There have even been other accounts suggesting that there is a “base” near Mt. Lassen consisting of “joint” human-sauroid activity, or humans under the control of the serpent race and thus serving their cause. The following account which we will describe shortly was released by Val Valerian in June of 1992, and appeared in ‘LEADING EDGE’ magazine.

The account describes human-sized reptilians (who might, with some alterations, be able to pass themselves off as humans?) or reptoids that are apparently extremely dangerous and threatening. In fact, there are other accounts that suggest that the human-sized, and larger, sauroids absolutely despise humanity and unlike the saurian Grays have been seen to express anger, hatred, impudence and an almost demonic contempt for the human race.

Although the Grays’ “enmity” against the human race is on the other extreme from that of the Reptoids’, and consists of emotionless insensitivity and indifference to human life or suffering, it can be just as destructive to humankind as is the raging, murderous hatred of the larger ‘reptoid’ predators. This is why the saurian grays can dip their arms in a tank full of dismembered human corpses being dissolved into hydrogen peroxide for their protein and enzyme content, and rub this substance over their bodies without the slightest twinge of conscience.

As we’ve said, indifference can be just as destructive as hatred. So one should not consider the Grays any better than the Reptoids simply because the Grays are far more intellectually oriented and more emotionless than the larger sauroids. Nevertheless, since the reptilian hierarchy operates on fear, competition, selfishness, ego and absolute control (and is a perfect example of how the demonic or “infernal” hierarchy itself operates), there will nevertheless be accounts such as the following one which indicate that the lower levels of the reptilian hierarchy are fearful of the higher ups.

This is no doubt due to the fact that execution is sometimes used to make examples, or other forms of punishment is used in order to keep the lower levels “in line”. And since the soulless reptilians have gained “self realization” and are aware that death means complete oblivion to them, such fear of the upper hierarchy would no doubt be explainable. The hu-brids (human-hybrids possessing a human soul as opposed to the re-brids or reptilian-hybrids possessing no soul-matrix) would be another story. There is much evidence that these beings who are bred for slavery from birth are themselves being kept in subjection through fear and intimidation and possibly even the threat of death. There is also evidence that “they” are inwardly in opposition to the indifferent Grays and the malevolent Reptoids.

Related:  1995: MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 7

Val Valerian introduces the woman who experienced the encounters that she had with the “aliens” near Mt. Lassen, in the following words:

“The case of this San Francisco woman is highly illustrative of the abduction situation… This kind lady came to me recently for assistance and is in the process of receiving it. Her case is detailed below in the hope that it will contribute toward additional research in this area. Her name is understandably withheld to maintain confidentiality.”

We will quote only portions of this lengthy account of a possible encounter with ‘horlocks'(!?) under Reptilian control:

“…I described an experience I had remembered in reoccurring flashbacks WHICH TOOK PLACE IN THE WOODS SOMEWHERE NEAR MT. LASSEN, CALIFORNIA. I believe the year was 1969 or 1970. What happened there had a profound effect on my life, in a VERY NEGATIVE way.”…

I am a 31 year old woman living in the city of San Francisco. For the past 2 years I have been living in a nightmare of sleepless nights, hellish dreams, strange dreams in which the information ‘given’ in the dream ‘comes true’, what I can only describe as ominous coincidences and manifestations of a paranormal nature, unusual sensations during sleep (when I do sleep)… and to top it off, a slow but steady flow of bizarre memories in the form of intense flashbacks and nightmares (which reoccur constantly) of events going all the way back to my early childhood.”

I can mark the beginning of all this ‘trouble’ to a Saturday evening in July of 1988 when, while at work, I witnessed a luminous ball of light make a dramatic entrance and exit, stopping long enough to ‘visit’ with us (I had five witnesses in the room with me).

“From… October of 1990 right up through last weekend before I heard you speak I had been living with a kaleidoscope of images and memories of bizarre encounters and topsy-turvy like interactions with apparently non-human beings, none of which made any sense to me.

“While you were speaking it felt as if little bells were going off in my head. I could hardly believe that you were describing certain things that I thought (and hoped) only existed in my mind! I have spent the last 2 years of my life trying to convince my therapist that little grey creatures had repeatedly visited me as a child and on at least one occasion, while I was staying at a cabin in the woods with my parents, they brought me to their ‘ship’ where other (different looking) beings along with human beings (earth people) did all kinds of crazy things including what I refer to; for lack of a better explanation, as ‘splitting my mind’. The closest description I could give to explain the above stated term would be that I experienced something akin to induced psychosis

(Note: This may be similar to what some ‘abductees’ or ‘contactees’ have referred to. It is a well known phenomena that when one undergoes heavy trauma their minds may create an ‘alternate personality’ as a safeguard. The theory behind this is that the human brain is not so much divided into separate ‘compartments’ as it is divided into separate individual ‘brains’. One of these ‘backup’ minds seems to take over in those suffering from multiple personality syndrome. This “splitting of the mind” might conceivably by accomplished through a type of technosis.

Some UFO and Inner Earth “abductees” claim that when they are in the “other” realm another “consciousness” other than their waking consciousness takes over. It has been referred to as their unconscious, subconscious, dream-conscious, and so on. The ideas and motives of the waking and “other” consciousness may be different, for instance the “aliens”, be they sauroid or human may have convinced one “personality” to cooperate with them whereas the waking conscious might not, and in fact the waking consciousness might even have no memory of events which had taken place while in the “other” consciousness, other then faint dream-like impressions.

This is also evidenced by the fact that those suffering from multiple personality syndrome might do certain things or not do certain things depending on which trance-induced “consciousness” is dominant – Branton)

This event occurred when I was eight, possibly nine years old. While I have yet to undergo hypnosis, I have many memories which are very fragmented and blocked. Although the above mentioned experience is perhaps the most traumatic, a lot of vivid images and details are somewhat clear.


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