(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 9d

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“The Wackenhut company has a very close connection to the world of BLACK BUDGET PROJECTS. Besides being connected with the Cabazon venture mentioned in this issue it is also responsible, according to jailed computer consultant Michael Riconosciuto, FOR THE SECRET PROJECTS BEING UNDERTAKEN IN DULCE, NEW MEXICO where the JICARILLA INDIAN RESERVATION IS BEING SIMILARLY USED.

(Note: The Underground Labs near Dulce are alleged to be tied-in with the Department of Energy, Rand Corp, DARPA, Los Alamos Labs, MJ-12, the CIA, and other ‘secret government’ controlled military- industrial-intelligence organizations. It is believed to be the largest underground ‘joint-interaction’ Illuminati/Alien laboratory of it’s kind in the United States, and possibly the world – Branton)

“After sending two of my colleagues there recently AND RECEIVING CONFIRMATION THAT THERE WAS A TOP SECRET MILITARY TYPE INSTALLATION I decided to call the newspaper office and make an educated bluff.

“I identified myself as a freelance reporter from Los Angeles — and told the newspaper that I was doing a story on the Cabazon reservation biological warfare projects that had been undertaken there on behalf of the CIA. I told her that I had heard that there were similar things being done in Dulce and would like to know what was going on.

“The official I spoke to BECAME FRIGHTENED and said, ‘I can’t talk to you about that! It would be very unprofessional of me to talk to you about that. You’ll have to speak to the President of the tribe.’ She then hung up.

“I have yet to call back and ask the President of the tribe, but will report on that in the next issue.

“Wackenhut is also responsible for the security of a lot of UNDERGROUND FACILITIES in California and Nevada, including the notorious S-4 or Area 51 in Nevada where Townsend Brown flying disk technology (written about in a T.C. recent issue) has been flying and developing for decades.

“A recent helicopter crash at the area, where two pilots and three security guards from Wackenhut flying in a Messerschmidt BO-105 helicopter were killed was not at all accidental claimed Riconosciuto, who said that the individuals aboard the helicopter were traveling with sensitive documents.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 9g

“Groups are now investigating Riconosciuto’s claims.”

Commander X‘, the ‘anonymous‘ Intelligence-Military insider who has apparently fulfilled his Constitutional oath by providing so much ‘inside’ information on aerial and subsurface ‘alien‘ activity — information which in fact coincides with other accounts given by numerous other researchers — made the following comments (Note: The ‘Commander’ admits to being a member of a high-level Intelligence network — intent on exposing the Illuminati ‘cancer’ in the Intelligence Community — called ‘THE COMMITTEE OF 12 TO SAVE THE EARTH’. It is not certain however whether or not this has any connection to the notorious ‘COM-12’):

“…Robert Dickhoff, in his book ‘AGHARTA‘, mentions that the secret chambers of the Pyramid of Gizeh were connected by tunnels to the Subterranean World. An Egyptian informant says that at the base of this pyramid are three tunnels that radiate in different directions. Two lead to dead ends, but the third seems to go on and on and may have once connected Atlantis with its colony in Egypt by passing under the Mediterranean and Atlantic. (There are those who have suggested that some of the ancient structures near Cairo, Egypt are in fact of antediluvian origin – Branton)

“…Two Swedes tried to traverse this long tunnel until it ends and never returned. While believed to have died, rescue parties could not find them. This caused the government to FORBID anyone from entering this third long tunnel, though they were permitted to enter the other two. There are strange reports of ANCIENT EGYPTIANS (or rather, people appearing or looking like ancient Egyptians – Branton) having been seen inside the long tunnel, coming from the Subterranean World. Many believe that the Swedes who disappeared joined these people. A popular book was selling in Egypt some time ago entitled ‘THE MYSTERIOUS PATH TO THE UNKNOWN WORLD’, dealing with the apparently endless third tunnel below the pyramid of Gizeh and the world to which it leads…

“A report has been circulating that some scientists entered a tunnel in West Africa that ran under the ocean bed in the direction of the vanished Atlantis, which was finally reached and many mechanical contrivances were seen (through some type of ‘window’ looking out into the depths? – Branton) on the ocean bed, including motor vehicles. How true this reporter is, the writer cannot say.”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 9h

The following information was sent to researcher B. Alan Walton from Juliette Sweet, a personal friend of Sharula Dux (also known as Bonnie Condey), the self-professed resident of Telos, the city below Mt. Shasta, and was dated 2/7/93:

“…last month I had your disk transcribed and read your materials in their entirety. Very interesting, and full of well-cited facts. I appreciate your sense of groundedness when presenting your ideas… I am not familiar with the saurian race, nor have I heard mention of them from Sharula or Adama (an alleged spiritual leader in Telos – Branton)… The Greys do come up from time to time, and what has been communicated by the Hierarchy is that they are indeed being asked, forcibly if necessary, to leave.

The ousting process has been active for the last year or so, and Adama has indicated that Los Alamos will be one of the last areas to clear out… there has been some ‘star wars’ type of conflict of late, but (they) tell us not to worry about it [and] that they have things well in hand… Sharula’s age is actually 267 years. Although for surface ID purposes, she says she was born in 1951. It helps where social security and passport purposes are concerned. You might want to update your materials to reflect her actual age…” (Note: of course the “ousting process” would necessitate a cessation of ILLUMINATI interaction with the Grays, as the ‘Baverians’ have in the past allowed the Grays access to this planet and even harbored them and protected them and their bases from public or foreign intrusion – Branton)

One report that came out of the Nevada Military Complex has not been confirmed and its exact source is uncertain. The report was based on information provided by a man who was involved in high-security work in the underground bases below the Nevada Military Complex. This man stated that while working at the facilities there he learned of a race of ‘aliens‘ which were also residents in parts of the underground bases, a group known as the ‘Orange‘.

The ‘Orange‘ are apparently a hybrid-type of alien of humanoid form and possess some ‘reptilian‘ genetic characteristics yet with human-like reproductive organs and capable of breeding with human beings. It is also interesting that other sources apply to them a partial cybernetic quality, suggesting that they are in fact a branch of humans who have been genetically infused with reptilian DNA and also electronically or bionically altered with cybernetics. Whether or not some or all of the “ORANGE” possess a human “soul-matrix” is something that has not yet been established, at least by ‘the Group’.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 9f

Since, as we’ve indicated earlier, evidence suggests that no TRUE ‘hybrid‘ can exist between the sauroid and human races, because humans have an energy-soul matrix whereas true serpent race or reptilian entities do not (among many other dissimilar characteristics), we must assume that the entities encountered by the Nevada base worker were what one ‘might‘ refer to as “Drac-Orange” (no soul-energy matrix) or “Eva-Orange” (soul-energy matrix).

Please bear with us in our attempts to ‘create‘ titles wherein none is perceived by us to exist, to describe the various new concepts which often turn up in this type of “fringe” research. Here we are simply applying the traditional names of the first recorded reptilian male (Draco) which ‘traditionally‘ was the father of the serpent races; and the first recorded human female (Eva) who was ‘traditionally‘ the mother of all the human races, as recorded in Genesis chapter 3, which also records the hatred and enmity that would exist between the two ‘races‘ down through the ages. As for the “Orange“, just which of the two categories, these entities fall under (Dracorange or Evaorange or both), as we have indicated previously, remains uncertain at the time of this writing.


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