONIS‘. And when Julius Caesar appeared in full regalia as the PONTIFEX MAXIMUS he was dressed in reddish-purple robes the same as the Pergamite dragon-priests. The reader can trace the rest of the story in Gibbon’s ‘RISE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE’.

“DRAGON-WORSHIP PERSISTED LONG AFTER CHRISTIANITY (and also ‘Catholicism?’ – Branton) HAD BEEN PROCLAIMED. Tertullian complained: ‘These heretics magnify the serpent to such a degree as to prefer him even to Christ himself; for he, they say, gave us the first knowledge of good and evil.’

“…there is a case to be argued that monsters and U.F.O.s are in some way linked. Abnormal chains of causation tending to frustrate inquiry into the nature of the phenomena have been reported in both cases. John A. Keel, an American journalist who has been delving into the mystery for over thirty years, talks about a ‘conspiracy‘. He warned me: ‘Proceed with great caution in your Loch Ness work. We are caught up in a series of games that must be played by “their” rules. Anyone who tries to invent his own rules, or breaks the basic pattern, soon loses his mind or even his life.’

(This might apply in many cases, except of course in the case of those who are working for and ‘on the side’ of power much ‘greater’ than the draconian forces that are apparently working behind much of the ‘UFO’ and creature’ events. When Jesus sojourned in this world, for instance, he condemned the serpent race as being in league with the fallen archangel Lucifer-Satan and promised his followers that they would have supernatural power and authority over these ‘serpents’ if only they would put their trust in Him. – Branton).

Those who think that this is dramatic and absurd may care to remember the words of St. John:

“‘ And he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire to come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by THE MEANS of those miracles which he had the power to do in the sight of the BEAST.’

“‘ The beast’ that performed these miracles was what the Jews called ‘The Shining One‘, ‘The Great Serpent‘ and ‘Satan‘. If this is the underlying truth of the phenomena then Keel’s warning is by no means too strong.”

In relation to the above, during the Dark Ages of Roman Rule, early ‘Dracologists‘ documented many accounts of battles between knights and dragons or winged and limbed serpents. This “infestation” as it was called by the early chroniclers, was allegedly halted with the advent of the spread of Christianity, and the “worms” as they were often referred to were forced to retreat back into the underworld — from which they had emerged — by the valiant Christian Knights such as St. George and Lancelot, who vanquished the beasts at every turn.


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