(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 8e

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

Saying thanks and farewell the treasure hunters left, promising to return, and drove in their car down to Emigrant Canyon towards Death Valley. Later that same afternoon Bourke Lee, the author of DEATH VALLEY MEN, allegedly met the three of them on the floor of the valley. Their car was parked beside the road between Furnace Creek Ranch and the Salt Beds. The men were patching a tube. They did not need any help, so he wished them well and said goodbye and went on towards the southern part of the barren valley.

He never saw Fred Thomason, Mr. White nor his wife again, and ten days later when he again visited Bill Cocoran and Jack Stewart they told him that they hadn’t seen them since either. When another week went by and the proprietors of the ‘lost city‘ did not appear, the author and Bill made a trip down into Death Valley in their car and took along a pair of field glasses, hoping to see some sign of the explorers or of the ‘windows‘ or ‘quays’ allegedly hid among the shadows of the eastern slope of the sun- blistered Panamints. They failed to find any sign of either.

As we have indicated, there are many who suggest that Nevada rather than New Mexico may be the ‘center‘ of subsurface ‘alien‘ activity in America. This may be true in the sense that the major ‘conflict‘ or ‘interaction‘ zone between Evadamic (Govt.- Nordic) and Draconian (Gray-Reptilian) forces seems to exist below the Great Western Deserts of southern California, Nevada, and western Utah. The military installations in this region are also, according to many sources, heavily involved in the alien scenario, for either good or evil.

Whereas the ‘front lines‘ so-to-speak may exist below the ‘test‘ ranges of Nevada and adjacent states, the ‘center‘ of the reptilian activity itself seems to be Mt. Archuleta, N.M. and the ‘Four Corners‘ region.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 8i

The American Center of the various subsurface human cultures seems to be the Cascade-Sierra Nevada ranges (especially between Mt. Shasta and the Panamints) even though some suggest that, at least in the past — as in the case of the U.S. Govt. itself — ‘some‘ of the human groups below the California region made the tragic mistake of opting for a policy of ‘appeasement‘ rather than ‘retribution’ in dealing with the serpent race. This does not necessarily mean that this policy continues widespread today, although the Mt. Lassen region is reportedly a strong center of current ‘collaboration‘ between exterran/subterran reptilian grays AND above ground/subterranean branches of the human Illuminati.

The following account which appeared in the Winter ’92 issue of ‘FAR OUT’ Magazine, in an article by H. Leo O’Neal titled ‘THE LEGEND OF THE DEATH VALLEY MUMMIES’, was apparently an attempt to classify the following tale as ‘fantasy’ even though the author of the article does admit that SEVERAL people (witnesses) have reportedly been in these ancient chambers below the Mojave, mentioned in the story.

These (more) recent events surrounding the Death Valley catacombs, mentioned in the article, are as follows. We ask the readers simply to make their own determination as to the authenticity of the account based on other similar reports which we have related earlier.

31beec4416faf75851116af91cb50a8fIn 1946, Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a retired Beverly Hills physician, struck of a conversation with Mr. Howard E. Hill in the city of Los Angeles. Russell informed Hill that in 1931 while sinking a shaft in a claim site of his in Death Valley, he broke through to an underground cavern.

After finding some lights he entered and found himself in a cavern with two passages, one heading ‘left‘ and the other ‘right‘. Exploring the left-hand passage he came to a cave-in, some 25 yards from the entrance shaft. The right-hand path however continued at a steep angle downward for about a quarter of a mile.

Although some of the passages seemed natural, others appeared to have been expanded by artificial means, but all of these went off in several directions. One tunnel eventually led to a large room, and this room also had branch tunnels leading off in all directions. Laid out in this chamber were 3 ‘mummies‘ and several strange artifacts, some of which appeared ‘Egyptian‘ while others were more ‘American Indian‘ like in construction. The strange and shocking thing about the mummies however, according to Russell, was that many of them were nearly 8 feet long or tall! He described the underground system as a kind of ‘underground city‘.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 8b

nephilim__Traces of Giants Found 2The inhabitants must have been very advanced, Russell concluded from what he observed, and he was certain that the find was much more important than the famous King Tut’s Tomb itself. Following the passages, he eventually discovered other openings to the surface, but most of these were in obscure places, yet all that he explored were within 7 miles of the ‘shaft‘ through which he had first entered the underground complex.

Eventually, Russell discovered 32 caves all throughout the area. Although he could not prove it, since many of them had collapsed, he supposed that many of them might have at one time connected with the underground system. These 32 caves were all within 180 SQUARE miles of each other and were located in Death Valley and the extreme southwest region of Nevada.

He also stumbled across a large chamber which he referred to as the ‘ritual hall‘, and which contained strange markings and symbols. Another tunnel, according to Russell, went from this room to another underground hall where well-preserved bones of dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, mastodons and other extinct animals were displayed in hollowed areas along the walls.


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