(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 8b

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“If the U.S.A.F. test-flew a disk and was successful, what’s to prevent them from using the same saucer to transport men and materials to the moon and mars? They would also be in a position to exploit the archeological artifacts of the pyramids and sphinx in the valley of Elysium on Mars. Also, they could recover artifacts of previous races on the surface of the moon. With the aid of NASA satellites, they could map and mine the rare earth (Moon, Mars) minerals at the expense of the taxpayers while at the same time claim that we have nothing better in our technology than space shuttles (rocket power).

“If the Canadian Geomagnetic project was successful with their free-energy geomagnetic motor, then why haven’t we seen free-energy engines for the home and auto instead of hearing about oil shortages?

“If the President of the USA is allowed only certain appointed staff by the Constitution and Congress – are the members of MJ-12 outside of the limits of the Constitution or did Congress give the President the power to set up a Secret Government (non-elected) without the public right to vote on this choice of the governing of the various military and non-military branches of the united states?

“When the MJ-12 uses non-appropriated funds for their Secret operations are they using money from the Black Budget? If so, when did we cast a vote stating that ANY branch of the Government can use the taxpayer’s money without giving an account or being held accountable for it?

“When MJ-12 refuses to grant FOIA requests because of National Security reasons, is it because the USA won’t be secure against foreign earthly powers, alien powers or against the wrath of a misled and deceived United States public (the Voters)?

“Can laws be passed to Guarantee that various branches of the Government will be held accountable for (the) shredding of classified documents? How about passing laws to guarantee stiff jail sentences for underlings (secretaries, lower rank personnel) that carry out the command to shred confidential files?

“If the top of the mountain is corrupt, what about the foundation that was later raised under it. If a Secret Government is illegal, what about all of the secret projects it started and maintains control of? It’s one thing to classify advances in technology as SECRET, but it’s quite different to classify non-elected government as SECRET. When that non-accountable Government (non- accountable by reason of being SECRET) passes military laws that affect all branches of Government (military and non-military) are the laws legal or not Constitutional?

“If the JMP (Justice for Military Personnel) letter is true, are the actions of the CIA legal as used AGAINST citizens of the USA? Isn’t the purpose of the CIA to protect citizens’ AGAINST foreign threats?

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 8g

“If the MIBS exists according to the documents, what has happened to the Conscience of the Military Personnel that carry out false ID missions against private citizens? Why is Military Personnel carrying out higher up orders to impersonate branches of Government they neither represent or have Ranked in? Is this patriotism or blindness?”

In the April 1963 issue of SEARCH Magazine, Will Carson and Jeannie Joy, in their regular column ‘PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN’, related the following incredible story, which involved an apparent encounter with an unknown race below the MOJAVE Desert region:

“It has always been a mystery to us in the first place how Mr. and Mrs. P.E. can find and afford the time to do the sort of things most of us only dream of doing. After knowing them for more than fifteen years, it is inconceivable to suspect their integrity or sanity – and yet they impose the following excise upon our credulity…

“While exploring for petroglyphs in the Casa Diablo vicinity of BISHOP, CALIFORNIA, Mr. & Mrs. P.E. came upon a circular hole in the ground, about nine feet in diameter, which exuded a sulfurous steam and seemed recently to have been filled with hot water. A few feet from the surface the shaft took a tangent course which looked easily accessible and, upon an impulse with which we cannot sympathize, the dauntless E.’s, armed only with a flashlight, forthwith crawled down into that hole.

“At a depth, we’ve failed to record the oblique tunnel opened into a horizontal corridor whose dripping walls, now encrusted with minerals, (and) could only have been carved by human hands, countless ages ago – of this, the E.’s felt certain. The end of the short passage was blocked by what seemed to be a huge doorway of solid rock which, however, wouldn’t yield. The light of their flash was turned to a corner where water dripped from a protuberance – which proved to be a delicately carved face, distorted now by the crystallized minerals, and from whose gaping mouth water issued.

“As Mr. and Mrs. E. stood there in silent awe – wondering what lay behind that immovable door – the strangest thing of all happened…but our chronology will not be incorrect if we wait till they return to the surface before revealing this, for now, the water began gushing from the carved mouth and from other unseen ducts elsewhere in that cave and rising at an alarming rate!

“They hurried to the surface, and in less than half an hour there was only a quite ordinary appearing pool of warm mineral water on the desert floor.

“‘Do you know,’ Mrs. E. said to her husband, ‘while I stood down there I heard music – the strangest, the weirdest music I’d ever heard. But it seemed to come from everywhere at once, or inside my own head. I guess it was just my imagination.’

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 8a

“Mr. E. turned pale. ‘My God,’ he said; ‘I thought it was MY imagination, but I heard it, too – like music from some other world!’

“Why do they call that rock formation near where the E’s had their strange experience Casa Diablo – the Devil’s house? And why did the Indians name that area Inyo – the dwelling place of the great spirit?”

The following is a quote from Matt Spetalnick’s article “IS ANYBODY OUT THERE? NASA LOOKS FOR REAL ET’S”, in REUTERS Magazine, Oct. 5, 1992:

“At least 70 times scientists have picked up radio waves that bore the marks of communication by beings from other worlds, but they were never verified, [Frank] Drake said.”

Through proposed projects such as SETI [Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence], which involves large arrays of Radio Dish receiving mechanisms to ‘tune in‘ to cosmic radio waves, Drake and others hoped to contact outside intelligence. However, if the incidents related by Forest Crawford earlier in this File are correct, this has already occurred. If our tax dollars are going toward other SETI types ‘experiments‘, chances are that the public will NOT and NEVER be officially told of the outcome, if they [once again] receive signals from other nearby stars.

Such a disclosure might threaten the psychological “control” which the (secret) government has imposed on the nations.

THE SECRET GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WISH TO ALLOW PLANET EARTH TO BECOME A MEMBER OF A BENEVOLENT FEDERATION OF HUMAN WORLDS, as the Federation policies would certainly condemn the horrendous power-games which the Illuminati has used for centuries to keep mankind in its stranglehold of slavery.

The Illuminati will only ally themselves with aliens (such as the REPTILIAN/GRAYS and some branches of the ASHTAR/ASTARTE network which has collaborated with the ILLUMINATI, NAZIS, and GRAYS in the past) that share their desire to wield absolute god-like empirical control of the planet. It is very likely that Frank Drake was somehow sold-out to the Bavarian-Roman-Gray (Illuminati “Serpent Cult“) Combine when we consider his complicity with the Inter-national UFO coverup.

Incidentally, another possible use of radar-dish antennas has been suggested by K.S. of Salt Lake City, Utah, who allegedly talked to a man who was involved in setting up top-secret underwater radio dishes for secret government projects. He claimed that many of these dishes were used to communicate with “our” bases on the moon and mars. If this is the case could the SETI program be, to some extent, an extension of this?

Mojave-Landscape-03-by-David-Patton-lgDeath Valley, California and the Mojave Desert region, as we have indicated earlier, has been the site of numerous UFO sightings in the past. Some regard it as no less than a doorway into another world.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 8d

The Paiute Indians as we have also related, tell of a race of Grecian or Egyptian-like people with white robes, sandals, and long dark hair held back with a band, who thousands of years ago arrived in North America in large rowing-sailing vessels. The Paiutes say that when Death Valley was still part of an inland sea connected to the Pacific Ocean through the Gulf of California, these “Havmu-SUVs” discovered an underground cavern system within the Panamint mountains adjacent to the west edge of Death Valley, and within these vast caverns, they built their civilization. To briefly review the Paihute account:

The legend says that these ancient people landed their ships near or just below large ‘quays‘ or ‘doors‘ high up the eastern slope of the Panamints. However after centuries the lake eventually dried up and disappeared, and as a result of this, they developed new methods of reaching the world beyond. This, the Paiutes say, was when they began to experiment with the construction of silvery ‘flying canoes‘. Whether there is any connection with the following account is uncertain, but in 1905 an ‘airship flap‘ was observed throughout southern California. On August 2, 1905, J. A. Jackson, “a well-known resident of Silshee,” was out at 1:30 in the morning when a bright light appeared in the sky and headed for him. According to an account published in the Brawley, California, NEWS on Aug. 4, 1905:

“He watched it closely until behind the light there appeared the form of an airship, apparently about 70 feet in length, with a searchlight in front and several other lights aboard. The mysterious machine appeared to be propelled by wings alone and rose and fell as the wings flapped like a gigantic bird. Apparently there was no balloon attachment as is usually the case with airships.

“Mr. Jackson, being close to the home of W.E. Wilsie, woke him up in time to see the lights of the machine before it disappeared… The same night, H. E. Allatt, postmaster at Imperial, was awakened from sleep by a bright light shining into his room. There was no moon, the light was thought to be fire, and Mr. Allatt rose to investigate, but no fire was found. Looking at his watch, the time was discovered to be 1:30 o’clock (a.m.), and it is believed that the brilliant light was caused by the searchlight from this mysterious airship.”

A craft of almost identical description was reported only 4 years later in Dec. 15, 1909 issue of the Arkansas GAZETTE:

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