(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 8h

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

Elsewhere in this File, we have written of the alleged ‘Federation’ which loosely ties together such human colonies as those in TAU CETI, EPSILON ERIDANI, the TAYGETA and other systems of the PLEIADES, VEGA in LYRA, various colonies in the HYADES, the alleged SOLARIAN Tribunal on the moons of SATURN, ALPHA CENTAURI, various cultures from the ANDROMEDA constellation, the KOLDASIAN and other systems from the DAL or antimatter universe, and the ‘UMMITES’ in WOLF 424 [all of which have been repeatedly described by numerous and apparently separate ‘contactees]’. One additional allegation is that the ‘UMMITES’, a ‘Scandinavian‘ appearing race who live on a planet with a magnetic field much more intense than that of earth, have apparently made contact with scientists associated with the French and Spanish governments. It is interesting that M.K. Jessup’s annotated version of the ‘CASE FOR THE UFO’ contains comments by alleged members of an ancient Terran race who have access to interplanetary craft technology.

These have stated that France, for instance, has been the subject of much interest among certain ex-Terran cultures because of its unique social atmosphere. The UMMITES allegedly come from the star system we know of as Wolf 424, a star which they themselves refer to as IUMMA. Their ‘insignia‘ resembles an ‘H‘ with an extra vertical ‘bar‘ in the middle and the four corners of the ‘H‘ tapered into an outward curve.

This symbol has been PHOTOGRAPHED on the underside of some UFO’s which have been encountered in the 20th century. Also, the UMMITES speak of themselves as belonging to a large ‘Federation‘ of planets, possibly consisting of more or less of the interstellar regions described above. They seem to have a particularly strong alliance with the Oriental-like Vegans, who are a remnant of the ancient Lyran civilization that gave rise to the present human cultures in the Pleiades.

The following are several abbreviated excerpts taken from ‘THE OMEGA PROJECT’, by Kenneth Ring, PH.D. (William Morrow & Co., N.Y. 1972). The following points were brought out in the book:

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 8f

—- Most abductions (possibly between 60%-80%? – Branton) are conducted by the ‘greys‘ of traditional description.

—- Many states that their experiences are often ‘dreamlike‘ yet with evidence suggesting real events.

—- The ‘greys‘ (and in some cases black creatures in ‘capes’ that act as ‘guards’ during the painful and terrifying ‘medical operations‘) have a way of ‘blurring‘ their faces in the minds of the abductees so that the abductee cannot later recall what the aliens’ ‘face‘ looked like.

—- Many abductees experience sleeping problems (not to mention severe social-relational-sexual problems) after being abducted by the saurian or reptilian grays, and these problems often last for years afterward.

—- Some abductees who resist are ‘shocked‘ repeatedly with an ‘electric gadget‘ which may induce paralysis and/or unconsciousness.

—- A majority of the ‘greys‘ seem to be of the grey-white variety, some with opaque ‘black’ eyes and some with vertically slit (snake or lizard-like) pupils.

—- Some of the greys are described as ‘sinister‘, and one abductee stated that when she was taken “one alien was by my head and attempted to frighten me with his large eyes,” as three other creatures mechanically performed painful operations, unheeding of her terrified cries to make them stop. She (Clair Chambers) stated that “In my many encounters where I have always been kidnapped from my home, the aliens have shown no compassion. I have several times felt them exhibit FEAR when I have hit them as they do feel FEAR… their reaction behavior patterns do NOT indicate an intelligence as high as I would expect from their technology (Due to their “collective- consciousness” nature? – Branton)… these experiences have been dreadful, terrifying, and I would like them to stop!” (Note: Four separate doctors have confirmed various wounds and injuries in Clair Chambers which she insists resulted from the abductions).

—- Some ‘greyish’ aliens, with 3-digit fingers, have been described as being 7 ft. tall (Reptons? – Branton). One woman who was abducted by them felt as if the creatures wanted her to have the IMPRESSION that they were ‘friendly‘, but after being returned to her car from which she was abducted “I then broke to pieces as my whole body shook uncontrollably. I cried ‘OH GOD, WHY ME?’ I couldn’t calm myself as I cried like a baby…”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 8i

—- A woman with an M.S.W. [degree?] (who was at the time of this revelation 51 years old), stated:

photo (3)“…The first experience was when I was a child of about 5. For years I had a RECURRING ‘dream‘ of standing beside a field WHEN A HOLE OPENS UP IN THE GROUND in front of me. The dream ends with me looking into the hole. I was just standing there looking at the hole. Under hypnosis, I [recall that I] stepped into the hole and walked down a short tunnel. The tunnel widened into a small waiting area where there was a bench just at the right height for a 5-year-old. I sat down and waited.

A tall black ‘featureless‘ being, came through a doorway, walked to me and held out his hand. I took his hand and went back through the doorway with him. He placed me on a table that appeared to be about 3 to 4 feet high. He laid me on my back and took one big hand and held my upper body flat on the table. The other beings were behind him looking at instruments on the wall. I was held this way for several minutes. When the being turned to look at the other two, it was as if he lost CONTROL over me and I jerked out from under his hand, fell off the end of the table and ran for the door. When I got to the door, I knew I wasn’t ‘supposed’ to go any further. I stopped and turned around. The being who had been holding me came to me, took hold of my left arm and looked into my eyes. I was looking at where the eyes should be on a HUMAN, BUT I don’t REMEMBER actually SEEING eyes. I feel something was communicated, but I don’t know what.”

—- The author states that some of the large opaque-black ‘eyes‘ seen by many abductees, after being taken by the greys, seemed to have been ‘coverings‘ for real ‘eyes‘ which they felt might have been hidden behind or inside of what might have been artificial opaque-black visual coverings. At least this was the ‘impression‘ that some abductees had.

The following article, ‘THE INCREDIBLE REVELATIONS OF DR. KUEPPERS’, by Helga Morrow, also appeared in UFO REVIEW – issue #37, with the following heading: “He Escaped From Nazi Germany At The Height Of World War II And Came To America To Work For The U.S. Military On Top Secret Projects Involving Invisibility, Time [Manipulation], Anti-Gravity Research And Teleportation:

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 8a


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